Humira And Breast Cancer
Updated7 Replies
HI, Audrey!
According to an article that was published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, both Humira and Remicade can increase the risk of cancer. It's because they are anti-TNF agents and they said that patients taking one had a three-fold increased risk of developing cancer.
Learn more Humira details here.
Of course the issue is knowing whether or not the person would have developed cancer anyway, or if it was due to the medication.
How long were you on it?
2 years and 2 months
I was on humira for about 1 year and dx with dcis last Sept. on routine mammogram. Also dx with sarcoidoisis at same time. Had double mastectomy and found mult. tumors of dcis during bx that were not seen on mammogram. GI dr want's to restart humira in few weeks so I can get off prednisone.
I was on it for 2 years and 2 months
I am in remission from Sarcoidosis which I was dx with prior to UC. Are you considering starting the Humira again? I just can't ever start Humira again, I know that breast cancer was listed as one of the malignancies at one time and since has been removed from the black label warning. Plus I am just concerned that the TNF Blocker really makes me more susceptible to autoimmune issues.
Milk and breast cancer?
Just my story: I had a lump at age 49. Follow up testing showed it to be a cyst. My mother and her sibs all had some type of cancer. My mother had breast cancer.
About that same time, I did an exclusion diet for one month. My mild arthritis disappeared. I discovered I had an allergy to cow dairy. I stopped all cow dairy and felt awesome. An unexpected possible benefit: I have never (17 years) had another lump in either breast. I wonder if the inflammation from cow dairy would have led to more tumors, since inflammation is one of the possible causes of some cancers.
I wish there were studies on food avoidance, inflammation and long term benefits.
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