Generic Opana Er (Page 3)
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Wanted to share with everyone how happy I am to have finally received the new generic Opana ER 20mg tablets from my pharmacy. I had found Opana to be very effective for my chronic pain and was very sad when they switched it over to the new formula as it wasn't nearly effective as the original octagon shaped tablets and caused stomach aches. These new generic ones seem to me to be as effective as the original formula had been.
The tablets I received show to be made by Global Pharmaceuticals and are a small, round, green tablet with G73 imprinted on them. I'm happy to report that these are just like the original formula. Now I no longer have stomach aches from taking those plastic pills that Endo is selling.
I sure do hope that these remain as they are, but I have read a couple articles that state it may not be too long before the generic tables are switched to the new formula. I hope that never happens as I'm very happy to be back on effective Opana once again - it has been the only medication I've received that allows for me to have a clear head while taking care of my pain.
Best of luck to others in achieving effective pain relief!
My pain management doc was more than happy to put that generics are okay on my script. My pharmacist said at first that they could fill generics, but they changed their minds the next time I came in. Now they are saying that my insurance will not reimburse them if they fill an opana script with generics. They also played the "they don't have generics for that dosage" card. Unfortunately, I cannot find out from the insurance company what they will reimburse for either Opana or the Generic. It is secured information between the pharmacy and the insurance company. Anyone else come across this problem?
Found two in my are. Drexel discount drug and cannon pharmacy in morganton nc
This is not true. It depends on which pharmacy you go to. Where I live most of them will fill it with generic Opana with the script wrote Opana but there are a couple said it had to have oxymorphone on the script. So, every place is different. I was told it depended on how it was listed in there data base. You can see that from other CPP that have spoke about it on this forum.
i am prescribed the opana er 30 mg but i can't find a pharmacy that carries it in my area. Hickory, morganton are in North Carolina. If anyone knows where i can get this i would greatly appreciate it. thanks in advance
It isn't the 10mg pills they have a problem with. It's the ER's that if you want generic, your Rx must say oxymorphone ER and then the strength. If your Rx says Opana, u will not be able to get the generic because the current opana is crush-resistant whereas the generic is not, so they are Not the same!!
I was just giving 60 Opana10 er and 90 perk and 10. None of the big pharmacys had Opana in this small town. So i tryd a local one and boom , pick them up tomarrow. I also asked for generic , said no problem . The script was written as Opana er 10. So dont letem bull s*** u. I just hope this things work.
I would be really upset if I were you. I think you should try to find a pharmacy that will fill with the generic to save you pain and money and,failing that, you should find a new doctor. I would tell the doctor "It's only a street drug if it gets to the street!" And tell her you're offended that she's not trusting that what she writes for you will stay with you and not get to the street!"
In SOME states that's the law. It's not a nation-wide law that a pharmacist replace a generic substitution for brand-name meds.
i get the activis oxymorphone 15 mg er tabs and have been very pleased with how they work.i also recieved some of the new generic opana 40's recently and it seems like they are just slightly different than the old octagon tabs but they are still 100% better than those garbage opana tabs that endo is pushing.those are total garbage and shouldn't be sold to patients.
To everyone:
On 5/10/13, Endo lost their lawsuit to keep the generic from being substituted for the brand name Opana. Go to the FDA's website to see the ruling. Now the pharmacy is able to dispense the generic as long as the doc allows substitution. There will be some confusion and unwillingness on the part of the pharmacy so I called my State Board of Pharmacy and clarified this with the Chief Compliance Officer. She said that now that the ruling has been made by the FDA, that's the law. The brand name did not help me so this is bound to fix the problem. Hope this info helps.
Your exactly right jamie but doctor will not write script for oxymorphone HCL but in jan and feb they put on script gernic ok and I got oxymorphone hcl but in march they changed it and my guy at pharmacy told me you will have to have your dr to write script for oxymophone hcl to get what I been getting so when I asked my doctor to write oxymophoneHCL she refused and stated itvwas a street drug and they would not write it and I showed her my bottles that thats what I had gotten the past 2 months she refused and said if the goverment wanted to do something about the current drug problem that they would take these off the market and I got my script for opana er despense as written and I got endo 40mg brand name and I told her that the others were better and cheaper she said they would not write them and I have been seeing this dr for almost 2 yrs and hate to leave they have been very good except for this issue with opana thaxs
You may not be up on the lastest info but there saying that there is no gernic opana and the new law is the script has to be written oxymophone HCL to get what your calling gernic I was getting them so called gernic untill they changed the law and now if script is written for opana er that is what you will get by endo and the other 40mg tablets if you want themyou dr will have to write the scrpit for oxymophone HCL 40mg because there saying the formulation is different in a small way , I talk to my guy at pharmacy and he is a nice guy and fills me in on whats up
I definitely wouldn't get too used to these generic Opana ER's. That new ruling on OxyContin, which banned companies from producing a non-abuse deterrent formula, is likely to extend to ALL extended-release opiates/opioids. Sorry to be a buzz-kill (pun intended).
You could try Exalgo, etc. But I think you should get a new pharmacy. My doctor writes for Opana and my pharmacist fills it with the generic. No reason he shouldn't. It's the law.
Since I cannot get my dr to write oxymophone HCL 40MG and all she will write is the name brand opana er 40mg the none crushable type made by endo and I do get oxycodone 30s what can I ask for that is extended release that will go with the oxycodone 30s I really liked the new gobal opanas or oxymophone HCL but according to doctor I might as well forget about it she said it was a street drug lol!!! Hell it all comes from pharmacy .
I was wounded in combat. I've been on Opana/Oxymorphone for a few (5) years. My pharmacist knows me and had no problem whatsoever ordering the generic for me beginning in January. It sounds like you need either a new pharmacy or a new doctor.
My doctor refuses to write me the oxymophone HCL 40 mg but did in jan.and feb and now will just write me the endo 40mg that is not worth 2 cents and when I told my drthe scrpit had to be written oxymophone hcl she refused and wrote me opana er and wrote on the script not to be subuited depenseas written . What can I do get oxymophone hcl
I'm thinking about taking the meds I have and telling the Dr to keep them, if there not helping me why take them.I've been on the couch for two weeks,I want something that's works, not this Rubber crap!! That's what a pain Dr is for, too manage your pain, so of he can't I'll go else where
I hear what you are saying, but I have to inform you that the so-called generic is really not a generic because it is not the current opana formulation, meaning it's not crush-proof. I have spoken to several pharmacies and they all said that if hand them a Rx for opana, that is what they will give. To get the old version of opana that is now available, your doctor must write out oxymorphone hcl er. If your doctor won't write it that way, either tell him that you can't afford the brand med anymore or for him to change you to something else. Maybe that will prove that the new formulation really dose suck!! Most doctor's shouldn't have a problem writing it as oxymorphone.
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