Getting Prescriptions From 2 Different Doctors For Pain Meds But There Are Conditions (Page 23)


Well I just really need to know if what I am doing is considered doctor shopping. I fell at at department store and injured my knee. Now I have to go to the doctor the lawyer sent me to. He prescribes pain meds for me but the only thing he can treat is my knee. I started having back problems. My primary care doctor sent me to a different doctor and he also gives me meds. But the pharmacy said they would call the doctors and tell on me. So I went and ahead and told the doctors myself so that it would not look as bad. What do you think will happen to me? The pharmacy refused to give me back my prescription. Can they do that?

528 Replies (27 Pages)

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I don't agree. Your family doctor is not qualified to treat broken bones or fractures, much less do surgery.

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Amen. The drug store should not be nosey. I called my insurance company and they told me I haven't done anything wrong, if so they would not have filled my prescription. I was wrongly accused.

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Your lawyer is preparing your injury case your other doctor isn't. There is no reason to have 2 prescriptions that are opioid from two different doctors because you have only one body. Depending on dose the only issue I would see is if you need a higher dose because the new injury is causing a higher level of discomfort. Kind of stupid though going to the pharmacy with those scripts. You should be aware how strict things are since the law changed, which is bulls***.

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Pharmacies are cracking down. I would think the pain medication prescribed for your knee pain would also help with the other pain. It is a pain medication after all. Maybe the 2 Dr's need to consult with each other and adjust the strength that you need and provide one prescription that would help you.

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I have been on percocet 10 for 8 years. My orthopedic doctor have me Marco 7.5 for break through pain between the 8 hours
I could not go 8 hours without pain medication. I used my same pharmacy I have used for years. I didn't have anything to hide and I wasn't gonna make it look like I did. My home health nurse that comes once a week even told my family doctor that I had to have medication for break through pain. I was upfront with every thing.

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So sick of the drugstores acting crazy sometimes. My doctor gives me hydrocodone 10, like a 15 day supply. And Tylenol #3 15 day supply one month. I alternate the meds. Pharmacy all up in my business?

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Tray I'm in sort of the same situation!! I'm being treated for back and neck problems but also have constant facial pain due to 6 sinus surgeries!!! My pain doc is treating me for BACK and neck but I have no one addressing my facial pain!!! A good friend of my was getting two rxs from the same doc for 2 different problems. He had back problems, first issue, and hand arthritis , second issue. He was prescribed oxycodone 15 mg for his back and Percocet 10 mg for his hands. Nothing is against the law here unless things have changed!! The problem I am having is I have to use the oxy for my facial pain when it is really for BACK and neck so I come up short each month. It's a serious issue and docs r afraid to go that extra mile!!! Let me know how u make out. Best jimmy

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Hey everyone, look at the date of this last post. It was 4 years ago that this happened, unless that's a big type-o..?.......just saying this may be an old post......

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I noticed but it's still an issue that should be talked about. These days it's important to know where you stand on what can be a sticky issue
There's just no good reason to get your med cut off or worse face charges for ignorance.
Bless you and have a great day

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Lol yep, was looking at the dates of current responses. GuessI wasted my time

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No you didn't wast your time you learned that this has been an issue for a long time.
Take care and check in now an then

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Having been on Pain Management for over 16 years, I know in the state of Florida they monitor your pain meds both from pharmacy, law-enforcement and state guidelines. I am glad you told both doctors. Dealing with pain is hard debilitating and depressing. I have been in recovery for over 32 years and was scared to go on pain meds. A doctor I knew in recovery explained it like this; if you get on pain meds take them exactly as prescribed. Being in pain and finally getting relief feels good but the way our brains think we say well 2 is better than 1 and the we get into abuse which leads to addiction. As I said, I have been on pain meds 16 years of my 32 years of recovery. Granted you may get physically dependent on pain meds but you won't be a clock watcher. Have one doctor for your pain meds, and if it not easing the pain let him know and maybe he will up the dose. It has worked for me once I found the right pain clinic who has rules and guidelines to go by and even the pain clinics will cut you off will quick if you are using a 2nd doctor for pain meds as well. Hope this gives you some insight. From my own research a lot of states are doing this. Remember a lot of people are getting addicted and have no pain. The real pain sufferers have to put up with this but establish one good pain Dr as well as one pharmacy.

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It is if you don't tell him everything. This new law has made being in pain painful. I personally wouldn't get meds from 2 Docs. But if I did I'd use a different name address and SS number. Then I'd have to get a new fake Drivers License. More trouble than its worth. Like I said in another post. The Government has their nose to far up our ass!

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Hey joe992d, I agree with you about the gov't. There has got to be something we can do to not all be grouped together with abusers. This isn't a law, it's a recommendation.
Maybe the government should make alcohol recommendations, I'm sure most dr's are drinkers. One drink!! Anyways, back to our problem, I'm sure we can figure out whom to complain to about pain med's being cut. Any ideas? Everyone?

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I complain to my insurance company, they are the ones who keep cutting my dosage and now I have to get special authorized for my pain patch. My pain dr said it's the government, they don't care about our pain they are just worried about getting sued

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I didn't have a problem with my insurance company. They told me I haven't done anything wrong. You can't use your family doctor for broken bones and fractures. Also you can't go 8 hours without something to use for breakthrough pain. That was my situation. I never use but 1 pharmacy that I have been using for years. My family doctor just had a problem with the orthopedic specialist prescribing me a lower dose for breakthrough pain. I never hid anything from either doctor. It's not right to let someone suffer if something can be done about it. I am not a doctor shopper and have never ever been. People that abuse pain meds and actually don't need them have it easier than the one's that have to depend on it. People shouldn't have to suffer from pain. You have no quality of life.

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Hi laurie, you are right about the insurance co. I called mine and they are going by the same recommendations that the dr'so are going by.....We need to somehow get these dr's to pay attention to us and these Guidelines/recommendations. So we need to take action and stop complaining. I'm not saying you are, I've just heard this stuff from a lot of people..I'm sick of it to, so guess I will start with state officals, DEA, Maybe we need to start a petition?. Do you or anyone else have any ideas or insight as to where to start?

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Hey everybody, I just asked my tablet "who do I contact about my narcotic pain med'school being cut". You all should take a look......there's quite a few agency's involved.....if you want, please let me know what you find.....take care

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WOW, I just looked at the CDC, they are really involved and had a public forum, which I never heard about. They received some 4000 letters and on an the rest of it, Ken was shocked about what I read. To long to repeat an to early in am. Lol..

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Marlene, what is this about and where do I find it? Thanks.

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