Harvoni And Confusion, Depression, Acid Reflux Side Effects (Page 2)
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Curious, I've started my 5th week of treatment and am wondering if anyone has experienced similar side effects as me: Confusion, depression, crazy acid reflux, and mood swings...3 weeks left to go.
bill r,
Most doctors are making folks who were treated previously with interferon with 24 weeks of Harvoni, so wrong. If you are past week 6, you are more than likely already cured. I showed no signs of hep c at my 4 week lab. The question is, once cleared how much more do we really need to endure?
I wish you luck and keep me posted. We are all suffering and recently lost a member to death, we don't know what killed him and he was not sharing his problems with his family. Good luck and keep us posted. And yes those jet guns gave many people HCV.
Hello coma,
I just found this site today and am disappointed that the manufacturer hasn't made these other side-effects known. The commercial that's run each day gives the impression that the medicine is a miracle-drug that's as safe as an aspirin. Everyone is smiling and looking as healthy as one could hope to be. The only other time I felt this badly was when I was treated with Interferon/Ribavarin. In 2000 I went 53 weeks on it. Cleared the virus until getting blood work 3 months later when it had returned. I'm a 1A, so tried treating it again in 2010 with Interferon/Ribavarin until 8 weeks-in I had an extreme bout of both vomiting and diarrhea together which caused my GI to take me off treatment. I despise having HCV hanging over my head and would give six toes to get rid of it, but am now considering the potential for long term complications from the Harvoni. I realize that this med is still in the experimental-stage, but bearing these horrible side effects and stress on our bodies is becoming just as big a worry. Manufacturers need to be more transparent with patients and those considering treatment. I was diagnosed with non-A-non-B Hepatitis in the mid 80's. Was subject to air-injections as a Vietnam Vet and suspect them to have been my means of contraction...
Hello Joe,
Yes I've been experiencing difficulty concentrating and mental confusion at-times. I've got 5 weeks to go but am unsure if I can bear the other side effects before having to bow-out...
Best Wishes in your continued treatment...
most people can do 8 weeks and be cured, I have read of others who stopped at 6 weeks and cured, we are being over medicated for the money, I am over 1 year post and still suffer the side effects of harvoni, if you are symptomatic during treatment it may never go away, I suffer daily with pain and now on a narcotic pain med for the severe pain
this drug changes our mitocondrial dna, my dr told me this last visit, it effects our musculaoscelital nervous system, other are now having cancer pop up after treatment and many are now dead from the treatment,,from either cancer or heart issues,,,,,make a good decision on your own, if i had known i would be debilitated? I would have gladly kept the hep c as i had no liver damage or side effects of hep c. good luck, if you are at the 6 week mark? I would stop now
Hello John, can you offer an update on your treatment? I'm in week 7 and suffer from the same (burning in stomach) in the mornings. Unfortunately, I'm also experiencing explosive diarrea and abdominal-cramps. I have had several episodes where I took note of heart palpitations on several occasions since beginning treatment. I first noticed these symptoms within the first few-days, and still suffer from them, as well as extreme tiredness, muscle & overall weakness and lack of energy. On occasion I experience nausea without vomiting and most recently bad back pain in the morning as well. I take the pill at 7 PM, am 59 yrs-old. I also take HCTZ for HBP, and one-half MG of Suboxone daily. I always considered myself healthy and felt well on a daily basis before the treatment. I am currently on-the-fence regarding continued treatment and may quit any-day now due to these side-effects, but would prefer to complete the 12 weeks I've been approved for in order to clear this HCV one and for-all...
Hang in there Joe. I was on Olysio/Solvaldi for 12 wks., then Harvoni for 26 wks. I've been clear of the virus for 2 1/2 years. Your side effects are such a small price for the payoff of clearing HepC from your body and your life. I was Ms. Grumpy pants for sure. My poor husband was a real trooper. I didn't have the acid reflux, but your specialist should be able to help you with that. See if you can get on a low acidic food plan, don't eat several hours before bed. Don't drink a lot of fluid with your meals. No alcohol. That's what has worked for several of my friends. Exhaustion, scrambled brain (Hepatic encepholapathy (sp?) is what it's called, I think) aka: Brain fog, will get better. Listen to your body. If you are tired, sleep. Hungry, eat, (keep the meals small, low-sodium if edema is a problem), etc. If you can get a little excercise, walk around the block, whatever works for you, it will help depression sometimes. Hope some of this helps. Please don't give up before your miracle happens. The funky side-effects, while nothing like Interferon was, will eventually pass. Take care of yourself.
Im on my 4th wk & have 0 side effects. Very Blessed!
You can still be a hep c carrier, better check that out!
I've stopped taking *Harvoni treatment on the 6th of May, Started Harvoni on 20TH of February, wasn't able to complete 12week treatment, though I was told after I ask DR.about my viral load, was told that it appears
That I was cured of the Hepatitis only
After 36 days but Dr. Said THAT I Should continue the rest of my 12week treatment but towards my final 2 weeks, I stopped because I felt
of MAY 2017~I know that I'm cured of of the virus because I feel much better now, So about being over medicated after 8WKS of 12week treatment, I believe that this Medication should be monitored by
*Harvoni Physician so medication isn't wasted ~'Good Luck My *Harvoni Friends, Hopefully you'll be satisfied with Cirrhosis treatment, "I am!!!!
When so very many people with genotype 1a were cured on just 8 weeks, I feel like I was put through the last month for them to make money. Yes I was over-medicated with harvoni as I had no viral load at 4 weeks into treatment. It would be better to treat more people especially when I surely would have been cured with 8 versus 12 weeks and maybe my post symptoms would not be so horrible now a year later. I could not take my last 3 pills as I could not keep them down.
It's obvious that when I required about my first blood work done 30day's after taking Harvoni, I was told that I was free of hepatitis, but still had go through another 8WKS of 12week treatment, this appears that I should of been on 8WKS of treatment rather than 12week treatment, I'm now into my last 3weeks of Harvoni Treatment and I feel that this unnessary wasting a medication that others can't afford, Being over treated isn't how this drug works, Dr's should be monitored in sharing our progress with *HARVONI staff, So that those who are treated aren't being over treated ~ It's a waist of medication for those that need this! How do you feel about being over medicated?
Yes what you are going through is par for the course, I could keep no food down the last week, I truly think they are overdosing us on the 12 weeks,,when many were only given 8 weeks and are cured. I did not take my last few pills due to being so very ill. I spent most of the 12 weeks on treatment in bed, in severe pain w/ joints and muscles on fire, and nausea and vomiting, headaches from hell and I have still not fully recovered a year later.
Harvoni Treatment, I'm now on my last 12week Harvoni Treatment, Having trouble with this last month of treatment with side effects of feeling burning sensations in my stomach, is this normal?
Harvoni, It has been almost(2)months now, First month bloodwork showed that Hep-C virus was not detected, got (1)month to go,my sSide affects are burning in my stomach in the mornings until I relieve myself on the toilet!
Shorty, I'm now going through 8WKS on Harvoni, my Side Effects has to do with highblood pressure, DR. put me on *Norvasc 5mgs once a-day to slow my heart rate, my last heart pressure was~'173/96- So I understand what your going through, I'm now Hepatitis free, have 5weeks to go, Was told even though I'm 'Hepatitis free, DR. Said that I have to finish the complete '90weeks to make sure I don't have a relapse. So far, my biggest problem is at night I wake-up around the same hour '5a.m. with slightly discomfort pain in my stomach, usually it goes away as the day goes on. I guess this is also a side effect taking *'Harvoni - just hang in there and finish your treatment, I'm sure you'll be satisfied with the results of this Medication ~ good luck with your treatment!
Side effects since being on,'Harvoni, (2)months out of 90 day treatment, has anyone experienced a burning sensations in their stomachs early in the morning hours, and had to drink something so you could go back to sleep?
I'm(1)month and(8)days taking Harvoni Treatment, My side effects are waking up every morning @ 4:A.M. with a burning sensations in my stomach, I'll drink sum 've 8 juice then lie down to go back to sleep, but actually, I have to empty my bowls out before I start all over again at 12p.
YES I Have and at 5 weeks. Got 6 weeks to go! Also breathing problems been in hospital twice! Almost admitted to ICU with trachea!! On oxygen and breathing meds.
Everything is ok with my 'Post, hit wrong key which got Incorrect Text verification -Thanks for your concern *
To your question about taking 'Adderal while taking *Harvoni *I would be thinking about your nerve system, especially having mood swings and problems sleeping ~Have your DR. Adjust.
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