Gernaric Oxycodone


Do they make a genaric oxycodone?
They are so costly.

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yes they make genaric

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oxycodone is a generic. It is the generic of percocet. Sorry, but the cost is probably as low as you can get unless you haven't tried pharmacy. They usually have lower prices/

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Yes, Oxycontin is a brand name, & a month of the pills (without my insurance just looking at the sticker) says it costs $840. Oxycodone IS the generic & it will run about $250. There ARE different generics out there, & one of them is horrible! I won't say the maker's name, but once you find a generic that works for you, stick with it! there are differences.

If you have limited income, You can have your doctor's office put in a request for a 'card' from the brand name manufacturer that supplies you with 30-60 pills per 30 days free of charge if you have no insurance coverage. Look into it & ask your doctor; call the company. What's the worst you can hear? Sorry, we can't help? Give it a shot

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I am trying to identify a pill i found that has a 40 on one side and e 706 on the other and it is light yellow and round.

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Percocet is the name brand for Acetaminophen and Oxycodone, not just Oxycodone.

And yes, it is available in Generic, has been since March of 2004.

The generic for Oxycontin is called Oxycodone CR for controlled release or ER for extended release, the generic for Roxicodone or Oxyfast is Oxycodone IR for instant release.

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I am wondering if anyone notices thatr the effects of oxycodone lessen over time and if so, how long does teh dose work for you?

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That is true of any narcotic, not just Oxycodone. It has nothing to do with the effects lessening over time, it has to do with your building a tolerance up to the drug. Everyone will do this after they have used it for awhile, and you will require higher and higher doses, to get the same effectiveness, or switch to different drugs.

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