Updatedhypnotic sedative for insomnia, brand name is doriden.
6 Replies
Does anyone know where one could obtain glutethimide or it's brand name Doriden (CIBA Company)? Am in Canada where Doriden was discontinued in late 1980s and I was told Doriden discontinuation was international. Perhaps there is now a generic form containing active ingredient glutethimide available now as I would assume CIBA trademark rights would have expired. As the benzodiazapine replacement meds for Doriden are more addictive and dangerous (especially if mixed with alcohol or other drugs) it sure would be great to be able to go back to Doriden or glutethimide which was more effective and safer. A shame that the public was switched over to benzodiazipines (i.e. lorazapam, diazapam) when a better/safer product was available but withdrawn, all in the name of profits and economics (Lord knows, big pharma needs the money!!). Any help out there is most appreciated.
Re: Sandra4Doriden (# 1)
Now hold on Sandra.. Your really stating that Doriden is more effective and safer than The Benzo sleeping pills lol Resteril Dalmane and Halcian..Wow that is certainly interesting.. Untrue but interesting..When it was no longer possible to get Quaaludes we started taking Loads.. Loads were Doriden and codeine mixed together and the high was similar to life’s. There are reasons why doctors don’t prescribe Doriden anymore.. People were OD’ing like crazy.. I remember taking so many Doridens that I would see double and when I put my hand over one eye I was still seeing double. Do you really think you can get a doctor to get you prescription for a compound pharmacy to make Doridens for you.Let us know how that works out for you
As of 1991, this drug was changed to a schedule II medication, and due to the complications, especially if someone is taking Codeine, most doctors are reluctant to prescribe it.
Regarding the efficacy, contrary to what has been stated, it really depends on the person. We are all different, so some medications work better for each of us, than they do for other people.
The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, irritability, and next day hangover-like effects.
Is there anything I can help with?
Re: Verwon (# 3)
Doriden was discontinued in the US in '93. I too enjoyed the Doriden and Codeine combination, in my area of NJ they were known as "hits" or "cibas and Codeine", at one time Ciba synthesized Glutethimide and the tablets were stamped CIBA on them. Very euphoric and pleasurable they were. Longlasting too. I still dream about those days, in the end I was using a four on four. I heard that Glutethimide may still be available in Hungary.
Well it looks like my beloved Doriden (Glutethimide) is NOT available in Hungary, Romania, or Bulgaria any longer. It's last use was in '06. After all it's an obsolete 2nd generation sedative- hypnotic, the benzo family and the Z meds have replaced them. I too used Doriden and Codeine combination for a number of years, they were big in my area of NJ. They were discontinued in the US in '93. If I'd had known about the Eastern European countries availability back then I would have tried to get to Hungary or Romania. Nothing comes close to the Glutethimide Codeine combination, so euphoric and pleasurable, nothing else comes close, in my opinion.
Does anyone know of a country outside of the US where Glutethimide (Doriden, Noxyron) may still be available? It's a shame that the DEA practically forced the last companies that were still marketing it to stop by making it a Schedule ll and imposing a ridiculously low quota of 6 grams on it. Yes, it was abused with codeine because it was CYPD26 liver enzyme induced. But it was a great medication, better than anything that's on the market today combined.
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Sadly Glutethimide (Doriden) was discontinued by the last remaining manufacturer Halsey Drug (HD 550 on white round tabl...
Does anyone know where one could obtain glutethimide or it's brand name Doriden (CIBA Company)? Am in Canada where D...