Going Off Eliquist And Diltiazam
UpdatedI have no more AF so tried to go off Eliquist and diltiazam. However when I did (slowly, one at a time) I felt a tightness in my chest and a rapid heartbeat for a few seconds on getting up. Is this from going off the medicine or is it a different heart problem. Can't get in to see the specialist until March.
6 Replies
Please tell me how to get off 180mg of diltiazam. I have been on it for four years and have a pacemaker. For five months now I have had no problems at all. The AF has gone completely away and I believe it's because of prayer. I have cut ELiquist in half and am feeling really good. When I had my pacemaker checked the last two times it proves that nothing is going on. I'm afraid to go cold turkey. Anyone have any advice? Thanks
I'm in the same boat. Let's brainstorm how we can get off eloquis.
Hi, I'm Carol. I posted about going off Diltiazam but have no replies or help. Did you get any. If so let me know please.
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Not yet. Sorry but will be happy to share as soon as I do.
Hi Marty
Still on half elequist in the morning and half at night. Afraid to go off completely until I see my heart specialist. Don't know if could trade it for low dose aspirin or not. Also am on 180 mg diltiazam. Would like to cut that in half but it's a capsule not a pill.
Hi Mary; just wondering if you were offered warfarin as an alternate? If not I would be curious. I am on Diltiazem and warfarin and so far not having any issues. It took a month for things to settle down completely (A-Fib).
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