Generic Opana-people Speak Up (Page 3) (Top voted first)


They are saying that the new opana works as well as the old. There are so many peoples statements that I have read saying the new don't work as well but yet Endo states their research don't prove that. All people who have a real medical problem that causes pain and takes new opana and it doesn' work as well as the old needs to speak up. One person can't change anything. People who are being treated awful by medical doctors and pain clinics because they have pain also need to speak up.

134 Replies (7 Pages)

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Generic Er has been launched by Impax Jan. 4, 2013. Check out their web site. Call them, they will tell you.

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Endo didn't win their law suit for now. Impax has already started sending out the generic opana to the reps for the pharmacies. Your pharmacy may have to order it because it is so new. CVS can't order it yet but others can. Please don't abuse it or if you know anyone who has tell them not to so people who need it for health problem pain don't lose their meds again. Endo is just waiting to show it will be abused again and cause deaths. Thank you and good luck and hope your pain eases up.

January 04, 2013
Impax Launches Generic Opana ER Tablets

Impax announced the launch of Oxymorphone HCl Extended-Release Tablets, the generic version of Endo's Opana ER. Opana ER is indicated for moderate to severe pain when the use of a continuous, around-the-clock opioid is required for an extended period of time; not for "as-needed" use.

Oxymorphone, an opioid agonist, is relatively selective for the mu receptor, although it can interact with other opioid receptors at higher doses. Specific central nervous system (CNS) opiate receptors and endogenous compounds with morphine-like activity have been identified throughout the brain and spinal cord and are likely to play a role in the expression and perception of analgesic effects.

Impax is commencing shipment of Oxymorphone HCl Extended-Release Tablets through Global Pharmaceuticals in 5mg, 7.5mg, 10mg, 15mg, 20mg, 30mg, and 40mg in 30-, 100-, and 1000-count bottles.

For more information call or visit

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I checked with my pharmacist yesterday and he is currently unable to order the Impax generic Opana ER . My pharmacist said to check back in a few weeks before I go back to the doctor. He said it was showing up as being available for order, but that the computer system would not let him order it yet. I will wait and see. I'm mad that Actavis had a disruption in their production of generic Opana ER this month and did not say anything about it. I was 30 tablets short this month because of them.

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The generics are already at my pharmacy and they are the old formula. I go to the doc next week and I get the er 40s' My pharmacy said that the 40s are round, orange, and have G74 on one side and blank on the other side. He also said that he had the 20s and the 30s' I woder why the 40s are orange instead of yellow? All of the other stregths are the same color as the old stop signs (weird) well as long as they are as good as the. Old formula then that's all that matters. I live in NC, God Ithat they are the same as the old stop signs! Good luck to everyone! I will post back after I get my. Script and let you all know how they are!

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Where do you live? They are already here at my pharmacy in NC!

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I live in Florida. I have been using the generic Actavis Opana ER for a few months now. They had the rights to produce the generic before other companies for some reason. I don't feel like the Actavis generics work as well as name brand old formulation Opana ER. Hopefully, the Impax generics will work better for me. Although, I don't know when I will be able to get them.

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I also live in NC. Can I ask what pharmacy that you got the new Impax Oxymorphone from. please let me know. I live in the Charlotte area

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I see people are starting to receive the generic Opana's. That is great but the people who need it for real health problems, we are not over the hump yet. FDA is taking information concerning the generic if the drug companies should be made to make the generic have the abuse chemicals in them. They are watching, reading and listing. In the next 60 days they are collecting info from every where, doctors, pharmaceutics, patients and people writing to them. So the people who use these just to get high need to watch what they say. I know you all don't care about the people who need these meds for real chronic pain from cancer, bad accidents, etc but you all are hurting yourself also. You don't go online and tell everyone your getting high or tell people how to abuse them. You are also hurting your kids or kids in your families because kids go online and read these things. You are helping the people who can make a case to make these medicines abuse free. The old formula does work better. It begins to work sooner and it last longer than the new formula does. I have less pain and can move about easier but I still have to walk with a cane. It doesn't bother my stomach as bad nor does it give me heart burn. I have a friend that takes this for the pain his cancer causes. The generic works better for him than the brand Opana just like the original Opana. It is your business if you want to abuse it. You are an adult but think of other people. Really, do you want your kids or little brother or sister abusing drugs? Monkey see, Monkey do. Opana King, can't you pick another name? That name, people can come up with all kinds of things what that name means or sounds like it means. I'm not picking on you, I'm concerned for everyone on this forum. We all write on here for a reason.

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The new name brand Opana ER made me violently ill too. I had no idea they were changing. I turned in my script one day and got the new ones. I thought it was just an aesthetic change until I took it. Made me so sick. Whereas the old formulation worked well and gave me no side effects. As soon as my pharmacy can order the Impax generics I will try them. I hate how Actavis can only sell them in 7.5 mg and 15 mg. It is inconvenient. And now Actavis has their oxymorphone ER on backorder. So, I have to switch to another pain medicine for now. It is good to hear that the impax generics work well. Not all generics are created equal. Some are definitely better than others.

Also, for the record, I was in a bad accident that left me with bad nerve pain. So, I am a legitimate patient.

Also, about all this FDA stuff, Endo pharmaceuticals is in the game as well. Endo is angry that their big moneymaker product , Opana ER, is a generic now. Almost all of Endo's profits came from Opana ER. They are filing multiple lawsuits and doing everything possible to get the generic banned. Endo is probably the biggest and most powerful opponent of generic Opana ER.

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Well the pain management doctors are making sure you don't get the abuse free opana's. You can only receive Brand Opana not the new generic.(some doctors) I have a friend that asked his doctor to write his script for generic opana because it is so much cheaper. The doctor said no, that no patient of his receives any pain meds that can be broken. He said he isn't taking any chances. This same doctor is nothing but a liar. He lies to his patients. Every month he wrote medically necessary on his script, my friend ask why you write this. He told him it is for the pharmacies to know he is getting that kind for health reasons. What other reasons would he get it for? I told my friend it means brand only for medical reasons so if there is a generic he couldn't get them. My friend is hurting financially. He can't hardly work part of the time because of the pain. He has done PT, shots, those little electrodes, he is afraid of the operations and even the nero doctor and 2 other MD's said it wouldn't work plus it could make it worst. His last visit the doctor wanted him to have shots again. He has had them done over and over and they don't work plus he doesn't have the money so the doctor lowered his meds and told him when he will ok the shots he will raise his meds back up where they were. The guys wife spoke to the doctors assistant. She told her that the doctor lower the meds because he never says anything about hurting more. She wasn't in the room when the doctor said that to him. The wife told her the shots don't work. She told her that other patients have said that but when this doctor gives the shots the patients say they work. Either its the doctors ego or the patients just say that so they can keep there meds. When my friend was growing up they were told as boys you don't cry, boys don't cry. My friend keeps things to himself. Doctors, do they get any kick backs when they prescribe meds? I thought they are suppose to help you. This guy has never abused any meds, never been in any trouble and never has doctor shopped or try to get his meds early. If he had, I could understand the doctor doing that. Drug addicts make it bad for people who are hurting from health issues. Always a few bad apples that hurt the millions of oranges. Same with doctors. I told my friend to find a new doctor that will listen to him. I also told him to let his doctor know how bad he is hurting. Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor tho I see why people don't.

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I'm not sure where you're getting your information Nicky. But I'm a member of the AAPM, ACPA & USPF plus have friends that are medical professionals that are DABPM certified. I have never heard of a PM physician refusing to provide a generic medication because it doesn't include a TRF. Yes, the option is available to select brand only medications from a prescription pad. But this is only done after the patient reports difficulty or a reaction with the generic medication.

However, it's also the patient's responsibility to notify the pharmacist to specify whether they require generic or brand medication. There's a real savings with generic medication especially since Oxymorphone ER is now available to the public. But I would also suggest that if one isn't comfortable with their PM physician. There are others available to help patients living with chronic pain.

The American Academy of Pain Management is an excellent resource for seeking information or locating a PM physician.

Cali Moon

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If the doctor writes "medically necessary," on the script,then you can write "Watson," or "Global," before it and get the generic version. Just use the same ink and practice the doctors writing. The doctor can't tell the difference on drug tests. This will only work though if the doctor writes "medically necessary." If he writes it like "brand name medically necessary," then it would be impossible to alter. I hope this helps.

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His doctor said the oxymorphone isn't the generic of Opana and he said he doesn't let any of his patients have any meds that may be abused. Instead they gave him a coupon for the brand Opana and told him this would make it cheaper. He already had a coupon for it and it expired so he tried to use the new one but Endo didn't accept it because you can only use that coupon 12 times in a life time of filling your Opana. This doctor is weird and he tries to make you make as many appointments as he can every month. Its all about money to him.

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lol...Anytime a doctor says that Oxymorphone isn't a generic of Opana. Then it's time to move on.

Cali Moon

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You tell this person to move on. What do you mean move on? It is hard to get in to see a PM doctor. It takes for ever and they treat you like crap. I have a doctor got mad because I said I wouldn't take anymore shots because they aren't helping so the doctor lowered my meds and told me when I tell him I will take more shots then he will raise my meds back where they were. This doctor is moody and when you make appointment if you make it for 10:30 you have to be there 15 mins early or he won't see you. If you switch doctors they think you are doctor shopping. The patients don't have any say in their care anymore because of the druggies and the people who don't keep an eye on their meds and their kids get a hold of them. Doctors don't care anymore. Its all about money. Next will be you can't have pain meds unless you have cancer. DEA, FDA, police etc. have made the doctors and pharmacies afraid. Small groups of people make the deciding factor for millions of people with health problems. People will speak their mind about small things but they are afraid to speak their mind about health care. Most people don't tell their doctor how they really feel because they are afraid too.

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If a patient is afraid of their PM physician and hesitates to change doctors. The fault lies with the patient, because they will continue to receive & accept sub-standard care.

A true PM physician isn't supposed to judge a person. Whether they're doctor shopping or have addiction issues. If a patient has complete medical records to provide support for their condition. Then it's a pretty easy switch.

Of course this is all contingent on where you live.

Cali Moon

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Not only does his doctor say that, the pharmacy is the one that started it by calling the doctor telling him he needs to write a script for oxymorphone because there is no generic for Opana ER. Oxymorphone is the closest generic to Opana but its not the generic for Opana. The doctor looked it up an agreed. It isn't listed in the database as the generic. Doctors have to write the script for oxymorphone ER to get it even tho if you look it up online Opana has oxymorphone next to it as another name. I don't agree with you. Because of all the problems with the pain meds all over the news and online, no matter what your problem is doctors don't like to prescribe pain meds.

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This is getting very confusing. Maybe the doctor is a fake? It wouldn't be the first time someone posed as a doctor and treated patients. Some guy managed to pull off being a surgeon or something for like six weeks before the hospital noticed. I would just say find another doctor. If all of this is true, then there is absolutely no way that doctor passed board examinations. It could even be some type of identity theft. The "doctor" could be a fraud who took the identity of a deceased doctor or something. It is either that or he graduated at the bottom of his class.

Although, in a technical way the doctor could be correct, but it is stretching it.

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I have read all the court fighting between Endo and Impax fighting over Impax processing the generic Opana. Everywhere in those arguments it states GENERIC. I called Golobal and they told me it is listed as the generic of Opana. They are looking into it. Doctors don't care about patients like they use to. I am old enough that when I was a child, very young one the doctor still made house calls then that changed when I was about 6. I had a doctor that listed to me and would sit with me when I went to see her. She retired about 10 years ago. I didn't make enough money to pay for everything so she helped by giving me generics and samples and didn't charge me for going over the 15 or 20 mins. time slot and didn't charge me for everything she did. She was younger than me but her husband made her pick between their marriage or doctor practice, she picked her marriage. She was a good doctor and she cared all around the patients life. Doctors are not like that anymore. I know some are afraid of all the crap happening because of DEA, FDA and all the laws that are changing so that leaves the patient not getting the best care they should.

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Endo was sued and now a generic Opana will be out soon. They lost the case as they can't be a monopoly. New Med will not have the coating original coating Info has.

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