Genvoya And Weight Gain
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My partner and I have been on genvoya for a year or more and have both experienced weight gain of around 25 or more lbs. It is very strange for both of us, we work out 5 days a week and eat pretty healthy but are struggling to loose the weight. Has anyone else gained weight? I myself have never weighed this much even when I was not working out and eating poorly.

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Hi! What is the difference between odimune and genvoya? Can I stop with odimune and start using genvoya?

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I have what I like to call hiv/aids belly. this big 20 pound ball of fat on my stomach. everywhere else I am skinny except there. my doctor insists it does not cause weight gain but alas here I am

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I was 69kg a year ago. Today is my 1st year anniversary of starting Genvoya. I am now 77kg. I did keto diet for the past 2 weeks and lost no weight. Hoping to switch to Juluca.

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Genvoya has definitely caused my weight gain of over 35 lbs. People who say otherwise are liars or frauds or both. I watch my diet, and my weight gain has nothing to go with caloric intake or diet.

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Funny, I’ve been taking it for a couple months and suddenly have belly fat... I cycle, spin and have always been thin. Suddenly having a belly is odd.

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Most medications can cause weight gain in people that take them, according to FDA instructions. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and diarrhea.

What is your current weight? Are you still gaining? What does your normal diet consist of?

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