Has Anyone Taken Savella And Viibryd Together
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I have just increased dosage of viibryd to 40mg from 20. i have ms, fibromyalgia, and epstein barr. does anyone know take savella and viibryd together or on the same day.
5 Replies
My understanding is that Savella is contra indicated in depressed patients who are already taking SSRIs. Savella works like an SSRI so you could be double dosing yourself and create too much seratonin...a potentially dangerous situation. Please talk to your pharmacist and if you think that your doctor is in error, please get another opinion. These drugs are coming so fast that it is hard fro some to keep up. Others are just ignorant. I waited for months for Savella to come out because my rheumatologist had heard about it. When it finally came out, he told me that it was not supposed to be given to depressed people or used as an antidepressant because of the danger of that person going on an SSRI that gave them Seratonin Syndrome, which is potentially lethal. It results from an overload of seratonin.
Cymbalta is similar but offers much higher levels of SSRI (Selective Seratonin Re uptake inhibitors) than Savella. It would seem like you would not want to inhibit seratonin, but what these drugs do is plug up receptors so that more of the seratonin your brain makes gets to stay and affect your mood in a positive way.
Seratonin Syndrome also happens when people add alternative medicines (Like St. Johns Wort) with their anti depressant prescriptions. The only alternative supplements that I have found to make a great difference in my health are the Standard Process vitamins that my chiropractor sells. I feel hugely better on them and my doctors have noticed a change that could only be coming from them as I have changed nothing else. They use bovine glandular extracts, which I don't like, but the effects are so positive that I can overlook that. You never know where you will find relief. I try to be open minded.
I am taking flexril savella gabapentin tramadol trazadone and now been prescribed viibryd. I am worried that taking all these meds may have a bad affect on me.
very sorry to read that, but you did the right thing, we have far too many people that post about issues with medications, but they just keep taking them, without talking to their doctor about the problems.
Celexa contains the active ingredient Citalopram, it is an SSRI antidepressant, so its side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, headache and weight changes.
You can learn more about it here;
Is there anything else I can help with?
Thank you for your reply. In fact I have switched to celexa as vibriyd was not working for me andI i found myself uncontrollably tearful.
WE do have a very active thread involving people that use Viibryd, here's a link to it, so you can see what other's are experiencing:
As to combing it with Savella, has your doctor told you to do so?
There are some possible serious interactions, so it is generally advised that they shouldn't be used together. Taking them both creates the risk of Seratonin Syndrome, Hyponatremia and several other problems.
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