Generic Opana Er (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Wanted to share with everyone how happy I am to have finally received the new generic Opana ER 20mg tablets from my pharmacy. I had found Opana to be very effective for my chronic pain and was very sad when they switched it over to the new formula as it wasn't nearly effective as the original octagon shaped tablets and caused stomach aches. These new generic ones seem to me to be as effective as the original formula had been.

The tablets I received show to be made by Global Pharmaceuticals and are a small, round, green tablet with G73 imprinted on them. I'm happy to report that these are just like the original formula. Now I no longer have stomach aches from taking those plastic pills that Endo is selling.

I sure do hope that these remain as they are, but I have read a couple articles that state it may not be too long before the generic tables are switched to the new formula. I hope that never happens as I'm very happy to be back on effective Opana once again - it has been the only medication I've received that allows for me to have a clear head while taking care of my pain.

Best of luck to others in achieving effective pain relief!

84 Replies (5 Pages)

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I totally agree this is the best for chronic pain as I have ever had myself and remain with a clear head .

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I just wanted to know if you got the generic from a national chain and if so what is the name

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What drugstore can I get OPANA ER 20 mg. Can't seem to be able to find

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You can get them at Walgreens the g77. They work like the old ones

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Are you still receiving the global generic 20mg er oxymorphone as of april2017? I hav PE been on the brand endo makes & they tapered me down due to the CDC BS to opana 30mg er which are causing me hives (welts) among other issues & would like to obtain the generic if possible & this date april 2017?

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You can only do this at small mom and pop pharmacies.

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Your insurance company will tell you exactly what they paid and what date they paid it on. All you have to do is call them give them the Pharmacey name drug name and date they will give you the information.

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You have to ask your doc to Rx you Oxy morphine ER. Not that it matters much longer. Can they bring them to court???

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have to call my pharmacy to order Oxycontin 20mg. In the past few months they do nothing to ease my pain.
Is manufacturer Global pharmaceutical what I should ask them to order from?

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I was wounded in combat in 2004. I was hit by an IED, a roadside bomb. I was medicallt retired from the Army due to the combat wounds and TBI ( Traumatic Brain Injury ). Since then I've suffered from chronic pain. Opana/Oxymorphone has been, by far, the best med to give me pain relief. I take 20mgs ER twice a day and 10mgs IR twice a day as needed for breakthrough pain. I do agree that the original formulation of the ER provided more pain relief with fewer digestive problems. However, I was unaware that a generic of 20mg ER was available with the original formulation. Have you really been able to get that? Is it widely available? Please respond ASAP. Thank you.

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I currently take 1 40mg+ 1 20mg Opana ER at 8am, then again at 8pm. I have generic oxymorphone 10mg pills to take, (up to 3 per day), for breakthrough pain. The timer-x anti-abuse system on the ER's makes this medication almost useless. Are the new generics really that much better?

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Just wanted to let you know that when a new formulation of a med comes out that there is a ten year patent which means no other pharmaceutical company can make that formulation until after the 10 year patent has expired. In my previous post I stated that was the reason Endo(the maker of brand name Opana) made the new abuse proof version...because the 10yr patent on the original Opanas was about to expire, meaning they would lose money because they would no longer have a monopoly over opana. Now that the generic is out and works like the original opanas, they cannot change the generics to an abuse proof version (at least the Endo version) for ten years. If the generic makers at Impax tries to abuse proof it, it would only be at the request of the FDA. Given all the above, if the FDA does require the generics to be abuse proofed, we at least have a chance that the new ones would work as well as the original!!!!

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I live in North Carolina and get prescribed the Opana 20 ER. I have yet to find a pharmacy that carries the generic.. Any help in which pharmacy to use and how to get the generic?

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I just went to Rite Aid and they will not let you fill your Opana ER prescription with the generic. They said that they have to use the brand only. It is crucial to have your doctor write out Oxymorphone, otherwise you are stuck with the same plastic crud.

I told my doctor that the new reformulated Opana Er made me sick to my stomach. He insists it is the same thing and should work even better. He will not write mmy script that way simply because the drug reps have them in their pocket. The new formulation is a joke, they are terrible, and the reps know this and do not want to loose their business. My doctor will never let me get the generic version even though he knows I have no interest is utilizing my medicine in the wrong way and have been above board for over three years. Pain patients have many hoops to jump in and out of which seems very unfair.

There has also been an issue in the manufacturing of the generic Opana ER so there was a delay getting that strength shipped out for sale. Make sure you call your pharmacy first to ask them to order generic and make sure it is available. Best wishes!

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Huskylover, that's why PM doctors give breakthrough instant release medication, to cover the time until your next extended release meds. Are you prescribed breakthrough pain meds? If not, you should ask your pain management doctor for oxymorphone 10mg. instant release pills. I find these highly effective for my bt pain. They are manufactured by Roxane Pharmaceuticals. They work great for me!! I hope that this information helps you out!!

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i am prescribed the opana er 30 mg but i can't find a pharmacy that carries it in my area. Hickory, morganton are in North Carolina. If anyone knows where i can get this i would greatly appreciate it. thanks in advance

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I know the feeling I too had issues with awful stomach ache and feel just didn't work.. Not all pharmacy carry generic how would you know which pharmacies do. Thanks

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I have been on the 40mg Er for 3 years the old ones, the plastic ones, then I went to a 30mg couldn't find them anywhere, so they put me on the 20mg opana er, I was shocked that I received the new ones the generic, the ones can be crushed or chewed I personally don't like doing that, I take it whole these new ones the 20mg are small green with G73 and clear on the other side, I'm not sure but when I started these this morning they made me sleepy and I went to sleep on it, I don't know why either cause the old plastic gel opana never made me go to sleep, but these new generic opanas make me pass out, has anybody had this experience with these new chewable crushable generic 20mgs opana er????????

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I have been getting the generic opanaer . I am a self pay so the pharmacy ordered them for me. They work much better than the new formulation ones that I took when I first started.

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I've been on 40mg generic opana you're talking for about 15 months and I take a very high dose. I can attest that without a doubt they are about 50% stronger than 80mg oxycontin for pain relief and I've was on oxys for 7 years. There is no reason on Gods green earth for me to lie about a drug that keeps me alive ( I would have to pull the old snuffarro w/o them).

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