Glyx 13 Trials Phase Iii? (Top voted first)
UpdatedAny idea as to when they are going to start Phase III of the trials on GLYX13?
3 Replies
I know there have been some recent studies on GLYX-13, but I'm not certain when upcoming trials are scheduled. For this, many interested parties suggest checking periodically to see if they've posted any updates.
There's also another discussion thread (linked below) on this topic, if you're seeking more specific details from other users here on the site: Discuss/GLYX-13-248269.htm
Perhaps someone else there may have access to more information that can better address your question.
I hope this helps!
I would like to know too. This is November 2014 and still have heard little.
The center where I am doing the extentipn study says there is no word yet :-(
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