Great Results (Top voted first)


Personally i think accutane does wonders. I had severe cystic acne all over my back and face. I have been on it for about 5 months now my face is completely clear and my back is 80% there. You must take certain precautions. Drinking water is extremely important and it is also very good to take a few days break every month. Lip moisturizer and sun block is very important too. I always moisturize. You can go to the beach but make sure to take care of your skin. Always use sun block until your body adjusts to the sun. I always put a base coat of 30 spf and then some light tanning lotion with spf 15. Your skin becomes really clear. Do not drink alcohol. It is very hard to avoid alcohol esp. if you are taking it as a teenager because all your friends do it. But it defeats the purpose of accutane. It is meant to clean out your blood stream will alchol contaminates is. Always follow up with the doctor and take care of your skin because it is with you forever.

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It's great to finally read a success story with accutane, which seems to be a hit or miss for each individual. I also took this drug when I was a teenager (age 17). I'm 22 going on 23 now and to this day I have not experienced any of the complications that many have been referring to as life altering.

Hydration is probably one of the single most important things you gotta be on top of while taking this drug; and from my experience, chap stick also becomes your best friend.

In any case, thanks for sharing your viewpoint on accutane. Although I would've never taken it if I knew what I know now, I think it did help clear up my skin at the time and to this day it's remained clear, so I can't complain.

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You said, "It is meant to clean out your blood stream will alchol contaminates is"

Unfortunately, you have no idea how accutane actually works. It does not "clear out your bloodstream" and in fact, does the opposite which is why liver testing is required while on it.

I'm glad you are doing well now, but the future may be bleak for most users of this poison.

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