Harvoni Post Treatment
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I'm done now and finished 12 week tx 4/14/15 and I can say back pain, neck pain and pain in the legs is now a part of it for me. I was dealing with the head aches and sick feeling. Still feel sick and fatigued with joint ache. Hoping all of this stops soon. I'm tired of being sick

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Hi, I'm 9mths post-treatment hep c, Epclusa. I was feeling ok pre-treatment now I look like 7mths pregnant. I'm a male, had Geno 3. I'm 66yrs old. Treatment worked so far, but I have edema in feet legs aching knees numb fingers toes, the liver clinic I went to that assured me treatment would be so easy have been no help at all. No support. Won't admit treatment may have caused this. I feel as if IV survived yrs with the virus nothing wrong with me, now I feel my life is finished not from drugs or virus but from stupid treatment. I have never been so exhausted and can't see these problems improving but probably get worse, since doing treatment IV seen 5 people die from cancers pancreas ect after doing the treatment, good luck to everyone who has done this treatment, I just hope Gilead are made to pay for the damage they have caused and will continue to cause. I'm willing to help anyone with advice. I'm in Australia.

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What illness are you referring to? And what treatment did you have?

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I was wondering if your joint pain has gone away . I am 55 in good shape and all my labs are normal except viral loan shows 1mm and slightly elevated enzymes. I hear many people are experiencing severe joint pain post Harvoni. I would like for the virus to be gone but maybe it would make more sense to wait for better drugs under my circumstances. Hope you are doing well.

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Hello, Mike! How are you?

Those are all typical side effects of Harvoni, as reported by the FDA and other users. They should improve with time, now that you've finished your course of treatment with it. Other side effects may also include diarrhea and insomnia.

How well did it work for you? It seems that many have had good results with it.

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