Hand Practice (Top voted first)


i m 23 years old how can i get rid of hand practice, it had ruined my life, i do hand practice twice or thrice in a weak

5 Replies

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hi my name is ashwani gupta from delhi, i m 24 years ago.
i have been doing the hand practice for last 2 years.
i can not control it.
i have taken homeopathic treatment.
plz tell me wht can i do??

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sir i do hand practice from last 4 years but sir now me feel loss of libido. sir tell me about medicine which have no side effect

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i want to know about hand practice medicine. Which give me energy .

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I doing handpractice from 3 years. Now , i an looking old man. What can i do

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i want to stop my hand practice . plse give me some medicine

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