Generic Anxiety Panic Meds


I found something out. I've been through every generic of xanax there is I've been on them for 14 yrs. some people love greenstone, which I have, some people love sun, which I have, and I build a tolerance too quick too sandoz. So I spoke to a professional. He said there was a generic brand of zanax 2mg er that was banned in the us because it is sooo stong. One pill takes care of you instead of taking 4 -8 a day. The us wants to make money. He told me the name and he ordered them for me. I missed the mailman I won't be able to try theses till Monday. But they are called pex-2. They have no fillers. Straight xanax 2mg er. Very very strong. Even a zanax pill has fillers. I'm going to try Monday, I'm going to stick with these.

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Your Doctor ordered you a medicine that was banned in the United States? Oh Boy?

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Hi Jennifer, How's it going?

I believe the pex-2 Alprazolam are from India, is that correct? Under normal circumstances (i.e. not being banned in the US), I heard that a doctor can actually write you a script for ordering online. But with this particular brand being banned, that's a whole different ball game... and you may be taking a big risk if customs gets ahold of it and you don't end up getting future packages on time or at all... a cycle that could lead to withdrawals if you're solely dependent on receiving that one brand. Hopefully your doctor has already taken that into consideration so you're not left to fend for yourself in the event that the package is seized. At any rate, we look forward to hearing how they work for you!

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