Hormone Imbalance
UpdatedDear Sir / mam,
I am Lavanya aged 35, I got married in the year 2011, still we are trying for a baby. in the yr 2013 I was conceived but formed in the felopian tube, my left tube was removed BY LAPROSCOPY , after that I got severe bleeding, doc prescribed Femilon tab I took the same for 2 months, after that I got thyroid problem, again in the yr 2015 April, I was conceived, in the 60th day we took scan but result is blighted ovum, after that July month period was severe bleeding for 17 days , doc prescribed OVral G she asked to take tab twice daily, but face and leg swelled , body weighed increased, face become pale, tiredness, is it side effect? What to do now. Kindly help me.
Awaiting for your reply
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