Getting Used To Lexapro (Top voted first)


I took 5 mg last night and can't function today. My legs feel like Jello and I had to leave work. The doctor says it will take time for my body to get used to it, but I have 2 kids and things to do. How do people take this and have a regular life?

3 Replies

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Hello, Shaewest! Sorry about the side effect you experienced.

There are many people that take it and lead a normal life, but that doesn't necessary mean that it's the right medication for you.

If it was so severe that you had to leave work, then you should likely have another discussion with your doctor about trying something different. Side effects should be mild and transient, they shouldn't be so severe that they cause this type of issue.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I actually just started on Lexapro a month ago and I dealt with a week of awful side effects I could barely get out of my bed and didn't go into work to a point where I got fired. But to be honest with you, our health is the most important thing. I am now a month in an I'm feeling a little better every day and I'm on 10mg. Everyone is different but I'd push through the side effects because it'll only get better. I hear this is one of the best antidepressants once you get through the first few weeks. Good luck!!

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HI I can only take real Lexapro not the generic. The generic is not time released and hits you like a ton of bricks. But just found out that my hearing loss is probably due to my 9 years on Lexapro. I am now trying to find an alternative. Good luck it does work good once you get used to it. It will take about 10 days

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