Generic Subutex/buprenorphine. Ranking From Best To Worst. (Page 6)


This is for people who actually take Subutex for the intended purpose for which it is used. So if you actually take the medication sublingually, this thread will help you. I have been taking buprenorphine for three and a half years now. This is what I have found: (8mg) Best: Actavis 153/half moon (orange) Middle: Roxanne 54/411 (white) Worst: Hi-Tech 8/arrow Again, this is for people who take medication as prescribed. You can actually break the medication in half and put it and the front of your lip like dip & chewing tobacco. It will take longer for it to dissolve like this but you will get much much more of the bupe.

215 Replies (11 Pages)

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Davidjw1 (# 97) --

David, can you refresh me on that page? I went looking for it last night and gave up. But I'm going to continue to look today because I like all the pages. You may save me time..thx

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Re: Davidjw1 (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

David, everything you describe about yourself makes me think are we secretly twins?? Lol. I cant think of the comedian that just has a show talking funny stuff but all true, I'll come back to this page and tell you who. Because it was darn funny of this family..anyways I don't think they will go down and under and out of here because I need their buprenorphine, we finally have 2 good one to choose and I'm not going to just settle for anyone. I'm done going in and out of w/ds.and its tiering to keep having to hope your pharmacy of choice has your medacine for this month..its a serious medication we need. If we dont get it.. its nothing to joke about at all..I hate the fact I have to rely on this to just about survive..without it I'm no good to anyone even myself...oh and with kratom use. I have bought more than once my attempt to w/d subs with no luck..I can never get my dosage of bup down to a level to let kratom do its I cant do it at least for now, but I continue to fight for this plant that works so well... I still have alot of it every once in a while I'll get it out try again and again nothing. Kratom is a selfish plant and wants to be the only one working inside your body..but I know friends that get excellent use from go kratom.

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Re: Benzonator (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree. I started on the brand-name Subutex when still under patent and they seemed to be the best. But then Reckitt Benckiser's patent ran out around 2008-9 and before long all the big chains started carrying either the big Tylenol-looking Roxane white tabs or the small Hi-Tec tabs which were desirable because they were much smaller and just as potent. But now all the chains e.g., Rite-Aid, CVS, and Walgreens—and I have been seeing all over the Internet recently that all of those generics cost the chains more money (obviously because they are a better product) therefore the chains are reluctant to stock better brands such as Teva (VERY difficult to find, BTW). Give them all a try if you have the time to stay on the internet for 24 hours, take copious notes, and have the patience to find a pharmacist who understands that former addicts are trying to improve their lives, instead of lying to get extra meds or whatever it is they do with them. I've been taking them for over 15 years. Good luck.

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Pain no good (# 99) --

Yes, teva b 799 you will never find now, I remember them well. I to have taken subutex started in 2005, the only two generics to never cross my path are Mylan, and sun but from what I hear about them no problem thank you very Mylan has the lowest amount of bup in their dosages and sun well tell their own story.for me it's only hikma 54s or Rhodes even if I have to go out of my way I do. You would think with all 7 generics out there more of them would be good instead it's the other way around. We suffered from the addiction to pills the opioid epidemic going on now and paid a large price for this addiction you'd think they would help us more but nope that's not so they say they care but dont really

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Re: Charlene (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Finally, after sitting at my laptop for what seems like an eternity, I found a small chain in Northern California that is ordering them for me! I don't know where you are, but if you're interested, I imagine they would welcome the extra business. Let me know and I will give you the necessary info.

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Re: Benzos 4 Us (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

Hi i found a Pharmacy in San Francisco that does compounding that orxers the Rhodes RPb8 buprenorphine for me. Best generic out there and great price. Glad you found somewhere up here too.

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Re: Charlene (# 95) Expand Referenced Message

I just had a nearby pharmacy order the Teva-Actavis orange half-moon 8 mg buprenorphine after searching forever. But tell me please: should I call the pharmacist (she is very cool btw) and tell her to change the order from Rhodes, or what? I am a bit confused because I read that Teva just bought Actavis and know nothing about Rhodes. Thanks

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Re: BenzoNo (# 107) Expand Referenced Message

Most definitely get the Rhodes over actavis orange..Rhodes are 2x better and actually have more bup

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Re: BenzoNo (# 107) Expand Referenced Message

Teva at one time had a good bup it was white b 799 imprint but that was is gone I can't believe you had to search so hard for the orange half moon actavis they are all over here by me and most will brush that one away if all possible. I always avoid that one at all cost.but everyone is different..there is no comparison from actavis or Rhodes most definitely everyone would choose the new Rhodes like I said not only does it have more bup. But the bup taste in Rhodes is very smooth and very nicely made. Oh yes choose Rhodes you will be very pleased

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Re: Charlene (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for the advice!
It says I have to make my message longer but I have to leave as I am late for an appointment.

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Re: BenzoNo (# 110) Expand Referenced Message

Good luck, I'm sure you will be very happy. If your interested there is another medschat group that talks a lot about the new Rhodes.

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Re: BenzoNo (# 107) Expand Referenced Message

For sure get the Rhodes! Actavis is not even in the same ballpark. Walgreens been filling those for a couple years now. Rating 1-5 and 5 being best. Actavis a 2, Sun -1, Hitech 1, Mylan 3, Westward/Hikma 4 and Rhodes 5+ my experience only of course. Everyone is different but everyone that takes Rhodes admits they are the best generic Buprenorphine available. But probably the least readily available. But if your Pharmacy can get them... Then get them, they are worth the effort. My Pharmacy uses a wholesaler/dustributor; Cardinal health to provide my Rhodes here in San Francisco. Get the Rhodes. Once you do you won't want any other. Westward/Hikma is a close second. Pharmaca can fill those.

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Re: Charlene (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

I disagree I have been on bup for 6 years and I think actavis is the best by far but like you say everyone is different so there isn't a right or wrong answer you just have to find out yourself

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Re: Kotosmikel23 (# 113) Expand Referenced Message

What I like about this group is we all agree that it really is an individual decision for what works best for the individual. Some of us take 32 mg a day some 8 mg and some even less. So like we all can agree on is if one works best for you then stay with it. If not you may have to try a few others, like myself, until you find a generic that works best for you. Female, male, weight, past usage, dosage all things to consider. I believe most manufacturers try to make a product that meets FDA standards and supports the patient's needs. I recall at one time I preferred Mylan, then I had to take Westward because Mylan was back ordered and liked them even better. So you never know. My hope always is for all of us that we are able to consistently get a medication we are satisfied with regularly. I have had Actavis and they were ok but for myself I prefer either Westward/Hikma or Rhodes that I take now. Best wishes for peace and happiness always to everyone.

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Re: Kotosmikel23 (# 113) Expand Referenced Message

Yes you are absolutely true, everyone is different and meds react differently in us all.i just never heard anyone else say the like actavis the best ever in my 14 years of using bup. But if you like it,, yours lol. Take care

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Re: Davidjw1 (# 112) Expand Referenced Message

I like the way you said that. To the guy asking humm what to choose actavis or said the same as I did but I like yours better you said actavis is not even in the same true but also funny. Kinda like comparing apples to oranges. There is no comparison at least with me I hate everything about actavis the taste, the way it melts I just do not have one good thing to say other than if it happens to be the only bup lelf I'd have to take was just fun humor

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Re: Jessica (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I get these and yes they do burn!!!! But it eventually stops... they work pretty well I'm not sure where you live but some pharmacies you can request a certain brand and they will order it for you!! Good luck!!

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Re: Charlene (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

I am in a very similar situation. Honestly i'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! I feel as if I'm going crazy, but after years of being on the same dose/medication it no longer does what it used to.

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Re: regpharm22 (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

They are available still i just got some yesterday. 54 411 white pill

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Hello! I have been taking subutex for about 2.5 years now (3 x 8mg per day). I started off with suboxone and no insurance which was very expensive (since they won't prescribe subutex to just anyone). I had an allergic reaction to the naloxone, which is apparently more likely if you have hep c.

After that we tried zubsolv (very expensive) as I have no insurance, and after many tries they finally gave me subutex. I have tried many generic forms, from the small round 460's which burn, the sun pharma, the Mylans (which were the best for me at that time), and now for the past year, the 54/11's. I had to pharmacy shop to find the best generic and the best deals since I pay out of pocket.

I'd use discount codes then suddenly my pharmacy closed. I was struggling to afford my prescription of 90 per month until I found the app BLINK. I legit thought it was fake since I had to pay first and pick up later with the coupon and tell the pharmacy it was my primary pay. I got a $5 off for signing up and then recommended someone and got $15 off. The $15 off didn't go through so I called customer service and they were kind enough to give me $20 off. If you find a pharmacy on blink that has the "smart deal" at select pharmacies then you save about 50% even more.

So each month I don't pay over $115 for my entire 54/411 prescription. I don't gain anything from telling this but if you don't have insurance like me it's totally worth looking into to see if it saves you any money. After years of using every discount possible this is what helped me the most.

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