Generic Oxycontin In New Jersey Help !!!!
UpdatedWhere can i find generic oxycontin 40Mg in north jersey?????? i have a legitimate script and cant find it! i cant spend 200$ on my medicine
9 Replies
I am very sorry, but there is no generic of Oxycontin, which contains the narcotic Oxycodone in a time released formulation.
The generics were removed from the market, several years ago, due to the extremely high rates of theft and diversion that take place with this medication. If there is only one company making it, Purdue Pharma, then it is far easier to keep track of the supply and where it ends up. Even the ones provided by Ethex Pharmaceuticals are name brand, they are just a licensed distributor for Purdue.
Have you tried talking to your doctor about trying something else?
There is a regular release formulation of Oxycontin that is available as a generic.
If you really need something time released, there is also a time released version of Morphine, MS Contin, that is available as a generic:
need a dr? 551-{edited for privacy}
yes, I do - I have chronic pain in my abdomen due to a surgery (colon cancer)
Hey i was interested in the doctor you were refering in you msg Ive been on oxymorphone 10mg IR 4 times a day since april of last year. Well hes now rertired and im stuck like chuck cause he only gave me a taper and a referrel but the refferls are all 2-4 month waiting lists, Woukd help alot if you could pass me the number or the name of the doctor.
Kmart and WalGreens carries Generic 20. 40, and 80s. 60s are still under patent so brand name only. Check out the other threads on here if you dont believe me.... but watch taking advice from ignorant nosayers!
I need a dr in central jersey who is able to prescribe somas, OxyContin, oxycodone. I can't find anyone who is please help!!!!
I switched to hydrocodone ER 16mg twice per day and instant relief dilaudid 2 mg 4 times day. They have generic now and the meds work great with less side effects, I get through pain mgmt
Do not get them from perdu pharma they suck do nothing for PAIN but make you sick and pass rite through you.
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