Getting Prescriptions From 2 Different Doctors For Pain Meds But There Are Conditions (Page 3)
UpdatedWell I just really need to know if what I am doing is considered doctor shopping. I fell at at department store and injured my knee. Now I have to go to the doctor the lawyer sent me to. He prescribes pain meds for me but the only thing he can treat is my knee. I started having back problems. My primary care doctor sent me to a different doctor and he also gives me meds. But the pharmacy said they would call the doctors and tell on me. So I went and ahead and told the doctors myself so that it would not look as bad. What do you think will happen to me? The pharmacy refused to give me back my prescription. Can they do that?
What state are you in?
New Mexico
James, if you currently have a active rx for the same med, the pharmacy won't give fill it. They may call the old dr that wrote it and talk to them first or call your new dr and talk to him. You could end up with no pain meds if they think you are or have been doctor shopping.
Thanks I have lortabs with refill that were transferred to were I am. I saw a new doctor here .where i am living now.and he wrote me a strong meds Percocet. and is going to be my new doc the meds r at different pharmacy. So I should just blow off the lortab refill ? Since the doctor that wrote me the lortab is gone how will anyone know?
Different meds one for Percocet from the new doc snd got refills on lortab each at different pharmacy
It don't matter, they will see pain meds from two diff drs. There's no reason to fill the tabs if you have percs. You'll have to wait 27 days before filling another pain med from a different dr. You can only fill meds from one pain dr. Only reason I asked what state is because MD you could get away with it, they have no system to track your scripts, it's the only state left, trust me I know. DO NOT GET YOUR REFILL IF YOU'VE ALREADY FILLED FROM A DIFFERENT DR. YOU WILL LOSE ALLMEDS AND DR. OIT AIN'T WORTH IT BROTHER.
Thank you for tha reply.
Yeah that f***s s*** up for us...I do have a question though, I haven't done it yet and I won't till know for sure...but if my pain mgmt doc gives me my opiods,and He know that I have been taking xanax from my pcp and he does not have a problem with that...(anyway the pcp that has been giving me the alprazolam sent me a letter last week, and her office is closing)so like I said my pain doc know I take the alprazolam and she knew that I took the opiates but since that letter about her closing came in so late right before my next appointment I having trouble finding a new alprazolam doc that will rx them when I tell them that I take the my question would it be considered doc shopping if I kinda omitted the fact that I was taking the opiates...I mean my pain mgmt doc will still know...please any help... completely desperate....
Depends how thorough the dr is and depends what state you live in. In Florida drs have a database they can check and see any thing you've filled in the last30 days on back. To be more direct no that's not considered dr shopping, but the reason they hesitate to give you the xanax because there's greater risk of respiratory failure when taking opiates and xanax.
Just wanted to know if Louisiana and Texas pharmacies are tied together.
I'm not 100%sure. I know Louisiana is part of the new PMP (Prescription monitoring program)which allows states to share information which each other. Texas is not part of the 25states involved.
But keep in mind they do have data bases in Texas. I just don't know if they share information across state lines. Louisiana on the other hand does.
Yes texas does keep up with Louisiana meds also the state of Louisiana has changed codes norco is a cds 2 now with somas . So just ask for morphine . Thanks obama
Why ask for morphine? When they have oximorphone or hydroMORPHONE .same schedule in FL..pretty sure every where.
I know his is old but his needs to be said for anyone reading.....GOING TO TWO DIFFERENT PHARMACIES WILL NOT SAVE YOU FROM GETTING SCRIPTS FROM 2 OR MORE DOCTORS IN THE SAME STATE. EVERY PHARMACY HAD TO TURN IN THEIR DAILY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE SALES TO THE STATE EVERY DAY. IF YOUR DOC LOOKS IT UP ON THE COMPUTER, IT WILL SHOW THE DOCTORS DEA NUMBER AND THE NAME OF THE PHARMACY/PHARMACIES YOU HAVE BEEN USING. This is 100% truth. If you don't believe it, ask any pharmacy or any doctor. I'm not sure how far back they can see but I do know for sure it is at least 6 months. Not a good idea at all to get meds from different doctors....the same meds, I mean. You're only asking for trouble!
It was never about using different pharmacies in the same was about using scripts for pain meds but using out of state pharmacies. They can go back only as far as they have had the PMP. And your incorrect, not every state has it. Mary land is the only state left which does not have a data base at all. Unless that has changed in the last 6month's(doubt it)
Can you tell what 25 states have joined this new program. Thanks
You can legally use more than one pharmacy IF you are only using one doctor! I always tell my doc if I'm going to use a different pharmacy due to paying for my own meds and sometimes one is cheaper than the other or if my regular pharmacy doesn't have the brand of med I can use. In the pain contract you have to list one pharmacy but most docs and even the state would be ok if you used a different one sometimes due to the reasons I stated above. Your pharmacy cannot always guarantee they will have a specific generic brand of my Percocet and therefore I need to get it from somewhere. The worst thing for anyone is getting narcotics from more than one doctor no matter the reason! I worked with a surgeon and a PCP for my back and only got from one of them not both....until I had my surgery then my surgeon prescribed the combo used for surgeries and I did not fill anything from my other doc. This was back in 2008. Once I was done with the surgeon my primary doc took over the prescribing. I don't care if you filled narcs from 2 different doctors for one month or 2 WILL get caught. It's just a matter of WHEN you will get caught. Especially if either of those doctors are good about checking the monitoring website like they should be! And, even if the narcotics are different, say Norco from one and Percocet from the is still illegal to do. But, if people want, they can take their chances. I wouldn't.
Yes, they have a network now that lets them know who you are receiving pain meds from and when.. If you get caught you will be red flagged and not be able to get ur meds no matter what your condition. Best to just tell your dr that, while he was out u saw the other dr and the pervs worked much better..
Most of the PMP's are connected to neighboring states now.
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