Generic Opana Er (Top voted first)
UpdatedWanted to share with everyone how happy I am to have finally received the new generic Opana ER 20mg tablets from my pharmacy. I had found Opana to be very effective for my chronic pain and was very sad when they switched it over to the new formula as it wasn't nearly effective as the original octagon shaped tablets and caused stomach aches. These new generic ones seem to me to be as effective as the original formula had been.
The tablets I received show to be made by Global Pharmaceuticals and are a small, round, green tablet with G73 imprinted on them. I'm happy to report that these are just like the original formula. Now I no longer have stomach aches from taking those plastic pills that Endo is selling.
I sure do hope that these remain as they are, but I have read a couple articles that state it may not be too long before the generic tables are switched to the new formula. I hope that never happens as I'm very happy to be back on effective Opana once again - it has been the only medication I've received that allows for me to have a clear head while taking care of my pain.
Best of luck to others in achieving effective pain relief!
Just wanted to let you know that when a new formulation of a med comes out that there is a ten year patent which means no other pharmaceutical company can make that formulation until after the 10 year patent has expired. In my previous post I stated that was the reason Endo(the maker of brand name Opana) made the new abuse proof version...because the 10yr patent on the original Opanas was about to expire, meaning they would lose money because they should no longer have a monopoly over opana. Now that the generic is out and works like the original opanas, they cannot change the generics to an abuse proof version (at least the Endo version) for ten years. If the generic makers at Impax tries to abuse proof it, it would only be at the request of the FDA. monopolytthey wouldn't have a
I have cancer and the endo brands made me sick after about 3 hours, but the non wax oxymorphone don't.... Not everyone is a abuser.... Just because you don't have an issue with the new brand, doesn't mean other people aren't haven't side effects... Jusy thought I would share from one chronic pain suffer to another.... Have a nice day
Yes I had the same problem as you did bad stomach pain,finally got insurance to cover generic 20mg.and it was close too the original opana.I sure hope they don't screw these up. But the junkies are ruining it for the people that actually need it.
My advice for JIMMYBOB is to go to the Global/Impax Pharmaceutical website and print out the page where they list their generic Opana, and the strength that it's available in. It is called "Oxymorphone ER." Print out the page and take it to your pharmacy with your prescription. There are still many pharmacists that are unaware that Opana is now available as a generic replacement. I had my pain management doctor write my script as 40mg. oxymorphone ER, and 20mg. oxymorphone ER to be taken every 12 hours. He also wrote me a script for 10mg. oxymorphone IR to be taken every 8 hours for breakthrough pain. I receive 90 of the 10mg. oxy IR's a month. My pharmacist at the local Walgreens was unaware of the generics being available. It's very new,(since 1/2/13), and she was very appreciative of the page I printed out from the Global website. I hope that this information helps you!!
Chronic Pain patients that the generic Opana works better than the TRF Opana by Endo, need to let FDA and Endo and Global know that the generic works better for their pain. In May of this year the FDA is going to say if they will make generic be like the TRF Opana made by Endo. Not just that pain meds but all pain meds. Peole have to let them know. There are groups of people that are trying to keep pain meds made how they want them made and are pressing the FDA to do what they want done. I would guess people on those panels or groups have never had chronic pain. Please write to everyone and let them know how you feel. Don't abuse the new generic's, they work find by taking them by mouth. Everyone needs the generic's also because of cost. Over time they should get a little cheaper.
I wish that were true, Timmy. Walgreens even have signs posted that state they reserve the right to refuse to fill your prescription. I am middle-aged, normal looking and I get treated like I walked in with a needle hanging out of my arm.
I finally did find a small pharmacy where the owner sometimes will get me the generic version of Opana. Sometimes he doesn't - for whatever reason. Besides the fact that they don't work as well for me, the brand is so much more expensive too. The brand also upsets my stomach.
If I wasn't in such pain all the time, I would give up on pain medication entirely. It just isn't worth all the hassle.
I don't really have a choice though. It's allow myself to be immobile and usually in bed or take medication and somewhat function.
First time I was able to get generic over there new plastic one I was thrilled til they filled it normally. What I fond out is that to get them generic doctor has to actually write their generic name on it rather than opana because it's formulated differently. So I went back had them change it and have been good ever since
Thanks David!
Yes. I had to talk with my pharmacist to see if the generic version was available to them. She checked her vendor's website and saw that they had it (Yeah!!).
She also made sure that the drug was equivalent (suppose some generic versions are not as strong as the brand ones and have different dosing levels). She did this via the FDA's Orange Book which I've since found to be a nice resource.
This is a small hometown pharmacy that I've been with for a while and they were happy to pre-order the generic version for me in order to have it available at my next refill. I don't know if most pharmacies are willing to do this for everyone - Opana is usually considered a slow moving medication at pharmacies from what I've heard. I only had to give them a one week notice (it's an outstanding pharmacy).
I suppose one should also ensure that the Doctor has not required that name brand medication be required. I had already known that my Doctor didn't require this as the prescription always said that it could be filled with equivalent generic versions.
Best of luck to everyone else in getting their Opana ER back!
This is my opinion only:
The Impax generic ERs compared to the Endo ERs (anti-abuse/tamper resistant formula) is a night and day difference.
Comparing the generic Impax ERs to the original Endo "stop signs" is tough to tell - they are very close, and maybe only slightly less effective. It's very difficult to compare these two as I'm just going off of my memory as I don't have any of the original Opana ERs left.
IMHO, it's well worth getting the generic version, especially considering you can't get the old formula any more.
I would love to hear others opinions if anyone has the generics (even the 15mg Actavis ones).
Please keep in mind that I had read that these new generics may be switched over to the tamper resistant formula after 6 months (like in July). =[ I only read that on one website and still haven't found more evidence to support the statement. I'm going to cherish the pain relief while I can.
Sorry about the confusion in the last wasn't playing nicely!! What I meant to say was after two back surgeries my md changed me from oxycontin to opana because he liked opana better. I was prescribed one 40mg pill every eight to twelve hours. Depending on how physical I was, I usually took two a day of the original octagon opanas. Then in April 2012, they changed the formula simply because their patent was running out. Anyway, the new ones SUCKED! I AM an ER RN and told my doctor after trying doses at home that I needed to double my normal dose and take it three times a day and I still not as comfortable as with the original opanas. So I took two 40mg opanas every eight hours ATC and had pain levels from 5-10!! Then he changed me from oxymorphone 10mg 1-2 pills three to four times a day to oxycodone 30mg 1-1_1/2 tabs three to four times a day. Now with the generics, I'm back to my old dosages from the original opanas! Hope everyone else has the same luck!!
You may not be up on the lastest info but there saying that there is no gernic opana and the new law is the script has to be written oxymophone HCL to get what your calling gernic I was getting them so called gernic untill they changed the law and now if script is written for opana er that is what you will get by endo and the other 40mg tablets if you want themyou dr will have to write the scrpit for oxymophone HCL 40mg because there saying the formulation is different in a small way , I talk to my guy at pharmacy and he is a nice guy and fills me in on whats up
To everyone:
On 5/10/13, Endo lost their lawsuit to keep the generic from being substituted for the brand name Opana. Go to the FDA's website to see the ruling. Now the pharmacy is able to dispense the generic as long as the doc allows substitution. There will be some confusion and unwillingness on the part of the pharmacy so I called my State Board of Pharmacy and clarified this with the Chief Compliance Officer. She said that now that the ruling has been made by the FDA, that's the law. The brand name did not help me so this is bound to fix the problem. Hope this info helps.
I get the generic opana40mg by global way better for pain relief,than those crappy endo gel ones
100% agree the only thing I can think to do with those junk plastic kind is to put them in trash!!! But I love the new 40mg G74 (Oxymorphone) they do kill the pain
I had no problem getting the generic opana's, but my insurance won't touch them. So, I'm stuck with the full price, which cost me almost $300. It struck me as a crazy thing, seeing as they(Humana) were willing to pay for the name brand opana's, but not the GENERIC form, which we all know should be cheaper?! So, is it Global Pham. that is selling it's generic so high, or is it a payoff for the insurance company that made a deal with Endo?! This is all my speculation, but seriously, I can't afford this medicine at $300. a month, seeing as I pay $200. a month for insurance that doesn't help me at all. I would accept any information that would help.
I had been on opana er 4 years ago and they worked so good that some days I only had to take 1. I recently have had to go back on them and my dr. wrote opana er on script. My pharmacy wouldn't give me generic but I had never had generic because he had to write oxymorphone hcl er on script to get generic. They don't work half as good after a week and they hurt my stomach also. The Intac in the new pill is why it feels like plastic. It doesn't dissolve and let's med release slowly at different times. I'm trying to stay on lowest dose but I'm having to take 3 after a week. Next month I will get generic. But I'm just happy to have some relief even if my part D wouldn't cover and had to pay 600 for 60 pills. Next month I go on my wife's plan and they are covered. I should have known when I called pharmacy and asked if they had them. She asked if it was generic or brand. I now know why she asked.
I have gotten the new generic oxymorphone 40mg er and have noticed an extreme change. When the unbreakable round opana became available, I gave them a chance, but had absolutely no luck with regard to pain relief. I was pain free after my first back surgery, but was left with chronic LBP after the second surgery. My doctor increased my dosage 100°/°!!! I took six of two to three of the original 40s a day and took six/day of the tamper proof ones!
day took
It is illegal for rite aid to not substitute the generic version if the script your doctor writes for it allows it. If your doctor wrote a script for oxymorphone ER or only opana ER, then you are legally allowed to get a generic version. If that rite aid only dispenses name brand and refuses to fill for the generic version, then that violates state law and possibly federal law. You should report them. Also, the reformulated version worked better for me, but I couldn't take it because it made me very very sick.
Tara, I think that maybe you should consider finding a pain management doctor that will listen and take your request seriously. I have an amazing PM doctor who was more then happy to switch me to the generics. He is there to help ME with controlling my chronic pain. That's what a PM doctor is supposed to do. Good luck, and I hope you find a competent doctor.
I was wounded in combat. I've been on Opana/Oxymorphone for a few (5) years. My pharmacist knows me and had no problem whatsoever ordering the generic for me beginning in January. It sounds like you need either a new pharmacy or a new doctor.
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