Getting Prescriptions From 2 Different Doctors For Pain Meds But There Are Conditions (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Well I just really need to know if what I am doing is considered doctor shopping. I fell at at department store and injured my knee. Now I have to go to the doctor the lawyer sent me to. He prescribes pain meds for me but the only thing he can treat is my knee. I started having back problems. My primary care doctor sent me to a different doctor and he also gives me meds. But the pharmacy said they would call the doctors and tell on me. So I went and ahead and told the doctors myself so that it would not look as bad. What do you think will happen to me? The pharmacy refused to give me back my prescription. Can they do that?

528 Replies (27 Pages)

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Very good advice from Cate. Read carefully! One thing's for sure & that is; your Dr can & will drop you like a hot potato as soon as he's told you've been busted filling or trying to fill multiple scripts written by multiple docs.

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Most likely they won't let U fill the script from UR new doctor at the pharmacy till its been a month since the last one was filled if it's the same med n dosage. I woukdnt try to full the new script early.

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Amen. The drug store should not be nosey. I called my insurance company and they told me I haven't done anything wrong, if so they would not have filled my prescription. I was wrongly accused.

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Debbie I honestly don't understand this. My primary doctor cannot treat a broke shoulder and a fractured foot. My orthopedic doctor have me a lower dose of Marco, 7.5 for breakthrough pain between the 8 hours of taking percocet 10' s. An orthopedic doctor is a specialist for broke bones and so forth. It was only temporary, for 2 months. I have never doctor shopped or used more than 1 drug store. I had been using her for about 6 or 7 years. When I went back for my primary visit for my monthly percocet, she refused to fill it. Said she couldn't ever fill it again. Needless to say I was lost and confused. I hadn't done anything wrong. I told my orthopedic doctor that I was talking percocet 10, but he said I couldn't go 8 hours without pain meds for breakthrough pain. Even my home health nurse told me the same thing. I am 68 years old and I have a lot of back, neck, hip and leg problems. It's not by choice I am like this, because I hate being in this quality of life. It's not a life at all. I can't even make a bed or sweep a floor. Chronic pain is no life, and it's every day I deal with it. I am never pain free. People judge you when they can't see it on the outside, but if they had to walk in someone's shoes that has chronic pain for 1 day, just maybe they could feel a little bit of what we deal with on a daily basis. My heart goes out to anyone that has to cope with chronic pain.

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Zawawa, a doctor replacing a prescription for pain meds when they have been stolen, even if a police report had been made, is highly unusual. Your mother was fortunate.

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Please do NOT Doctor shop as this is a sure way to make the medical community have serious trust issues with you as a patient.

Find a good doctor and stick with him/her. You must remember this is one of the most important relationships in your life. I have a rock solid relationship with all of my doctors. We do get into arguments once in a great while but they know me and they know they can trust me as I have demonstrated this to them over the years. I do what they ask of me and more. When we do not agree on something I talk with them about it and we normally arrive at a solution we are both comfortable with.

I want to be clear, I understand you and why, but it's a very bad idea. Please stick with your doctor unless it's a bad relationship but remember ALL worthy relationships take time and effort.

I take Kadian 40 mg daily, 100mg diclofenac and 4 oxycodone 15 mg daily. Every few years one of the drugs has to be increased but my doctors take care of me and I make sure I meet their strict demands always. I am given U/A's occasionally and I never ever mind since I take meds as prescribed and am always willing to let them count or audit my meds if they ever want to. I also take my meds with me every month just in case there is any questions, so we can take care of it on the spot. I am prepared. If I may suggest to everyone be organized and prepared for your doctors visits. They appreciate your help. It's your life and your responsibility to help your doctors help you.

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Fixing a sentence in my post here, if u received more than one prescription in the past 28 days, not 100% sure that it applies if the script wasn't filled but since u attempted to I'm 99.9999999999 to infinity sure it does.

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Yes she can find out. Your name is put in a DEA main database. Your dr should let you try it. But understand this once you go stronger it's difficult to go back down. This applies to chronic pain. If your condition is acute you can go stronger but must ween down Lowe dosages & then every other day etcetera. If a dr gave it to you there's no reason not to try it but she might not want to see you & you'll have to see the other dr then. Good luck

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I have a question i go to a doc for problems with my back i have been for years. I had done something to my knee and went to er told them i was offilated with pain clinic and when i had took something but there was def something wrong with my knee took xray and gave me a immobilizer for knee also gave ibuprophen and something for pain and told me not to wait for scheduled dose so i wldnot feel no pain also referred me to orthepedic doc as soon as i got home frm a very painful car ride i took something went up to back doc to make sure it was ok to fill got a yes

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hey Tamm ~ ever refill that valium? lol.
i've refilled a few ((separate)) scripts in the past, many months after a Doc either, took me off'm or, from a Doc that i no longer saw. if it's already prescribed to ya, it should be ok. i asked the pharmacist for one of'm and she said it was fine as long as it did not interact with what i was taking at the current time. the others refilled with no problems too.

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What state are you in?

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James, if you currently have a active rx for the same med, the pharmacy won't give fill it. They may call the old dr that wrote it and talk to them first or call your new dr and talk to him. You could end up with no pain meds if they think you are or have been doctor shopping.

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Thanks I have lortabs with refill that were transferred to were I am. I saw a new doctor here .where i am living now.and he wrote me a strong meds Percocet. and is going to be my new doc the meds r at different pharmacy. So I should just blow off the lortab refill ? Since the doctor that wrote me the lortab is gone how will anyone know?

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Depends how thorough the dr is and depends what state you live in. In Florida drs have a database they can check and see any thing you've filled in the last30 days on back. To be more direct no that's not considered dr shopping, but the reason they hesitate to give you the xanax because there's greater risk of respiratory failure when taking opiates and xanax.

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Just wanted to know if Louisiana and Texas pharmacies are tied together.

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I'm not 100%sure. I know Louisiana is part of the new PMP (Prescription monitoring program)which allows states to share information which each other. Texas is not part of the 25states involved.

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But keep in mind they do have data bases in Texas. I just don't know if they share information across state lines. Louisiana on the other hand does.

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Yes texas does keep up with Louisiana meds also the state of Louisiana has changed codes norco is a cds 2 now with somas . So just ask for morphine . Thanks obama

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It was never about using different pharmacies in the same was about using scripts for pain meds but using out of state pharmacies. They can go back only as far as they have had the PMP. And your incorrect, not every state has it. Mary land is the only state left which does not have a data base at all. Unless that has changed in the last 6month's(doubt it)

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