Help Need Pain Management Doctor Southeast Mi - Southgate Taylor Southfield Wanye County Michigan (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI just move here from phoenix where I was on Percocet 10mg, MS Contin(morphine sulfate 100mg), or synthetic opaite will work too bupanorphine, Tiban i think is on. and Soma. I don't have inscurance and I am looking for a Dr. or PM clinic that will write opiod medications. Anywhere in the Detroit Metro area would be nice. And since no Insurance I need it to be a cheap as possible. Also, I need to know ahead of time that the Dr will prescribe Percocet Oxycodone MS Dilaudid. I have been taking over 300 10mg Norco's a month for the pain and I know it is affecting my liver. Please if anyone can help me. And sorry about the spelling errors.
Would you mind telling me who the Dr is that you found? I have a total of 9 herniated or bulging disks in my back and neck plus severe arthritis and fibromyalgia. My Dr had me on 8mg Dilaudid 3 times a day and 6 Norco a day. Then he quit with NO NOTICE. I'm just screwed and paying Dr's cash that won't give me anything. It's horrible. Your help would be appreciated.
26/M/Thumb area MI. Does anyone know a doctor that can prescribe me paid meds without any bs? Sick of these doctors that only give you 2 7.5 norcos a day. Really need someone that can put me back on 240 a month. Got cash to pay them if needed (thats what this world has come to). Let me know if anyone knows a good way to do so. {edited for privacy}
I so dislike ppl who use the system they make me sick, someone got my personal info and had pain meds written in my name by dofferent drs so now im screwed, with fm and other things i need something it gets so bad i will get something from a friend once in awhile, 49 yrs old was told to young to get ssi i work part time 40-45 hrs a week and hurt so bad from it i just want to cry hold it in so my kids wont see me hurting.. i have gone to the ER for the pain they put me on a IV for a couple of days get pain under control and send me home until next time. i really hope things work out for you
Which county are you located? I got a doctor for you only problem is you gotta have pharmacy insurance.
where is this Dr at. i have fibromyalgia it hurts like hell and i want to keep working,
I really agree with you. I been in chronic pain for years and had two neck surgeries; corpectomies with fusion c3-c7 and it still feels like nerves are pinching somewhere. I been on percocet since the first surgery which I never stopped hurting from and I'm tired of these no it all; heartless Drs thinking they know how I feel. My primary Dr left the country for a few months and no other Dr I been to has continued giving me percocet which I'm ok with as long as what they give me helps with the pain. A Dr gave me a nerve pill which didn't help at all and gave me meloxicam which only made my heart beat fast. I thought once i had my first surgery my life would be back to normal but instead I been in pain. I can't do fun things with my kids anymore and I definitely can't work in all this pain and I been on my job 19 years and I agree that america likes to control everything we do and don't care about the pain. I was told by 2 different surgeons I needed the surgery asap but since my life has been hell and so has the surgeon. I just wish I had my life back and pain free.
I live in Michigan and I am looking for a new pain doctor, already went to one pain clinic that refused to treat me. I am on MS Contin 60mg three times a day, valium 10mg 1 tablet three to four times a day, and xanax 1mg at night for sleep. The doctor I am seeing now has lowered my xanax from 1 and a half mg to 1 mg, which I have been on the higher dose for 12 years and he won't change it back. I get nothing for breakthrough pain, which I have in the past when I was on a pain patch. If anyone knows of a good doctor in the downriver area I would appreciate any help. God bless all of us that life in constant pain.
Try Michigan Neurologists Association in Detroit. I have had some luck there.
you could try Dr iskandar in Southfield
Thank you T for the doctor's name. I will call and make a appointment and hopefully this doctor can help me.
That is EXACTLY what I was thinking! I am in the Royal Oak area and desperately looking for a doctor that will help me with legitimate, chronic pain. I have seen my doctor for 9 years and he FINALLY got me on a regimen that helps me to be able to work and function somewhat normally, and then he was stopped by the DEA and he is now going through the process with them and being evaluated-and I found this out when I called to get my refill for meds. I am days away from running out and I have been to three new doctors-with MRIs, surgery records from my accident, X-rays, and 9 years of monthly records..and raised blood pressure from PAIN..but NOBODY WILL HELP ME! I am really just trying to find a decent, compassionate doctor to treat me the reasonable way that I have been treated for the past 9 years-who knew it would be so difficult. Can you (or anyone else) please help me find a decent, compassionate doctor who is not afraid to treat a legitimate pain patient with documentation? I am a professional and I have insurance-but I am being treated like a jerk and refused service. Can you please help me? Thank you in advance for your time and consideration-and good luck.
Re: Concerned citizen (# 16)
That was a great reply!Thank you for that. You have a good heart. No matter what med a person is taking, stopping that med is, for me, life threatening. She deserves a good doctor who has the guts to at least help with a taper plan. I am sure she has been judged enough.
I try & help people in pain as I moved & am looking for a new pain's HELL~he is treating me like a junkie & all I want (that I was taking in Michigan) are 3 10/325 oxycodone a day for my severe pain & you think I am asking for the damn world! When I lived in Oakland County, I went to Dr. Paese, He is EXCELLENT & WILL control your pain with meds when you need them injections or trigger points, ect. He has a good respectible Doctor & does NOT give you MORE than you need either. You will LOVE HIM!!!
Dr pinson city medical Wednesday in Southgate, rest of the week in Madison heights. I honestly recommend Dr Nathan bining in Livonia and Southgate, get on suboxone saved my life. Broke five vertebrae herniated four disks, bulging one so bad cutting off my sciatic. One suboxone strip a day no pain. Really I've been on the real ocs, morphine, dilaudid, methadone, soma, fentanyl patches and oxy and hydro. One point in nashville I was getting 240 30s from one Dr, 90 30s from another. Plus90 xanax from each and somas and adderall, not to mention the valium, H, and crack. Been off all that except the necessity for over a year. I'm a disabled veteran and it's rough. Makes it too easy to obtain meds tho
Look at the recent post
Good luck. Any doctor is going to want to examine you, have tests done, x-rays, MRI, etc. And then prescibe what he feels will help. If you walk in his office and tell him, or her, that you want Oxy, MS Contin, Narco, etc. They will show you the door. You are "doctor shopping" exactly what the FDA and DEA are clamping down on. So I say again, good luck.
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