Getting Prescriptions From 2 Different Doctors For Pain Meds But There Are Conditions (Page 24) (Top voted first)


Well I just really need to know if what I am doing is considered doctor shopping. I fell at at department store and injured my knee. Now I have to go to the doctor the lawyer sent me to. He prescribes pain meds for me but the only thing he can treat is my knee. I started having back problems. My primary care doctor sent me to a different doctor and he also gives me meds. But the pharmacy said they would call the doctors and tell on me. So I went and ahead and told the doctors myself so that it would not look as bad. What do you think will happen to me? The pharmacy refused to give me back my prescription. Can they do that?

528 Replies (27 Pages)

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I got the same exact exact from 2 different drs.but wasn’t aware of it because the 2nd rx Had the Nb name and the other had generic name. They gave the rx back to me and didn’t tell me they were calling the docs. How can I know if they did? How did they know did they check? Or did the system just tell them?

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Re: myrtlesc01 (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Mind your own business.
That’s your sisters husband, not yours.
Chronic pain and illness changes people.
If you’re afraid of him stay away from him. Messing with his healthcare isn’t smart of kind.

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Re: C Earle (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

You are so wrong, and telling people something that can actually cause them to be locked up! I do not care what state YOU live in; just as most everyone has stated, IT IS ILLEGAL TO DR SHOP & It doesn't matter what pain(s) you have or how many, you cannot get narcotic pain meds from 2 different docs- no DEA has told you this; if it wasn't so serious I would be cracking up; YOU talked to the DEA and they told you, you can ..... lol

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Re: C Earle (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I agree, I live in the state of New York. And if I am reading a pain medication from one doctor. And then I break my arm two weeks later, I am told by the previous doctor that I must get a new prescription to treat the pain for the broken arm since that is acute pain. Vs. The pain management medication. They are two different types of pain and require two different treatments. New York State has very clear Laws on this. One doctor cannot tell you to take another doctors pain medication differently or at a different dosage because she broke a bone or had some other type of accident. You should definitely be upfront with both doctors and let me know what is going on and they can collaborate between the two of them. But it is not considered talk to shopping. If I break my arm I’m not gonna go to pain management when the Ulna is sticking out of my arm from falling down 16 steps. It was an open fracture. So I had to doctors writing my pain medication and it is not considered Dr. shopping. But you do need to be upfront with your doctor. It also depends on what you’re being treated for. If you have soft tissue injuries. One that you’re being treated with medication by your primary care in another soft tissue injury from an insurance doctor, then that’s kind of iffy and murky territory.

I say it really depends on the types of injury. Whether it’s chronic or acute onset.

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Re: Sandy (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

You are very knowledgeable about everything that you wrote. Praise The Living God for people like us who do know our facts vs. opinions. Have a blessed day. ( I know that I am writing this message a few years later but I just had to say thank you Sandy for your knowledge and the way you spoke per se to this question)

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Re: justin (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

It does no good to fill controlled pain drugs at different pharmacies as Pharmacists are required to check them all through a prescription monitoring system which will show that you had a prescription filled elsewhere. So it is very hard to get away with Dr. shopping unless you go out of state to a Dr. and fill in another State, as the system just checks statewide. But if you don’t live fairly close to the State line, red flags will go up as to why you are going out of State to see a doctor.

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Re: C Earle (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I realize this is an old post, but I DETEST anyone blatantly giving false info as if it is fact! I do NOT care how many times you state you talked to the DEA; I DOUBT it, but that does NOT matter because YOU are so WRONG!!!! If I get narcotics from any Dr for my back pain, and then see a dentist for bad tooth; I better only get antibiotics filled because it IS Dr shopping. Really, that's just ignorant to tell someone that the DEA says it is ok and they are not concerned with them as long as they have MRI's, ect.. It does NOT matter if you have Stage 4 Cancer; the DEA cares about anyone that gets controlled drugs- PERIOD... If You get controlled drugs from 2 different sources, and they treat the same symptoms; Pain, ect.. it is only a matter of time before YOU REALLY get to talk to a DEA agent!!

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Re: Sandy (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Not entirely doctor shopping. My orthopedist prescribes Ultram for knee pain. My GP orders Vicodin for back pain which is worse. That’s not doctor shopping. That’s following the advice of 2 different physicians.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

See That's Doctor $hoppimg. I Was Told if Mediy Has Payment Issues..I had To Go to My ,primary ,.pain Meds.Offrred To Pay 0fficeCost. She Told y !! Hell because ,Dr Wasn't getting paid. Not Seen wreck.MexicTe Said one Hand Don't No ???..

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Re: justin (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Heck I Was Told to urgent care because I don't get my meds to the first and I'm in a lot of pain right now and I can't read you in my eye or anything you said it'll give me an earlier today thank God I didn't go to urgent Care I Don't Need No Doctor on record

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Re: C Earle (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

U Didn't No Plus I Pray Ur Not Going To dr in Florida

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what does your sister think about all this? is "she" afraid" of him too? that's too bad. he's on all that, he could O.D. so easily! you "could" right an anonymous letter to his dr.s explaining how you're just concerned ( you're not tryinging to get him into trouble), my sister did that to me as a teen, the dr. stopped the diet pills he gave me & after awhile I was greatful. . . .
try an talk to a professional maybe they can steer you in the right direction.
good luck! ~ Shar'. . .

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I have one refill left on pain sch (3) out of state transfer them . Saw a new doctors new town all meds needed and can I get the last tefill even though I have a sch(2) now! NEW doc new meds . Anyone! Can I legally pick last refills from last doc or just let them sit?

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Different meds one for Percocet from the new doc snd got refills on lortab each at different pharmacy

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You can legally use more than one pharmacy IF you are only using one doctor! I always tell my doc if I'm going to use a different pharmacy due to paying for my own meds and sometimes one is cheaper than the other or if my regular pharmacy doesn't have the brand of med I can use. In the pain contract you have to list one pharmacy but most docs and even the state would be ok if you used a different one sometimes due to the reasons I stated above. Your pharmacy cannot always guarantee they will have a specific generic brand of my Percocet and therefore I need to get it from somewhere. The worst thing for anyone is getting narcotics from more than one doctor no matter the reason! I worked with a surgeon and a PCP for my back and only got from one of them not both....until I had my surgery then my surgeon prescribed the combo used for surgeries and I did not fill anything from my other doc. This was back in 2008. Once I was done with the surgeon my primary doc took over the prescribing. I don't care if you filled narcs from 2 different doctors for one month or 2 WILL get caught. It's just a matter of WHEN you will get caught. Especially if either of those doctors are good about checking the monitoring website like they should be! And, even if the narcotics are different, say Norco from one and Percocet from the is still illegal to do. But, if people want, they can take their chances. I wouldn't.

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Yes, they have a network now that lets them know who you are receiving pain meds from and when.. If you get caught you will be red flagged and not be able to get ur meds no matter what your condition. Best to just tell your dr that, while he was out u saw the other dr and the pervs worked much better..

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Most of the PMP's are connected to neighboring states now.

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Can they get u in trouble for getting the same Meds from two doctors I was hooked on 7 a day and I got cut two three a day so I went to different places to get enough Meds for me

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Not all states have Doctor Shopping Laws. PMP is not the same thing, although there can be evidence there if that is what a patient is doing.

If you've sign a Pain Contract, getting pain meds from any other dr, including ER drs, can result in being dismissed from pain management with no more rxs or referrals. It can also be very difficult to find another dr who will treat you pain.

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DrshoppingPro, you need to look up the definition of Doctor Shopping Laws. In states that have these laws it is Not against the law for more than one dr to write a patient rxs for controlled meds. The law is broken when a patient goes to more than one dr for the purpose of obtaining rxs for controlled substances without telling all of their drs about the other ones. There is a difference in obtaining a rx by fraud and doctor shopping. All 50 states have fraud laws regarding rxs. Not every states has Doctor Shopping Laws, see the link below.

If you want to know if your state has a Doctor Shopping Law, put your state name doctor shopping laws in your search bar.

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