Guilt Asking For Relief Of Pain
UpdatedI deal with daily pain but also a guilt in asking my physician for relief by getting a script for pain. I'm not of addictive an nature but there are days I truly could use some help but I feel that I am weak in asking for medication. Any suggestions, I can only take so many asprins.
2 Replies
I understand where you are coming from and how difficult it can be.
However, what you have to keep in my mind is that helping you is why your doctor is there and what they are supposed to be doing. Thus, there is no reason to feel guilty. There is no reason to feel like you are being any bother, or like you are weak, because you need help once in awhile.
I'd suggest just honestly telling them how bad it gets sometimes and that you need some help to be able to make it through the day.
Does anyone else have any suggestions to add?
How sad. In stead of people rushing to help you...they rush to judge you. I don't know if they will ever fix this problem. I don't even know if anyone anywhere is even working on fixing this problem. All we can do is keep discussing it and sharing it every chance we get. If anyone accuses you of being an addict, tell them that addicts abuse drugs to escape from life...chronic pain suffers take pain medication to participate in life. Tell them nicely. You want to have them think about this not shut you off. Just keep trying. I hope you find someone who will work with you.
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