Has Pancof Hc Been Taken Off The Market??
UpdatedA family member was prescribed Pancof HC recently and was unable to find it anywhere in our city pharmacies. She was told that it had been taken off the market! Is this statement correct? I notice it is still very much active on research of this drug on Google.
1 Reply
From what I can find, Pancof HC contained Hydrocodone and Pseudophedrine and the product is now considered obsolete and has been replaced with other medication options.
Where are you located?
Such a combination carries a very high risk of abuse and addiction, which is why in the U.S. anything containing Pseudoephedrine has been moved behind the pharmacy counter. You have to ask for it, sign for it and can only purchase a limited amount.
In addition, the Hydrocodone is a narcotic, it has been used in many medications as an antitussive, to relieve coughing, but it can also be high addictive and easily leads to abuse.
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