Hair Follicle Test - Xanax (Top voted first)


Will a single does of .5mg xanax taken 2 months ago show up on a hair follicle test for probation? A pal of mine is also prescribed ativan & wonders if the .5mg xanax is enough to show up positive?

11 Replies

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Re: Bloom (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample, cut at the scalp line, will go back 90 days. That small amount won't be detected by a hair test. Also most Hair 5 Drug Panel tests don't screen for benzos.

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I'm curious to the answer to this question as I am in the same boat. Please let me know how your test turned out and if they did more than a 5 panel hair test that would pick up benzos.

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I took 1/2 of a .5mg of clonazepam, will this show up in a hair follicle test.

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So I never found a solid answer to this question but to ease my mind I talked to my doctor and explained I tried it once from a family friend because I was having a panic attack and that I needed a prescription for work in case I get a random. He gave me an rx for 6

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I took two 2mg Xanax 11 days ago and may have a hair follicle test in five days. Will it come back positive for Xanax if I only took it once? The last time I've taken anything was seven months ago. Thanks!

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I took a Xanax bar 70 days ago... I recently just had a hair follicle test. Will the Xanax bar show up?

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If I'm prescribed Xanax in a 3 mg of Klonopin will it show up on a hair follicle test that I have a different benzo does anyone have experience with this

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Re: TheHairTestingGuy (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Will use of Klonopin twice show up in a hair follicle I'm also prescribe Xanax

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Re: Steve French (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

See my #6 response. That small of an amount of klonopin won't show up. We do have a 17 panel test that will tell the difference between Xanax and klonopin but it is more expensive than the Hair 5 Drug Panel so most likely they won't want to spend the money to have it done. You could do an anonymous 17 panel to see where you are at.

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Re: TheHairTestingGuy (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Are the 17 panel usually used for court ordered cases or do you know if they just test for benzos and how much would 1 be?

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Re: Steve French (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

The 17 panel is a new test but it all depends on what the judge orders. Most court orders are generic so the parties involved can make their own decisions about which test to use. Either the 17 panel or anonymous 17 panel is around two hundred 30.

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