Generic Opana
UpdatedThey are saying that the new opana works as well as the old. There are so many peoples statements that I have read saying the new don't work as well but yet Endo states their research don't prove that. All people who have a real medical problem that causes pain and takes new opana
and it doesn' work as well as the old needs to speak up.
One person can't change anything. People who are being treated awful by medical doctors and pain clinics because they have pain also need to speak up.
7 Replies
I am very sorry that people are suffering due to the medication changes. The new formulation does work well for many people, but there are always those will have problems and will need to switch to something else.
Learn more Opana details here.
There are many new regulations being enforced regarding the prescribing of these types of medications and what doctors can and cannot do.
Thus, I advise everyone that is under treatment for chronic pain from a surgeon or general practitioner to discuss the upcoming changes with their doctors now, to avoid being abruptly cut off of their needed medications at a later date.
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I am very happy to report that I picked up my generic version of Opana ER's this morning!! Global Pharmaceuticals started distributing them to some pharmacies this January, so I brought my prescription to my local Walgreens and had the pharmacist special order them form me. I am prescribed 1-40mg. ER, and 1-20mg. ER to be taken every 12 hours. I also get 3-10mg. oxymorhones to take for breakthrough pain. I took the new medication this morning, and within 2 hours felt immediate pain relief!! While taking the reformulated Opana I never had any relief at all. In fact, they whole pills were showing up in my stool pretty much undigested!! I am so happy that now there is a real, viable option for those of us that need around the clock pain relief!! The generics are much smaller in size because they don't have all of that anti-abuse stuff in them. I haven't felt this good in such a long time. I highly recommend these oxymorphone ER's!!
You are right, the new opana is terrible and made my arm numb and did nothing for the pain. I located the generic last month and they are Great. Silica in not ment for human consumption great for making crazy glue,cocrete,and good stuff like that. Good Luck to All
It is good to hear CPP are getting pain relief from the new generic Opana by Global. Everyone needs to write to Endo, the FDA and Global. Endo needs to be told by everyone that the new abuse free Opana do not work. They are stating that everyone they have heard from said there new Opana works just as good as the original Opana. People they have tested and panels of people that sit around to talk and do research are the ones who help decide. They are still trying to get the generic Opana by Global pulled stating they made the new ones because the original are a danger to the public. If they really believed that they would have pulled all the originals off the shelf's when they put the new abuse free Opana out to the public but they sold all their old stock.. That is why Endo lost their case against Global/FDA The judge said their own greed made them lose their case for now. They go back in front of a judge against the FDA still trying to pull the generic off the market and making the generic companies put something in their generic pain meds to make them abuse free, it just can't be the same product that Endo uses in the new plastic Opana. You also need to write to the FDA letting them know that the generic gives you better pain relief than the brand Opana by Endo and you need to let Global know also. If we don't let them know, the generic will be gone.
I find that the Actavis generic works best for me. I feel like the Global generics don't work as well as the Actavis generics. Has anyone else tried the Actavis generic?
Hello Timmy. I think that everybody's body reacts differently to the same medications. I've had the opposite reaction to you. The Activis oxymorphones didn't work as well as the Global/Impax generics. At least there are some alternatives available for those of us that truly need a drug that will manage our pain.
You mentioned in your message that their are changes coming for the doctors who prescribe these medictations. I get mine from a pain management specialist, but I am just curious about the changes because I have friends that get their's from a general practitioner.
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