How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your System? (Page 14) (Top voted first)


Is Methadone completely out of your system in 72 hours, or does it take longer? Since Methadone seems to last longer that 4 - 6 hours, I was just wondering?

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Been on methadone 120 mg a day for 3 yes. Took nothing else. Been off methadone 4 most. I honest to God have taken none, my urine yesterday came up positive for methadone. How long will it stay in my urine. I've heard can be 6 most cause it gets in your bones etc. Can anyone tell me if they have had same problem, and what to do?

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I took 1/4 yesterday day of a 10 mg moths done and 1/4 today. I'M tossing what I have left. I kicked
IT 30 days ago. Was in so much pain the day I took a quarter today.
Can any one tell me if those 2 quarters will cause with draws ect?

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Re: Kurt Robert (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Well I can relate cause they have had me on morphine for 15yrs an I can't get off of it I tried almost killed me so its no better maybe worse

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I have been on methadone for almost two years now (with a two month break over a year ago) taking a dose of 140 mgs liquid a day. I need to pass a ua and I have about 5 weeks to do it. I cant just quit cold turkey and I dont want to stop the program just yet. I am starting to taper down but they wont let me do more than 10 mgs a week. I do have several hundred mgs saved up that I can use to taper off a little quicker (if need be) and I am willing to take a week or two off to do it if I have to. I have a fairly fast metabolism when not on the methadone and I usually start to kick 36 to 48 hrs after stopping. Any suggestions on what I should/can do?

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Honey.I can tell u this..I'd take 5000 moltrin 800's any day over methadone...I was on it for 3 months.I hurt myself at work not sound lame.but I have a high tolerance to lorcets 10.5's which r very addictive..then the story goes on.but fact of the u do try to get off it for will show up under a 10 panel.methadone is 9th on the list.I'm no liar..if u wanna clean up it'll take u 2 to 3 weeks..In all reality..herbal tea packs with lemon..and some aleves will help...for the insomnia use nite of wishes really....

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methadone rocks!

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Honey...u need to get ur head checked..foreal!!!..Jesus..what I don't get is how u scream out the drug's the best..this site's about basic questions...n..answers of the drug..if u wanna b a cheerleader..try the San Francisco 49ers...they're some real winners.if u can't offer any half a** good ideas don't b part of the problem..have a nice

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I having been taking 80mg. Of methadone for two weeks.i am usually on roxi's 30mg. 2- qid(4 times a day)
I have a u/a in 9 day's.doe's anyone truly know how long it takes to come up clean on the test.all these answers are all over the place,so please do not respond if your guessing. Or heard from someone as I need it firsthand with someone who has actually has gone through it and how long it took for it to come up guessing please,I don't want to lose my pain doctor,so no guessing please......thank you

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PLEASE, please be careful with this, with the being constipated and experiencing pain when you use the bathroom! My sister was on a lot of pain medication (opiates) for her sciatica--she also complained of being severely constipated and of it hurting when she did manage to use the bathroom a little! WELL, she was 38 at the time-and she was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer!!! There was/is NO family history of colon cancer on either side! She passed away two days after her 40th birthday. I TRULY BELIEVE that the excessive use of the pain pills and the resultant severe, chronic constipation contributed to her developing colon cancer!!!! So I shared my sister's story in hopes that others would read it, and perhaps be spared a similar fate!! God bless!

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Thank you for your honesty-- i and a dear friend went thru the same thing and you are 100 % correct. If not for people like you who tell the truth there would never be as many lives saved today as their is. Much LOVE to ya !!!

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I just got off of methadone and I didnot get sick at all cause if you do it the right will not get sick..I went the down to 5 mg and then got off..and I feel great!

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I have been on methadone for years and everytime I try to go off I dont want to get out of bed let alone function. I was put on oxycontin for chronic pain and it seems that was easier to get off from then methadone. I suffer from major depression when I dont take the methadone. I feel im in a damming position. I want to be totally drug free God was with me to get off the oxycontin but it seems I just beat myself up because ive tryed to wein myself off methadone and cant function without. Im afraid I might have to go back to treatment again. Wow if I would have known this I would live with the pain and depression. Any advise welcomed

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Idk...Im tryin tk find out the same thing but get different answers

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Im confused by your message. Did you stop taking methadone and now your on subtex? Or off it all? I have been on methadone 7 years. I seriously tried to stop taking 3x and failed. Once landed me in a 3 week coma. I dont want to take this medicine anymore but Im sick and not able to make ut through withdrawal. I think this was gov. Way to get rid of drug addicts.

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I have been taking methadone for almost 15 years i have not used methadon in 31 days as of today 4 days ago i went to probation and they found methadone in my system 207 nanograms and i am now being violated cause probation says it is gone in five days do you know where i could find factual reports from proffessionals to bring to court i am on suboxone now and it is perscribed but i need to prove methadone was residual. Plz help thx

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My friend passed away how long will methadone be I his system

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No methadone shows up as a opeot and hydrocodone shows up as a Nordic

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i agree with what you said about the methadone, i myself have been on it for like a year and a half now and i am trying to switch over too subutex, so i stopped using the methadone and went back to heroin for like a week but i fear the methadone is still in my system i tried to take a subutex about 96 hours off the methadone and about 24 off the dope and got super sick... when is it safe to try to take the subutex again so i doont have to keep getting high on heroin to get further away from the methaone????

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I have been on methadone liquid 90mg over a year every day. I was going to clinic to get it because of opiate addictions. I have been off methadone for three full days now, I'm waiting to get on suboxen on Monday. But I have been taking some hydro ten mgs to help with methadone withdrawals. .why can't I feel the hydros after being off the methadone three full days? When will they help? ?,ty Kris plz answer asap if anyone knows? ??

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I've read all the blogs these seem to be the most logical. I was on methadone for 3 months due to nasty back injury, but agree, I should of just taken moltrin 800's, and dealt with the pain. At least I'm mortal, not tony stark. There's no answer for that stuff, I love my 3 children. And want them to remember me for being superdad,without the dose in me. Been off of it for a few weeks now , and if you care about yourself,and others , you'll realize, life's to damn short. Since I've only been on it for almost 3 months. I want to take a drug test for a life changing job in 2 weeks I haven't taken my 5 MLG dose in 3 weeks will I be clean?. Or should I wait.I want to be safe. How should I handle it. Any ideas?? Thanks....

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