Gray's Ointment (Top voted first)


Can I still buy Gray's ointment and if yes, where?

4 Replies

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If diligent and lucky, you may find Gray's Ointment on eBay as have I. Medicine bottle and container collectors sometimes offer it.

I have used Gray's Ointment for over sixty years to even somewhat phenomenal success. No other drawing salve, and I have tried, is efficacious. My mother was an old school RN when they did minor surgery and more. She used it back to the early 20th century and her family well back into the 19th century.

Heat the tin slowly and carefully until it melts slightly. Use a matchstick, toothpick, or equivalent to stir and obtain a small amount. Apply it to a puncture, bandage and leave overnight. The foreign object should be under the bandage on the skin.

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Hello, LaDonna! How are you?

No, it is no longer available. One of the ingredients was oil of turpentine, which the FDA kind of frowns on being used in skin ointments and such.

An alternative that is available would be to just look for a drawing salve, they do similar things, but use ingredients that are approved and considered safe.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Re: Fnord (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have a full tin of it, and just got through the tough skin on the product (since it's like a million years old!) and applied to an area of cellulitis on the bottom of my foot. I managed to get the little chip of rock out last night, and am taking antibiotics. But it is excellent! I remember my dad applying some to a splinter of screen wire my sister had in her hand, put a band-aid over it and the next next day, the wire came out when the band-aid came off. I had no idea that a 2 oz tin of it was such a big deal these days! I am a retired nurse.

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So if please I live in Austin and where can I By Gray's appointment does anybody know

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