Help Need Doctor Or Npi Referral; Hydrocodone 10/325?
UpdatedMy story isn't much different from much different from other pain situations I see on here. I Had an amazing family doctor by my area in south Sacramemto, California and he retired the 1st of January 2015.
I'm trying to find a old fashioned, liberal, understanding doctor that I can make an appointment with to discuss my story and hopefully bring my quality of life back to par. Have been on hydrocodone 10 mg by 325 Ace 10/325 for almost 11 years and saw a great nurse practitioner I was referred too. She moved clinics and I'm now seeking a doctor in or around greater Sacramento, California that will listen to my story, not treat me as a drug addict or drug seeker and ultimately, find a New Primary Care doctor or practicing clinic. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I feel horrible enough, that I've been treated the way I feel ashamed due to the ideas presented to me by medical professionals I've seen thus far. I've seen 3 doctors in four months. I have fresh x-Rays and am willing to do whatever the doctor wants me to do. Please help? Any information would be greatly appreciated. I am open to any and all suggestions. **Time sensitive****, thank you!
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