Getting Prescriptions From 2 Different Doctors For Pain Meds But There Are Conditions (Page 25)
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Well I just really need to know if what I am doing is considered doctor shopping. I fell at at department store and injured my knee. Now I have to go to the doctor the lawyer sent me to. He prescribes pain meds for me but the only thing he can treat is my knee. I started having back problems. My primary care doctor sent me to a different doctor and he also gives me meds. But the pharmacy said they would call the doctors and tell on me. So I went and ahead and told the doctors myself so that it would not look as bad. What do you think will happen to me? The pharmacy refused to give me back my prescription. Can they do that?

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Yeah that f***s s*** up for us...I do have a question though, I haven't done it yet and I won't till know for sure...but if my pain mgmt doc gives me my opiods,and He know that I have been taking xanax from my pcp and he does not have a problem with that...(anyway the pcp that has been giving me the alprazolam sent me a letter last week, and her office is closing)so like I said my pain doc know I take the alprazolam and she knew that I took the opiates but since that letter about her closing came in so late right before my next appointment I having trouble finding a new alprazolam doc that will rx them when I tell them that I take the my question would it be considered doc shopping if I kinda omitted the fact that I was taking the opiates...I mean my pain mgmt doc will still know...please any help... completely desperate....

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Thank you for tha reply.

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It don't matter, they will see pain meds from two diff drs. There's no reason to fill the tabs if you have percs. You'll have to wait 27 days before filling another pain med from a different dr. You can only fill meds from one pain dr. Only reason I asked what state is because MD you could get away with it, they have no system to track your scripts, it's the only state left, trust me I know. DO NOT GET YOUR REFILL IF YOU'VE ALREADY FILLED FROM A DIFFERENT DR. YOU WILL LOSE ALLMEDS AND DR. OIT AIN'T WORTH IT BROTHER.

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Different meds one for Percocet from the new doc snd got refills on lortab each at different pharmacy

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Thanks I have lortabs with refill that were transferred to were I am. I saw a new doctor here .where i am living now.and he wrote me a strong meds Percocet. and is going to be my new doc the meds r at different pharmacy. So I should just blow off the lortab refill ? Since the doctor that wrote me the lortab is gone how will anyone know?

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James, if you currently have a active rx for the same med, the pharmacy won't give fill it. They may call the old dr that wrote it and talk to them first or call your new dr and talk to him. You could end up with no pain meds if they think you are or have been doctor shopping.

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New Mexico

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What state are you in?

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I have one refill left on pain sch (3) out of state transfer them . Saw a new doctors new town all meds needed and can I get the last tefill even though I have a sch(2) now! NEW doc new meds . Anyone! Can I legally pick last refills from last doc or just let them sit?

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Your actually not 100% right you can see as many doctors as you want. What you can not do is accept narcotic pain killers from both and fill both. But as the first person posted, if your being treated for knee pain the pain killers will help with the back pain. Opiates will always work on masking the pain. Obviously it will not always relieve 100% of the pain. But they work. Telling your doctor's was the right move. But usually you sign a paper before seeing the DR. stating you will not share your scripts or get multiple opiod medications from another saying you didn't know is a lame excuse. You more than likely will not get in trouble, they will just ask you to get a discharge paper from the other DR.

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If you go to one doctor and he prescribes
opiates... and then see another for a different condition without telling him you're already on something else... that's doctor shopping.

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If they do fill it, your dr will see it in the PMP database. If you have a Pain Contract that says you won't take or get pain meds from any other dr, you will be dismissed. And it will be very difficult to find another pain management dr who will treat you. If you do have a pain contract, do not go on what you think or remember it says. If I were you, I either wouldn't get it filled or I would call my pain dr first.

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I go to pain management for my arthritis and last night I went to the hospital for my kidney stones, since I get hydro ozone from my pain management doctor, am I allowed to fill my hydrocodone prescription from the hospital?

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hey Tamm ~ ever refill that valium? lol.
i've refilled a few ((separate)) scripts in the past, many months after a Doc either, took me off'm or, from a Doc that i no longer saw. if it's already prescribed to ya, it should be ok. i asked the pharmacist for one of'm and she said it was fine as long as it did not interact with what i was taking at the current time. the others refilled with no problems too.

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NO - that is not Dr. Shopping
1st. Your PC is the person that sent you to the 2 Dr's who are treating you for two seperate conditions
2nd - there will be a issue if you do not inform both Drs that you are seeing each other and most important what they are prescribing
3rd - the only way the pharmacy has the right to take your scripts is if they contacted your Drs and were directed to take them by the Drs or one of their reps - best advice pick the Dr who is giving you the best meds and take his - don't get anything from the other Dr -

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Why do people that have no clue what they are talking about answer people questions on message boards? NO one needs you to tell them to not do drugs or don't doctor shop. You can go to as many Doctors as you want and get medication from all of them. It is only doctor shopping if you get a controlled substance from more then 1 doctor and lie about it. If your pain management doctor writes you 120 blues (30mg) every month and your primary or dentist writes you something else for pain it is okay as long as they both know about it and are both fine with it.
As for the person that was talking about refilling your valium after your pain management doctor told you you had to pick one doctor and stay with him. I would say that is not going to get you arrested but it will get you discharged from both doctors. And is VALIUM worth that? Here in Florida VALIUM is like Tylenol. If your going to get discharged at least get some Xanax.

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The pharmacist doesn't have to fill a rx. A pharmacist doesn't need a dr to cancel a rx because they don't have to fill it if they think something isn't right. If you're getting the same med from another dr, that's probably why the pharmacist wouldn't fill it.

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no, obviously that's not right IF that is how it happened. but i never hewrd of a Dr. canceling a script who didn't write it! just go to diff pharmacy or back to the Dr. who wrote it. . . . do you have pain meds from any Dr.?!? if yes thats why pharm won't do it.

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took script to back doc said yes fill it took to pharmacist the pharmacist then called diff er doc and told them what i got from back (all info) and got doc to cancel script i then called er doc & nothing was cancelled found out then was a diff doc tht cancelled it. Tht doc said i didnt need it he wasnt even the one tht examined me is this right?? can either the other er doc or the pharmacist do this????

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