Getting Oxycodone Filled In Atlanta (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have a prescription for Oxycodone 30mg for an injury suffered in the military. My doctor and I worked hard to come up with a combination of medications that help me to function normally. I have been a regular customer of Kroger for 10 years, and the npharmaciata there are familiar with my history. Last month, they told me they could not fill them because they weren't able to get the medicine. I have been to approx 60pharmacies trying to get my medicine. There seems to be a problem with getting this medication filled away from my home pharmacy. I am tired of being shunned by pharnacists and treated like I am a junkie. I am a resprcted businesman who is just trying to get my medication filled. I have a history with Krogerthat my pharmacist will happily provide. Does anyone know where I can get my prescription filled or what else I can do?
i can probably help you with a paharmacy i know of this extremley nice and respectable pharmacist in snellville ga
I wish you'd file a complaint with the Georgia pharmacy board, Bridget! About the pharmacist saying the words "drug addict" while "assisting" you at your local Kroger store that is. You'll likely need the pharmacist name. Used to be your "neighborhood" pharmacy would know your name and welcome you into their store when you shopped there because they appreciate your business! Because without you they'll not get paid! If they don't have the medicine you regularly take they'd order it special so it'd be there when it's time for your refill. Obviously you have a legitimate reason for being the medicine else the doctor wouldn't write you the script for it!!! GOD, it makes me so freaking mad! Whatever happened to the doctor being the professional making the decision to put you on certain medications, writing the script and then the pharmacist RESPECTING that decision, filling the script or scripts in a timely manner so you can get home where you need to be? I'll tell you what it is.The DEA and state governor's office, who aren't doctors by the way!! They're SO worried they might lose their jobs because they don't have enough to do so they come up with all sorts of ideas to make people's lives miserable!!!!
FYI: I have tried to get my legit script filled at my regular pharmacy-a Walgreens store in the metro Atlanta area. I have been to the same doc, had the same meds for one year. They have filled it every time-until now. I was told by the pharm manager in Kennesaw (her name is (TRACIE LUNDE) that an internal memo was just released yesterday giving the pharmacist a strict set of criteria to go by before filling the prescription. she said she would not fill for any pain md's in this area except Dr. TARK and Dr.GALE (wonder what they are paying her?) and if we (Walgreens customers) dont like it we can go elsewhere. She also said if anyone wanted to protest to call her district manager-his name is YOUNG CHANG and his number is404-497-9837. I think Walgreens should be innundated with phone calls, emails and letters regarding this policy. Legitimate patients should NOT be treated like criminals.
Trust me been there , have 15 tee-shirts marked not in stock!!!!!!! I sued to have no problems filling my 30's too till drug dealer's addicts and od'er's made it hard for long time legitimate patients to get it, not to forget the pill mills, they raided, the DEA is so up it's butt from dr.'s to hospitals to pharmacists's they are afraid to even have it on their shelves, oh and the robbers. It's a shame what it does for these people to make them so addicted they do crazy things to get it, all it has EVER done for me is relieve my horrible chronic pain for several neck, and back conditions. So I started using my ins. aetna 's mail order, happens to be in jupiter fl. I'm in orlando, had no problem till they decided they won't fill my dr.'s sripts any longer. Ok so now I started using after calling walgreens mail order pharmacy. Worked great the first time. July is when i started, but i didn't know they had over night shipping for $20 extra, so it took 5+ days to get here. Now i Overnight the script to the actual facility, instead of, and it was being processed and shipped in about 3-5 days weekends don't count. NOW! I'm having a problem with them taking their sweet ass time to scan, verify process and ship it out. But try that. Just go on line and call customer service and i had a lady walk me thru the process of filling out a form, print it, copy my driver liscense, and the actual script no faxes, mail it, and then you can sign up on their site and check the staus when u want and i get so pissed off when it's not processing after i spend $25 to over night it. Good luck.
You can absolutely get your Dr's office on your team to help find the medicine you need. The staff or Dr or both at the clinic you attend should be well informed of the pharmacies nearby willing and able to provide the service of filling your script for you. Before going to fifty pharmacies, PLEASE ask the Dr's staff to check around for a pharmacy that will fill your prescription.
this is ridiculous!!! just like the man said he is a respectable businessman treated like a drug addict,i go thru this every month & i can only take about 3 or 4 brands of this medication because of the filler in certain ones...i never saw these 224's & i been on these about 8 cant sit at home & place phone calls to pharmacies,you have to drive around so frustrated for 6 hours before calling it quits & going home! i cant stand or sit for long periods of time & it eats up all the gas in the car plus you feel horrible because u cannot be without this kind of med's.if we are steady customers at say a riteaid or cvs we should come first! instead they turn us down & fill the junkies script & believe me he was in front of me in line & i wish u could of seen him.its a disgrace how we r treated,why dont the rx places have our certain med's in? they know we r coming monthly.i even call the manufacturer & asked when a shipment will be in & asked to meet a distributor so that person can see i am legit,but no! instead when i went to rx place the person theremae me pay 60.00 out of my pocket(i am on medicare) because i asked for a certain brand.something has to be done,somekind of system at our rx places.
Hey I live in Snellville its pretty hit or miss you have to get outta Snellville if your still interested let me know ill steer you in right direction.
Yes I also need help getting my prescription filled, I too have also went to many pharmacies (over 50) and cannot find a pharmacy that fills them please help
I was at the Walgreens at Upperhill in Orlando yesterday. I gave them my script, but the wouldn't fill it because I was "out of their area," since I live in Kissimmee. Try there. That might be your honey hole!
neeeded some filled today some help would be nice if you can
I live in Ga and I have been all over for 4 days trying to get my prescription filled 30 mg oxycodone 112 qty and I cant find no pharmacy that will fill it. I know what to do or where to go.
I live in Snellville and need to get oxy filled. Do you mind passing that on to me at xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy} Is it the Snell's ? one near the Bank of America and Post office?
If you can't get your prescriptions filled locally, would you open to trying an online pharmacy that can ship you your meds? I personally haven't used this method for getting a prescription, but I know there are a handful of sites out there that are safe and legal to order from amongst the swarm of bad ones:
Legitimate online pharmacies that carry the VIPPS seal are listed at:
FDA: Buying Medicines and Medical Products Online
Quick Tips for Buying Online:
* Make sure the site requires a prescription and has a pharmacist available for questions.
* Buy only from state-licensed pharmacies. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacies has more information about licensing and its program to certify online pharmacies.
* Don't provide personal information such as credit card numbers unless you are sure the site will protect them.
Hope this information helps!
I notice being told "let me check to see if any available".Seems strange cuz after Viet Nam so many were in pain in addition to civilians, athletes,etc.I have found that there is a difference generic to script.Plus have been a victim of counterfeit meds when in Hollywood Ca. Even had 8 missing from a chain drugstore there.Corrected quickly by same Pharmacist. So far in Orange City and Deltona{big hospital,lots of Drs} Fl. folks getting their meds.Though I thru 40yrs find Asian methods by ASIAN DOCTORS real results in correcting root causes thus alieving pain.In mant cases total cure.Make sure they have many generations of Drs in their family.Big difference.You cannot just go to some alternative health school and learn how to cure.Been given formulas and things done.Amazing results.Even seen heart problems cleared by the FAA.Seen actual medical papers.I highly recommend.Plus $ wise CHEAP. Medicare pays for PT not acupunture.$30-50 is normal per treatment.Some state and insurances cover.Well worth the cash when you have it.broke? use peter to pay paul if necessary if you can.Cuz meds only cover to some extent.What I can t fiqure out how people get high on them.Misuse? Stupid.Hope my input helps.Western Drs probably not too happy with it.Too bad So sad,that s the way the cookie crumbles.People in pain need help.
if you could help me that would be great I know Snowville a little bit but haven't been on this medication for 7 years and Kroger also is my regular pharmacy and they are now saying they don't have it can you please give me the name of that pharmacists in the name of the pharmacy in Snellville
Hi !:) saw you could help with pharmacies In Snellville. They are looking for 30mgs, and have been all over Northside Atlanta. do you know of any ? Thanks in advance Susan
I have been on same for over a year since brain surgery and also tumors covering my spine that cannot be safely removed. I am 38, Well respected MOom in Knoxville and the Kroger here started doing th same, I went to a Kroger out of my Zip code who would fill the Perc's only not my Opana or Klonopin, he had to do a lot of paperwork and I have to make a drive, the Kroger in my area called me a drug addict, in front of customers & all.
I have had the hardest time getting my meds oxycotin 30 filled. The problem i am running into is being over charged. I have had to pay over 800 to get my meds. please is there anyway you can let me know where I can get my script filled with out being gouged
Target is really nice. I go to the one in Austell, GA. Whenever I need a medicine that they don't have, they order it and I can pick up in within 2 business days
Harry b, If I remember correctly, Purdue Pharmaceutical manufactures Oxycontin. Back in 1995 I worked for a pain specialist in the billing/insurance dept. Oxycontin was relatively new to the market and at the time, very popular. Contact Purdue Pharmaceutical which you can put into your internet browser for contact info. They should have some kind of assistance in place as they did in the nineties. For those without insurance. I'm assuming that's why you're paying what sounds like full retail cash.
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