Generic Subutex/buprenorphine. Ranking From Best To Worst. (Page 11)
UpdatedThis is for people who actually take Subutex for the intended purpose for which it is used. So if you actually take the medication sublingually, this thread will help you. I have been taking buprenorphine for three and a half years now. This is what I have found: (8mg) Best: Actavis 153/half moon (orange) Middle: Roxanne 54/411 (white) Worst: Hi-Tech 8/arrow Again, this is for people who take medication as prescribed. You can actually break the medication in half and put it and the front of your lip like dip & chewing tobacco. It will take longer for it to dissolve like this but you will get much much more of the bupe.
Re: regpharm22 (# 14)
Hi. I have been subutex for probably 6 or 7 years and then they switched me to the 54-411s. Well yesterday I got my script and they gave me the orange with the half moons and I have had an allergic reaction. I have these spots above and below my eyes and all over my chest. I don’t understand why they keep switching them. So now until they can find me either the hi-tech or the 54s I have to take benadryl before my dose and I can’t take my full dose. I have to take half or less. This is going to be rough. No way to live. I have been on subs for at least 10 years.
What the the best way of getting off this medication, my doctors believe I should stay on it for the rest of my life. But I look at it like I made mistakes dabbling here and there and it took over my life, but I’ve been off the hard stuff for going on 6 years and I feel like after I take the medication I become a zombie emotionally and mentally. If something bad happens after I’ve taken the med I feel nothing. Something that should make me cry, scream, get mad even, I feel absolutely nothing.
Re: Jessica (# 7)
The sun pharma ones also burned when I dissolved them! I brought it up to th pharmacy they said to tell my doctor
Re: Jessica (# 7)
Yep we are having the same problem here in Michigan and Wisconsin. Obviously the US government is in cahoots with the cartels to get all addicts on Fentanyl and H. It's a f***** up world these days. No wonder the continual attempted indictments are only making Donald J Trump more popular, not their opposite intended effect!!
Re: BigDaddy8484 (# 3)
I have been following your posts. I was taking an orange pill that was octagon in shape. I am now taking an orange that has 970 on it. I have not seen either list. Anyone have any input? I am taking this for the pain. I am going to try putting it under my lip. Do I need to break it in half?
I am so glad I found this site. Thank you for all for taking the time to share your experiences.
Re: Jessica (# 9)
Hey! So I currently take the 460 ones and I’ve always liked them more than the 54 411 ones ! Idk what I’m doing different but I’m up to 4 a day and I’ve never had to take four a day and this past year I’ve had to take my full amount no matter the brand unless it’s actually suboxone strips or suboxone pills!!! If you have any advice that would be great I’m gonna try the lip method like dip and see if it helps!! The 460 do sometimes burn I’m also pregnant and they wouldn’t let me come off of them said that she will be just fine but I’m a fucjing nervous wreck ?? with my son I was strung out on the worst of the worst the first three months and then sobered up and he come out super healthy and happy and is a wonderful kid!! I just pray she too comes out healthy
Re: Gina (# 190)
Hikma or Rhodes have alway been the best for me. However after using these for some time the effect whether using them for pain or not has worn off
Re: Justasking (# 189)
Those are the only ones with kick and truly work
Re: Ronman (# 207)
Hey Gina activas bothered me after a while and lost its effect on me quick. Those are the orange ovals I believe. Rhodes did the trick , Hickma or Bi-roxanne used to be strong enough but here in NY activas see in all cvs everybody's body is different. Also I'm on klonopin and the mix of certain types don't work well for me. I'm not sure I ever tried the 1s your talking about besides the orange ones
Re: Diana (# 205)
They all are supposed to go under the tongue where the most veins and capillaries are. I tried crushing them. Also, as far as those I never tried the 2nd one you said, but the orange oval was the weakest to me and had the nastiest taste. However, where I am in NY those are what CVS carries. I have to ask them to order Hikma or Rhodes. Also very glad I found this site.
Re: TarHeel90 (# 202)
Good morning I've now re read your posts several times and it keeps hitting me every time in the heart and mind. Your describing me and if I'm not in denial then I must be in fear but at 1 point I had to take more and would run out and I was an emotional mess but then I found I was just like that always I started tapering myself off recently it seems like it's going to take a year to a year and a half but because of them I ended up depressed , more anxious which then put me on klonopin. They know what they are doing to lock us up inside ourselves! Try slowly like a quarter piece for a month save those in case then next month or 2 go for a half of 1 less for a bit then 3/4s. I wish you well and I wish you peace
Hey so I never tried the worst one on your list and in the beginning the orange activas seemed to be strong then Roxanne but it didn't last for me. So I went back to Roxanne but the question is a 2 parter. How long does it take to react if I do the dipping way and does it last as long as the regular way. Thanks
Re: Joe (# 198)
Joe I'm in the same boat! Except I hope not to be on them forever I'm 47 and believe when the script is coming to the end I'm getting anxious as heck that's the same feeling almost as running out of opiates. I am incredibly grateful I'm not locked to oxy anymore. My pain comes and goes , I've been working hard. I thank GOD my friend told me about them when I was a wreck. God Bless
Re: Roxanne (# 175)
I agree and today after taking only hikma they said this month they can't get them and have 1 bottle of teva and alot of sun. I don't know what to do because I'm a single dad and need to be pain free to be active the way I want to be for my kids. Do you know about teva or sun? Thanks
Re: Ronman (# 214)
Hey Roxanne I was agreeing and sad. I only take hikma. Rhodes if ever possible now they say they only have 1 bottle of the orange teva activas which I didn't like and sun brand which I hear is this worst.
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