Help! I Am So Stressed And Sick. (Top voted first)


So I am at my wits end here. Last year I was diagnosed hypothyroid after my TSH was at 3.4 and was instantly put on 50 mcg of levothyroxine. Ever since around that time, I had crazy bouts of vertigo and dizziness, hot flashes, heart palpitations, high blood pressure (never had that before), terrible migraines calves are cramping and I have had pretty much ever test done known to man. MRI with contrast was normal, Echo was normal, Holter monitor was normal, ENT VNG test was normal, chest xray normal, various of blood tests done (most showing how unstable my TSH numbers are)now I am having a tilt table test done because they think its due to Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia!!! I have been practically bed ridden for the past 3 months. Lost my job due to the fact all these symptoms are so bad. I am so scared and I don't know what to do or who to talk to. My family is stressed because I am so ill. Is it possible if I stop taking this medicine, I will feel better??? My doctor seems to think I need to increase dosage...but I have not felt good ever on this med. She seems to think there is no side effects but I read otherwise. I am tired of diagnosing myself on google...and having no doctors listen. Help...I am terrified I am going to be stuck this way forever:(

2 Replies

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Hi, Kari! Sorry about the problems that you're having.

And of course you're right that there are side effects to this medication, all medications carry the risk of causing side effects and your doctor should know that. If she's not listening to you, it may be time to see a new doctor.

When your thyroid is out of balance, that is due to a hormonal issue and it can have a direct effect on other hormones in your body and as you take the Levothyroxine to try to get things back in balance, things will feel more out of whack for awhile.

Learn more Levothyroxine details here.

However, before raising your dosage, more blood work should be done to check your hormone levels and see which way it needs to go.

What type of doctor have you been seeing for this, is it just a general practitioner?

If so, you would most likely do better seeing an endocrinologist.

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I am seeing a general practioner, I have asked to see an endo, but she said that it would take a while before one would see me. That an enodcrinologist only sees people for serious thyroid issues. I had a t3 and t4 test done months ago and she said it was fine... This is so frustrating...I am so afraid they are going to diagnose me with something else and try and put me on a new med. I am not a fan of medicine in general. My chiropractor said she takes iodine instead of medicine. I brought this up to my g.p., and she didn't even talk about it. Instead she said some of her patients take armour, but its harder to get the levels corrected on that med.

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