Generic Opana Er (Page 5)
UpdatedWanted to share with everyone how happy I am to have finally received the new generic Opana ER 20mg tablets from my pharmacy. I had found Opana to be very effective for my chronic pain and was very sad when they switched it over to the new formula as it wasn't nearly effective as the original octagon shaped tablets and caused stomach aches. These new generic ones seem to me to be as effective as the original formula had been.
The tablets I received show to be made by Global Pharmaceuticals and are a small, round, green tablet with G73 imprinted on them. I'm happy to report that these are just like the original formula. Now I no longer have stomach aches from taking those plastic pills that Endo is selling.
I sure do hope that these remain as they are, but I have read a couple articles that state it may not be too long before the generic tables are switched to the new formula. I hope that never happens as I'm very happy to be back on effective Opana once again - it has been the only medication I've received that allows for me to have a clear head while taking care of my pain.
Best of luck to others in achieving effective pain relief!
You can only do this at small mom and pop pharmacies.
Your insurance company will tell you exactly what they paid and what date they paid it on. All you have to do is call them give them the Pharmacey name drug name and date they will give you the information.
You have to ask your doc to Rx you Oxy morphine ER. Not that it matters much longer. Can they bring them to court???
Re: David (# 1)
I have to call my pharmacy to order Oxycontin 20mg. In the past few months they do nothing to ease my pain.
Is manufacturer Global pharmaceutical what I should ask them to order from?
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