How Do I Wean Off Of Losartan? (Top voted first)


My blood pressure is now back to normal and I'm wondering if can just stop taking the losartan or do I need to wean off of it? And if I need to wean off of it how do I go about doing this?

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I've been on losartan tan for about 6 weeks and I have terrible muscle and joint pain now. I can hardly move at times. Can I skip taking it for a day, I see my doctor tomorrow afternoon.

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Hello, Laura! How are you?

There is no cure for high blood pressure, it is a condition that must always be managed, so just because it's lowered with the medication doesn't mean that you no longer need the medication. Stopping it without your doctor's approval wouldn't be a good idea. If you stop the medication, even via tapering which is the safest method, there's a chance your blood pressure could just start to go up, again.

This medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and hypotension.

Are you having some type of problem with the medication?

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