Getting Screwed In Va.


I was seeing a dr. in No. Va. (supposedly 'the best') for multiple back issues (spinal spondylosis, severe sciatica, degenerative bone disease, etc.) for almost 7 years when I did a urine test and had NOTHING in it. He knew I was taking "med vacations" because he did NOTHING to ensure I was not getting addicted to Percocet and Soma. He said I "must be selling it" and discontinued the physician/patient relationship. I get a letter from them stating that this is the reason for severing ties, yet the next paragraph states he will help me find someone to help with "opiate withdrawal"...which is it? Am I addicted or am I NOT taking it??? Now, as a DIRECT result of his misperception, I cannot find another dr. unless I want to have ONLY shots in my spine! The other dr. did this for over 2 years and I ended up basically paralyzed with pain for 2-3 days, LITERALLY!! I went to the e.r. and THEY say he says I'm still his patient!! I went to a well-respected dr. who does withdrawal therapy and HE said he would not take me as his patient because I AM NOT ADDICTED!!! I will be calling the ACLU and an atty. altho they want $2,000 up front and then hourly rates. I AM NOT "ADDICTED"!!! However, I NEED these medications in order to move, work, and lead a NORMAL life. If ANYONE knows of a dr. in No. Va. area who is COMPASSIONATE and doesn't want me as another guinea pig for their stupid shots, please let me know!!! This is URGENT!! The shots DON'T WORK!! I also went to another guy here( referred by the addiction dr) who, after sitting in the waiting room for an hour, spent all of 7 minutes with me, left to go treat someone else, and never came back...but they are billing me for it anyway. CROOKED DOCTORS NEED NOT REPLY!!!

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