Harvoni Side Effects (Page 5)


I have been taking Harvoni for 3 months now and am having nerve pain in my legs and lower back pain. Is anyone else taking Harvoni having any of these same side effects as me? Please help if you are able. Thank you

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Is it Really possible to have contracted Hep C by an airgun injection? Maybe the Army is where I got mine too.

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Has anyone had any cellulitis or bursa problems? I was just finishing the Harvoni and was doing great when I started running a fever of 103 and throwing up. Right elbow swelled up and I was admitted to the hospital for IV antibiotics. Drs could never find out what happened. 2 months later same exact situation only with my left leg. I was admitted to the hospital with septic shock. This was a month and a half after I had finished the 12 week dose of Harvoni.

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About Harvoni prices. I recently read an article about how Harvoni is composed of 2 drugs that have been around for quite awhile. Gilead put them together to create Harvoni but their research was largely funded by NIH. I too think it is a crime that they can charge the price they do. Especially since the studies were largely underwritten by NIH. India turned down their patent request for this reason and the course of treatment there costs $300. For someone really wanting/needing Harvoni I would guess that you could fly to India and rent a place to stay for the 2-3 months needed for less than$5,000. Just my thoughts.

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I am 2 wks into this and the emotional roller coaster is awful. I go from rage to deep depression. I feel like I lost me. I called the NP and they are making me see the doc for labs first. It's the medicine and there is NO way I am willing to go through this for 3 months.

I also feel like this was pushed on me very aggressively I have to work and can't work and take this med it's one or the other. Everyone says stay on, I wish I was a person who tolerated it well but I do not, it's to new and they really do not know long term affects. I felt better before this I hope I snap back to me now I feel like a depressed zombie. Best wishes to all of you

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I felt horrible while on Harvoni. It's highly unlikely that I would/could have taken it for 24 was if it hadn't been for the support of my Primary physician (NOT the doctor who prescribed the Harvoni. I, too, feel like the Harvoni was heavily pushed on me and would have never started it if I understood how little anyone knows about this drug. The liver transplant doctors who were in charge of my case had no interest in my symptoms and horrible state of depression that started about three weeks into my treatment. In fact, their lack of interest only added to my depression. I strongly believe that those doctors receive some kind of huge payback every time they obtain approval from a patients insurance company to cover the cost of the drug. They certainly didn't show any interest in my well being during my treatment. I can't imagine trying to work while taking Harvoni. They flat out lied to us without having to take any responsibility for their lack of knowledge about Harvoni.

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Gilead has made 20 Billion in profits in less then a year. There is no doubt they are receiving kickbacks when I received my letter of approval I was cut off at the pass from picking it up at my pharmacy. Banned! I wasn't steered I was hijacked as a Pham I didn't know delivered all of it to my clinic I was rightfully so livid. I knew then and there money was being made.

What I find even more annoying is they blame the patient like we were like this prior to the med? It has to be something else they minimize the sides that infuriates me even more by the lack of validation. I think if you are in liver failure or cirrhosis this is good news. If you liver is stable there is no doubt it's about the bottom line. It's just to new.

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I would have to agree that there must be some financial incentive for Drs to prescribe Harvoni. The GI Dr that prescribed mine was sure pushing it even though he told me there was no urgent need physically. He kept saying do it while insurance will cover it.

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That was the exact line of B:;l S::t that I got. It might have been do it now before the real reported side effects come in because I am invested in the stock and right now it's volatile

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New Day, I hope you are able to find the strength to remove yourself from this horrible drug. Yes, it helps to cure many but many of those are now sicker than before with other ailments. I am a victim...also with the drug pushed on me. Bless you and your decision, whatever it may be.

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Thank you! You are the first person that supported my decision. I hope in 2 wks no damage was done. The emotional blackmail that once you start you can't stop is even more alarming. I don't want to feel like a failure but this is not a life and a year is hardly temporary. The drug is just to new and they don't know enough about it.

I hope you are doing well, I read the drug comp was a bit disturbed that there are not enough hep C patients. The audacity! God bless!

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Have you gotten any tats? Ised a razor that maybe someone else used? It had to be blood I guess it doesn't really matter at this point. Happy healing!

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New Day, Thank you for letting know that my support helped you understand that you made the right decision by stopping the Harvoni. I wish I had known what I do now before rushing in to getting approval and taking the drug last March. I thought I was doing the right thing and not one person suggested I wait until it was out a little longer. No one really knew - even doctors I highly respect believed that taking it right away was the right thing to do. "This is your one chance" one Professor of Hepatology told me at the UCSF liver clinic. I am a Patient Advocate and have been for 25 years. I know most of the good doctors in the Bay Area as I have a working relationship with them. I don't blame them for this but I feel they were a bit naive about rushing in to this "cure". I am upset, however, about the lack of their support when I was so ill during treatment. I was on my own other than my Primary doc. The Hematologist who obtained my approval called my Primary doctor and told her to back off - that I was HER patient and I should only talk to her. Of course my Primary was shocked but wasn't really bothered by this doctor's unprofessional action. I had to fight to have another doctor in the liver clinic take my case after that incident as I had no trust in the first one. Unbelievable stories I could tell and may someday become more active in the field. It has taken me a full six months to recover from Harvoni and I'm still not fully over it. I was cured from Hep C but still wish I hadn't taken Harvoni. For yourself, be proud of the fact you knew what was best for yourself and made your own decision. There are new drugs coming through that will be less harmful. Remember to wait until they have been on the public market for a long time unless you're really sick from Hep C. I was not but they convinced me that I was until they performed an honest, accurate diagnostic that showed I had no liver damage. This was done after they obtained approval - they told me they wanted to wait to do the good scan until after the approval. I had the scan about one month after I started Harvoni and there's no way that it worked that fast. Take care. Feel free to email me at {edited for privacy}.

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I just read your post, i am so sorry. Please keep us updated, as you will read i just began this and should have done my homework. I hope you are well.

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New Day and others. I have FDA reports which show ALL the side effects reported by those taking Harvoni which are many more than just headache and fatigue and include well over 40 deaths....granted some may have been very sick but I personally know of two who were very healthy. You are welcome to the reports as well as other information as to how anti-virals work, i.e. they change your DNA with unknown consequences. Don't let the doctors bully you. I wish I hadn't been held an emotional hostage.

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I am looking it up now. Hope it comes up on google. With brain fog it's not too easy. I asked about the mechanism how this works and they kind of got a scared look on their face. Wow I feel like I became the dragon. Do we go back to normal?

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New Day-yes, the more I think about it the more I am convinced it is a cash cow for all parties. The Pharmecutical company, the Fed Ex only pharmacy and the Drs. The whole thing is draining Medicare dry financially. Like I said, I had no liver damage but was pushed into it because insurance would cover it now

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Draining Medicare, what about Medicaid or the equivalent of? Google inmates on Harvoni you will see a chart that is a 100% rise. Do you have any idea what that is doing to the budget of inmate population? Not that you care but its all money.

I feel like who better to experiment on but inmates, that's what scared me. Googling around I find this stuff. In addition I could see if we were really ill but if we are stable why PUSH this like its going to go away tomorrow? Talk about drug pushers sheesh!

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I agree we are not children. The only reason I can think is control.

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This message is for Cat. I recently decided to pursue treatment, probably Harvoni. But after reading your post, I'm not so sure. Many others are complaining of back, leg, and joint pain. One person said nothing came up on tests. I'm concerned about damage that won't be found for a while and is not reversible. These drugs are changing things at the cellular level, so who knows what else is affected. Anyway, can you provide an update on your health status? I hope you were wrong and did not have cancer or any other serious problems. Take care.

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I have FDA reports listing issues people reported while on Harvoni. Of the most severe being reported:

43 Deaths
4 Blind
8 Cardiac Arrest
58 Renal Issues
16 Respiratory Failure
7 Pancreatitis

That is just a smattering of what was reported. Of course there are many who make it through cured and unscathed. Blessings on your decision.......

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