Generic Oxymorphone
UpdatedHad my Dr change my ER med to Oxymorphone. Went to Walgreens and they told me NO generic. Talked to the other Pharmacist, he looked it up and BAM, they had them from actavis!! Saved me 80.00!!!! So, the Pharmacist dont even know they have them
I'm glad you were able to find it and save so much money!
But you do have to go a little easy on the pharmacist that wasn't aware, especially at a large store like Walgreens. He has a lot of duties and may not always be able to keep up with all the new drug release information.
There are more important things he has to give priority to, such as keeping up on new drug side effects, interactions and warnings. Ordering the stock and etc. It can be a pretty hectic job.
Learn more Oxymorphone details here.
Is it working as well for you as the name brand was?
yes i understand but she was demanding there was NO generic. The other pharmacist checked, something she didn't even do. I always go to the same pharmacy and I do appreciate all they do for me.Just saying customers have to ask them to look.
Is anyone having problems filling their 30mg ER oxymorphone? I've been waiting almost two weeks at walgreens they keep telling me their coming on the truck and they are now saying they are on back order. They won't tell me anything except that they keep on ordering them they just are not showing up. They filled everything else I brought to them two weeks ago including my 30mg blues so any advice or anyone else going through this please let me know. Any and all help is welcome.
I disagree with you on that. Some of the pharmacists are just plain a holes that will tell you that they don't have that medicine when they do. Not because they are unaware of it they are just d*** heads that want to make it hard on you to get your med. I have had more than one tell me that yes they did have my medicine in stock but that I needed to go to a pharmacy closer to my home address. Do they not think that if I could have found it closer to my house that I would drive 20 miles out of my way to have them fill it just for the fun of it? No they just want to be a doctor instead of a pharmacist and tell you that they don't feel comfortable filling my med. That's none of their business. My doctor obviously thinks that I have needed it for several years now and it is my opinion that if a pharmacist has your medicine and refused to fill it that they should be fired.
I try not to say anything bad about a fellow pharmacist because I most certainly understand the duties very well. But the class 2 medications are only handled by pharmacists and can only be ordered by a pharmacist. Those other functions are really important but in my opinion we should know what drugs have gone generic. These may be the difference between a patient getting their medicine filled and deciding not to. Patient care goes down and it is the patient that suffers. Man at least check your computer to find out if a medication has a generic especially if the patient is sure it does. Arguing without checking makes people feel unimportant and not worth your time. I'm just saying pharmacists can learn from being pain patents for a month (I don't actually wish pain upon them). I am a pharmacist and a chronic pain patient. It allows me to see both sides.
Jimmy, i agree with you 200%, its like i said before they want to be God and make people's lives a living hell! If they have that much problem keeping up with new meds then they should fire them and hire people that can handle it...its not the consumers fault they have to keep up with a lot of information.. You shouldn't be allowed to pick and choose what you can fill and what you can't fill, its none of there business of what meds people get to fill... its strange that insurance fills your meds with Generic for 5 years then all of a sudden they tell you that opana has no generic when for 5 years they fill it with Oxymorphone er then all of a sudden they say insurance says we can't fill it with Oxymorphone if its written for opana you can if the doctor tells you that you can with Generic, the insurance has nothing to do with that. It's the pharmacy cos where i get it fill at the hospital they never tell me that they fill it as Oxymorphone cos they said its generic for opana. hmmmm interesting. walgreens and some other pharmacies say its not...*****s!
Sunny10, I have been dealing with the Opana/Oxymorphone generic issue since I was first prescribed it in 2010. I'm not sure if you had an Opana prescription or Oxymorphone but I'll share what I've researched and learned over 6 years from some competent pharmacists that I had in CA. Technically, there is no generic for Opana. For a while the pharmacy that I used in San Diego would fill the prescription written as Opana with Oxymorphone as the generic. After several months the pharmacist told me that the DEA had informed him that the prescription HAD to be written as Oxymorphone as they are considered different drugs. I just recently moved to Texas. My new PM doctor here wrote my prescription as Opana. I told his nurse that it had to be written for Oxymorphone and explained my experience in CA. Her reply was, "You're not in California anymore." I thought to myself that maybe things were different in Texas (forgetting that it was federal) and continued to the pharmacy. They put the script in the computer as Opana and told me with my insurance it was over $250 I told them that generically it may be Oxymorphone. They tried to run it as such and it showed that Oxymorphone was not considered a generic for Opana, the same details that had been explained to me in CA. After several days of phone calls to the doctor, my insurance and the DEA, I was able to get the doctor to write the prescription as Oxymorphone, not Opana. I went back to the pharmacy and they submitted the prescription as Oxymorphone and other than having to order it which only took a day, it went right through. They are basically identical drugs but again there is a difference, especially in price. As I had said, with my insurance the Opana was about $250 or closer to $700 with no insurance. The Oxymorphone with my insurance is $10. Unbelievably, on the receipt the price without insurance would be $1,320.99. I wish you continued luck with what can be a real nightmare.
I absolutely don't disagree with you. My point was that all pharmacists are the same. I was a good pharmacist that never judged a single patient and I was on control of the inventory. I made sure we had all the narcotics in stock whether we had a patient on the drug or not just in case a new patient came. There are others like I used to be you may have to look really hard to find them, but they out there. I saw and worked with the pharmacistag you are talking about. They were awful to patients lied to patients and in general treated them ad nonhuman. They made me sicm. The oath we take is similar to the very same one as doctors tske. It seems money and the God complex has taken control. I am so sorry for all the trouble and abuse you have had to suffer. I was a good pharmacist and yet I still feel guilty for what my former Co worker are doing. Search until you find one of the great ones and then never leave. As for the bad ones call the board of pharmacy on them. Not much will probably happen but the more calls they get the more they can't igorne the problem anymore. And if you do find somewhere else to go to give those a holes a piece of your mind on the way out the door.
So just to be clear I'm asking what are the generic brands for oxymorphone besides Global and Activis? And I know Activis is no longer available, but is that not a monopoly when only one brand is supplying everyone especially it being a generic? Or is there another brand besides Global that I'm missing or don't know about? Also when I picked up my Global oxymorphone 30mg ER'S a couple weeks ago for some reason they did not work well at all and I've narrowed it down to two things. 1.) I got a bad batch of pills witch I know is super rare but does happen or 2.) My body has got tolerant to the 30's and I need to get bumped up to the 40's ER'S? I have been on the 30's for 7 or 8 months is that a normal time period to grow tolerant to this drug? Also just to let it be known I LOVED THE ACTIVIS BRAND the 20mg ER'S WERE FAR SUPERIOR TO EVEN THESE 30MG ER'S from Global!!!!!
Sorry for the rant and the questions added into the main question but please any and ALL answers appreciated thanx to everyone in advance!!!
I did answer the possibility of why one batch would work better than another but global is the only company that makes the generic. It isn't considered a monopoly as long as more than one company is making the drug you have the brand name and the generic so that's two. Activis is in the process of litigation with the brand name company so they can't produce until they have finished their court case and win. It could take years because drug companies are the absolute best at keeping cases in court forever filing motion after motion for more time and all kinds of other motions just to stall. And drug companies are rarely is ever called out for holding a monopoly mainly because the company gets to hold their patent for about 12 years technically it is 20 years from the time of creation but it takes about 8 years to get FDA approved and that time counts. After that they are fiercely good at keeping their patents longer for all kinds of legal loophole reasons. With Opana the legal manipulation is mainly over the tamper resistant mechanism. The brand company now hold the patent until 2023 except for global who Endo made a deal with. So unless activis wins a very long a drawn out court battle you won't see any other generic Opana besides global until 2023.
So I told everyone last month I thought I got a bad batch of the Global 30mg ER Oxymorphone. Well I just picked up my new script and these are working just fine. So it was a bad batch last month!! I'm just happy that I got a working batch again it was horrible to go thru that last month. And I love my pharmacy and both the pharmists who work there. It's so nice to be treated like a human being and not looked at like a piece of S***. I'm NEVER leaving this pharmacy and for everyone going to a place where you get treated like dirt trust me when I say leave there and go find a place that treats you right. Also I just wanted to know if anyone else experienced a bad batch of Global oxymorphone 30mg ER'S. I'm very interested to find out how many times this really happens. Thanx to all.
RAWDOG Glad to hear a great report!
Congrats! :-)
I am going to try to get the global oxymorphone 30mg er as I got the opana er 30 mg er gave me panic attacks, depression & irritability as soon as I took it. I have been taking opana 40 mg 4 6 years without a problem. I called the pain mgmt & they immediately said it was BC the dose was smaller (on a forced taper). So what I did was take 2 30 mg 2 see if there was any difference, NONE. Heart palpitations, irritability etc, gonna try to get the global, hope it works!
I hope the global work better for you than they did for me. This company uses lower grade products to make their opioids. It was like I was taking a placebo pill. I had to switch back to the brand name after a couple of months with no pain relief. I hate that the brand name gives you so much trouble. Let us know what your experience is. Best of luck.
I guess there is no ther generics that are made? I called the company & they were absolutely no help! I tx u so much 4 yur reply. I need a new painmanagemant dr but can't find one. I luve in greensburg pa.
What company did you call? If it was Endo yea they will be no help!!
I called global, no help tried to tell me that they are not the same, I hung up, he was nasty. Is gl0bal the only company that makes the generic as of now? Tx u so much 4 yur reply!
Sorry, n yea GLOBAL is the only generic and no their not anything close,to what Endo makes. Endo is garbage point blank, so if you can't have your doc write your script that way I'd say try FENTANYL but the withdraws off that is in a class of its own and there's nothing stronger so.... good luck let me know how it goes
Do you think if I ask the mom & pop pharmacist if they hav any older stock of opana or oxymorphone It would be helpful?
My pain managemant dr does not give fentenyl but allergic anyway! Tx 4 the suggestion
Most Recent Replies:
Re: RAWDOG (# 3)
Walgreens has an adversion to Oxymorphone period and they will not fill them at all cost. Sometimes it has to do with what other drugs you are on that make the combination of the two dangerous in their eyes. Such as Xanax or soma. They will not usually tell you the reason for refusing to fill it.
Re: Ridley (# 54)
Ridley, I take OxyMorph myself, RRMS 24 years, my main 3 issues are pain, pain and pain. In addition, L5S1 herniation of my lower back. Thank God I have a neurologist that is not afraid to Rx these meds, took us years to find something that works, all the anti convulsants and tricyclics are useless, but all these eggheads say opiates not effective for MS pain, works great with mine ! After going thru hell with my new insurance for pre auth for the Oxymorphone, now we gotta worry about it getting pulled, literally because 150 "junkies" contracted HIV using dirty needles to inject Opana they ILLEGALLY liquefied, which is why the generic versions have not been targeted (yet), as they do not employ the same technology.
Where do you find oxeymorphone my doctor is over that way I was there Monday I can't find oxeymorphone 20 mg anywhere I am loosing my insurance Friday they doctor office told to try to get this filled now I can't find them I been with Connellsville Walmart for 7 years they can't get them
Opana WILL be pulled Sept 1, 2017. I've had 3 pharmacists and my pain Mgt doc says that so far it seems to just be brand the same time I have another pharmacist and his minion tech get in my face about my oxymorphone ER script that's due Aug 23rd...the tech throws it at me that they have it now but won't order it and hold it for my script like they have in the past and that they can guarantee me that oxymorphone ER will go down the same date as Opana. These are two hypocrites...I used to be on the other side of that damn pharmacy counter before my MS and Lupus kicked my ass and I can no longer work. I've been on both sides...yes, they need to be cautious...but you NEVER judge a person coming in with legit scripts written by the same doctors for legit the pharmacy can check all this...when, where, who, what at the click of a keyboard... nation wide...there is no need for the judgement and the attitude because I have legit C2 scripts by the same doc for over 2 years...and 8 years the doc before this one....I follow the damn rules to a "T" and I'm treated like a street junkie...I would LOVE to not need these drugs to function...I would love not to have MS & Lupus....and these judgemental a**holes only have jobs because of sick people who need prescription just verify the damn script is legit and fill the damn thing...Karma is gonna catch up to you and to the people abusing narcotics making it nearly impossible for people who REALLY NEED THEM to get them...I honestly hope Karma doesn't make you suffer in the way I do. My guy feeling is Opana is gone Sept 1, I'm hoping and praying that oxymorphone ER stays around after Opana makes its exit...pharmacists, news, techs, and docs don't seem to know the fate of Oxymorphone ER at all.
So on the news yesterday their forcing Endo who makes the Opana ER to stop making them or the FDA will force them to stop. My question is does this also affect the IMPAX/Global brand who makes the generic oxymorphone ER? ANYONE with ANY INFO please get back to me on this cause I have a script right now that I can't fill for another 3 weeks is my script garbage or is my oxymorphone ER safe for now any and all help info gladly accepted
wow you live in Greensburg Pa, i lived there years ago line 1969 to 1973, i have relatives that live there and i lived in Jeannette and went to school there. i am surprise you can get stuff filled in westmoreland, wonder how bad it is in Somerset Pa, that is where i am from originally, they have bad heiron or however its spelled in pa i heard, i know lots of people that died from that. Good luck with your medication :-)
WOW MACK, that's CRAZY that the pharmist said she was gonna call the police that's a first they usually just tell you no we don't have them or were not taking new paintents. And what are the odds you were in Full uniform and oh how she changed her ADDITUDE real quick. Like you said imagine if you weren't a cop that's so not right!!! If you don't mind me asking what state do you live in cause FL. is notorious for what you just stated I live here n know been through it 100x's it suck to b treated like that. Glad you Go t it handeled
I am loving this scenerio, some1 was caught with egg in their face. Tx 4 sharing. Update I did get the oxymorphone 30mg er generic & insurance did cover, however the PA @ the pain clinic left me on 30 mg BC of the allergic rx I had 2 the opana 30mg er brand, & I think they r much better. Of course my next refill she said she is going to take me down to 20mg three times a day didn't even ask how I was handling it. This will contine until I am down to their 90MMEso I am out on an island. I did call another pain clinic & they stated they can help me. I don't know what that means, shots, stimulators which I am not going for just to fill their pockets. My ? If any1 knows if I go to another pain clinic for evaluation dies this mean I am supposedly dr shopping?? How else do I get around finding a new physician to maintain some quality of life? Tx u all 4 your support eileen
I have the same problem with Walgreens pharmacists not wanting to fill my oxycodone. 1 threatened to call the police if I didn't leave. He told me he "doesn't like my dr". I told him to please call the police as i took off my jacket and was in full uniform. He then filled my prescription. That's not right. If I hadn't been a police officer that wanna be Dr would not have complied. People need these meds for legitimate pain. I was hit long ago on my Harley by someone making a left turn from the right lane and broke my leg and hip at the time. Now it's pain management. These pharmacists like to play god.
Raw dog, what did you say about the impax brand as walgreens is showing them along with actavis & global? Please get back to me when you can. Thank u so much.
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