Green Xanax Bars S 90 3 (Page 3)
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Green xanax bar details

46 Replies (3 Pages)

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yellow xanax is not time release people. That is crazy. Look up a time release xanax and tell me what you see in the picture. I hate this common misconseption. It is silly. there is no XR on it

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if it says xr on the bottle its extened relese

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these people are misinformed a green xanax is in fact a 2mg, but yellow bars are simply the difference in the manufacturers. How could you make an extended release tablet with splits on it? That's impossible. Have any of you seen any oxycontin with a split? The reason is to have a split defeats the purpose (if you guys have real questions like this don't take the advice of some yahoo on an internet site and that includes me take it to your closest pharmacy and ask he or she they will gladly inform you with correct answer)

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actually colors do matter... for example yellow bars mean extended release

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green bar s 90 3

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The colors do not mean anything, what are the markings on the tablet itself?

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