Generic Subutex/buprenorphine - Which Manufacturer Do You Prefer? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hello All,

I recently just got changed from suboxone to subutex due to a pretty bad allergic reaction to the naloxone in the suboxone. Basically my question for everyone is which generic do you guys prefer? My pharmacist can order any kind for me so at the moment I just got the Roxanne ones 8mg - they are white round tablets. This is my first day using and am already noticing my migraines are starting to subside, not fully, but starting to. So yeah if anyone has any suggestions please let me know all the ups and downs that you guys have been experiencing, thanks!

Good luck to one and all!


286 Replies (15 Pages)

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I like Roxanne & Mylan brand the best. The potency is good with both of these.

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What is going on? Every pharmacy is saying they don't have the Roxanne subutex anymore and only generic. I cannot take generic, they are horrible and weak. How come this wasn't told to us people who need this medicine? Now we have to find out the day our prescription runs out. Where is the news about this?

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I pay 150 for 56 tab ,8mlg for the M924 .Your paying way to much bro

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Wow. 48+ hours or so off of the Activas generic subutex (buprenorphine) and now on the Hi-tech brand and it's such a relief.

I can't even begin to communicate the difference between Actavis and others - at least I can only speak for Hi-tech and Roxane since those and Actavis are the only ones I've been on in the last several years.

After I refilled the other day with Hi-tech I had remembered being on the Hi-tech brand for a month maybe 2 or so years ago and do recall it not providing the same results as Roxane. I recall telling my doctor that it felt as though Hi-tech was maybe 2/3 the strength, quality, and provided 2/3 the overall therapeutic benefits I consistently get from Roxane.

But wow.....really, wow. I will never, ever, ever again be fully disappointed in having to refill with Hi-tech if my only other option is Actavis.

The difference is so very clear. I still don't think the Hitech matches the Roxane, but after coming from a month of Actavis it is impossible to complain about Hi-tech because Actavis was truly that bad.

Within 24 hours, ALL negative reactions I had been living with 24/7 while on Actavis for the last month subsided. Completely disappeared. Completely.

-- My deep depression was immediately lifted.

-- My normal energy levels immediately returned. (I even had trouble sleeping the other night, but I didn't complain for a second because of how insanely different I felt, in a good way, not being overly fatigued and sedated any longer.)

-- Difficulty urinating and going to the bathroom immediately subsided.

-- The "zombie", foggy-head, depressing mental state disappeared

(*** And it's very important to note that when I say "sedated" and "zombie" like, I am 100% not referring to any type of "euphoric" or pleasant sedation whatsoever. Especially since my dose is only 1mg and I even tried to take less than my regular dose with Actavis on multiple attempts when searching for the right therapeutic dose.)

More/less had zero noticeable change.

Same negative reactions remained, and never lifted on any day this past month. I have been so happy with my consistent dose for the last few years and never even desire more than my usual dose, since that only makes things worse -- by far.

No matter how much people might think it doesn't matter to take a little more just for a day or 2..... this medication has a loooooong life. You are still impacted by the extra dosing through all of the next day. So it can really lead into troubles, mentally especially, if people make a bad habit of always fluctuating their dose. Does far more harm they it may ever seem.

-- Headaches have not come about the last 2 or so days, as they were a regular occurrence with Actavis. (Pretty much daily)

-- Cravings that I experienced for the first time in years while on Actavis are no longer there after the switch -- and mild cravings crossed my mind while on Actavis.

-- mild temperature fluctuations have not been experienced in the last couple days.

And really, it is just unexplainable the difference I feel not being on Actavis. I know we are all so different and that it might be very easy to think my experience has been exaggerated, but oh man, not at all.

I am even more curious now than ever to find out what, why, and how this Activas brand could have been so unbelievably different. I mean, it truly felt and acted like a completely different medication. Not just "weaker", but every area of it was so foreign to me.

I've read how a lot of people dislike differences in taste and time to dissolve from some brands, but those 2 things would never be on my list of concern. I totally respect everyone's experience though, so I'm not making this statement in vain.

Sorry for a ramble. I'm just so blown away and remain very concerned for anyone who might experience the same thing as I did with Activas. Especially those early in recovery. I truly hope that medicine is researched a bit more.

Being open with doctors so they can be aware of how different some of these brands can be is the best thing we can do so patients moving forward can be aware of potential experiences ahead of time so they DON'T GIVE UP ON RECOVERY if they have a bad experience with one brand.

They are all not equal because of how different we are all.

At least to me, my experience tells me this:

Roxane = most consistent, has worked very well for me for years.

Hi-tech = only 1 month on it a couple years ago and now on it again for a month. Too early to fully compare since I only vaguely recall being disappointed in its strength / comparison to Roxane in the past. BUT, absolutely ZERO complaints about it after having just been on Actavis. However, it's only been a couple days...

Actavis = I remain in shock about how different this brand is from the 2 above. Not just in terms of its very weak "strength", which I truly noticed zero therapeutic benefits from it as I do with the above two, but in terms of it feeling like a completely different medication all together.

This brand felt more like a benadryl and a tylenol pm with a dose of depression sprinkled on top..... true symptoms of depression, lack of motivation, lack of any desire, and just a feeling of emptiness.

I am soooooooo curious to know if there was an accident with my batch, or if the company intentionally used different ingredients to customize costs (.... they are also facing a Patent legal suit right now.....), or of its just 1 certain inactive ingredient in it that overpowered everything else in my biological makeup.

No idea..... but wow.

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Someone may have said this already but I've been having the same issue at CVS since June. I finally got to the bottom of it. CVS Corporate decided as a whole to switch manufacturers for Subutex bc of their cost. The Roxane 54 411s are no longer their preferred. In fact the pharmacists can no longer order them. They're being forced to use the 460s, which are ok but slightly weaker. I've been told the only thing we can do is complain to corporate (the 460s burn my mouth) or find another pharmacy that uses the other manufacturer primarily or can order it.

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Re: Brendinnix (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I couldn't agree more ,that red light special is indeed very special, and there is no sunshine when she's gone I promise you.I think I'm just gonna pack my bags and move to the RED LIGHT district ,

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Re: JenB (# 151) Expand Referenced Message

when did you switch? If you knew the withdrawl differences between methadaone and subutex, you wouldnt be happy. I would ween off the methadone if i had a choice. Ive been through both.

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I've been on subutex for over a year.

The only ones I don't like are the very small white ones with an arrow on one side.

I'll usually get the mylan (M924) from CVS and have absolutely no complaints. They seem much stronger than the suboxone strips I used to get.

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Re: cathy (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

I am in the suboxone program in SC although I take Subutex due to an allergic reaction. When trying to switch from SC the VA I was told that no doctor or clinic could prescribe Subutex for addiction. I was offered methadone which is nothing but a money gimmick and the same habit I had prior to enrolling in the program. I found a doctor willing to prescribe for chronic pain but he told me the trick would be to find a pharmacist willing to fill the prescription. So my guess is if you know a pharmacist well you may want to try and have a heart to heart or if you know someone who can help you in persuading one to then you should do so. I have continued my program in SC. I hope this helps a little and gives you some insight in what the VA and WV states are moving towards. Only Methadone and Suboxone for addicts, screw the ones who are allergic to Naloxone and refuse to begin the habit again with Mathadone.

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Re: Sunpharmasucks (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

I've only been on bup since July. I was given the one's w/ the 8 and arrow, then CVS switched to M 924's and they've been an awful for 3 months. I went to a "mom and pop" pharmacy and recieved the RP on one side and b8 on the other. They're white round pills made by Rhodes Pharmacy and are working VERY WELL! Has ANYONE heard of these?? I'm hoping they will continue carrying this manufacturer.

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Re: Goozer (# 190) Expand Referenced Message

Hey there! I decided to look up small pharmacies in Jacksonville, Fl. I stumbled upon Prime Pharmacy and took my rx there vs CVS, WALGREENS, WAL-MART, etc....and hit the jackpot my 1st try. I've now been with them for 3 months. Prime Pharmacy uses Rhodes Pharmacy for both my bup and clonazepam. I swear it is a ENORMOUS difference in quality. The Bup comes supplied directly from Rhodes pharmacy. The only ingredient listed is 8.64 mg buprenorhine, which is equivalent to 8 mg bup. I recieve 45 8mg tabs per month. With my insurance I only pay 5$...However, in Jan my insurance required a new preauth from my Dr., so I paid out of pocket. That was only $101.21 for the 45 tabs. They work like magic! They also melt smoothly, without leaving all the little unabsorbed crumbs in my mouth. I literally had been going through w/d's, but 25 minutes into taking my 1st one, I had that same feeling that I got when I first began taking them. Prime Pharmacy is amazing at filling them 2 days early each month also. I recently noticed that Prime Pharmacy is either a sister company to another pharmacy or uses a different name, as I've noticed both names on the building on my last visit. I will get the other name and ALL their info, such as other locations, phone #'s etc...and send it to you in the morning. For now, search for Prime Pharmacy in your area. I will certainly help you locate a pharmacy that uses Rhodes manufacturer. THE BEST!

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Rhodes anyone rhodes/purdue-feedback needed of anyone has tried this brand please.

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Re: Goozer (# 199) Expand Referenced Message

Please let us know how they are compared to the Roxane. I can’t find any pharmacy carrying the Rhodes in North Florida (Tallahassee) area.

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Re: Goozer (# 201) Expand Referenced Message

We don’t have any Prime Pharmacies in the Tallahassee area. I’ve called all the pharmacies and most will not give me any information over the phone, so it’s difficult to know what pharmacies have what. I’m still going to keep looking though. Let us know what you think of the Rhodes, are they better than the Roxane?

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Re: Goozer (# 206) Expand Referenced Message

Can u help me out goozer I been on subutex over 10 years and now every single generic from the past is wiped out where can I find a small pharmacy everything is chains out here

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Re: JP (# 207) Expand Referenced Message

Let me know your area and I will find a place for you to fill for Rhodes Purdue ones.

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Re: Bullet (# 216) Expand Referenced Message

I am having severe headache to the Rhodes like nothing I’ve ever had. I was on the name brand Suboxone films before this but used to be on name brand subs years ago and had no issues, I had also been on the Teva brand at one point. This new little white one has had me awake for 2 days, severe headache, and body malaise. I called the pharmacy and the only other one they can get is the Hikma- they’re going to order it but what do you guys think about this Hikma reading mixed reviews but the Rhodes is making me feel deplorable!

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The 54 411 is the best Subutex. It is the only one that will give you the full effects you need for the reason of needing to be on subutex.

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Re: Goozer (# 201) Expand Referenced Message

I had the subutex orange 153 and it’s been terrible! They don’t work at all you don’t get any feeling from them at all they make u feel like you are withdrawing! Now I will try the fp b8 and I hope they are again great!

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Re: Vic (# 237) Expand Referenced Message

That is wonderful I do prefer the Rhodes over 54 411 but both do make me sleepy but Rhodes strongest generic best quality

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