Generic Norco M367 10/325 (Page 2)
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It's no good. I have to take three at a time for 1 hour of pain relief. Anybody else have this problem with M367 - 10/325? Has anyone else noticed that meds from certain manufacturers do not work as well for them?

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Re: John H (# 534) Expand Referenced Message

I was at Walgreens and now they want you to go to pain mgnt dr! Who are they to over ride your dr rx. They are playing dr now. Everyone needs to boycott Walgreens. And go somewhere else until the lazy people at the top realize what there pharmacist are doing! As long as you have a rx it is none of their business and as long as your dr gives it to you. Pissed off at Walgreens unhappy

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Re: Kaydollasign (# 532) Expand Referenced Message

Agreed! I thought I was the only person who believed this. Mallinckrodt was so bad, it left me woozy, lightheaded and had zero pain relief. I found a pharmacy willing to special order AURO for me, because Mallinckrodt was their brand, also. I can't seem to convince the pharmacists that there IS a difference. I've been taking Watson since '07, and I'm still trying to overcome the shock that I no longer can get it. But AURO is tolerable for now. My pain is off the scales without it. So I'm managing.

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As you will soon learn, it's not exactly uncommon to see people nodding off or shooting up in doorways around here. All around the city, there are visible human reminders that drugs are bad and opioids are the worst. This message is reinforced when you hear about the "opioid crisis," which, according to every news network and semi-elected president in America, has swept up the nation in a wave of addiction.

Despite the near-constant news of this epidemic, some experts say that the hysteria around opioids is a lot of hype. According to Carl Hart, a drug researcher at Columbia University, the vast majority of opioid users don't get hooked. In fact, one comprehensive review of the research found that the number of people who develop an addiction after being prescribed opioids for pain relief is actually less than 1 percent. [1]

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It appears there are a few PILL test kits available and I damn sure am getting at least one. Google pill testing, make sure it's not drug testing and you should see a few websites where it's available. Let us know each and everyone who does this-then we can compare notes. (I am tired of the struggle but we need proof.)

They don't test purity, only detected chemicals.

A test will show a powder is mdma but won't tell if it's 50% or 80% pure. A pill will show mdma, but not if it's 50mg or 220mg .

Still better than nothing though and highly recommended.

And Quantitative Analysis will give you a concentration of every quantifiable substance in your sample, as well as a detailed qualitative report on any other substances identified. This way you will know exactly if the substance complies with the specifications you are given.

Real-time testing of drugs at music festivals shows 'Molly' often isn't ... Jul 11, 2017 - Equipped with special chemical testing kits, they help attendees test pills and powder for purity in real time so that people can make ... [1]

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Drug checking and pill testing – what it can and cannot do and why it matters.

Dr Adam R Winstock
Founder Global Drug Survey and Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr John Ramsey
Forensic Toxicologist

Provision of services to consumers of illicit drugs to find out exactly what is in their pill or powder is not a new thing. Such facilities have been available in various guises for almost 20 years in countries like Austria and the Netherlands. Because most illegal drugs are produced without any quality control users are faced with the risks that their drug is either of very low purity, is not what it is purported to be or very rarely contaminated with substances that have an inherently more toxic profile than the drug itself. Inconsistent purity and composition may place consumers at risk of harm. It means drug effect can be more unpredictable that usual, it makes informed choices over whether or not to consume a drug difficult and makes accurate dosing and titration hard. All of these difficulties add to the risks of harm associated with taking drugs. [1]

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Re: Kaydollasign (# 533) Expand Referenced Message


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Re: madashell (# 527) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens is not gonna change their supplier of Norco (Actavis) because the junk Triss is cheaper and they are greedy and I hope Mr Trump and Democrats step in about their greediness and give the public the correct meds. I tried to get in touch with HQ. Makes me sick.

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Re: madashell (# 525) Expand Referenced Message

I wonder how the chain of distribution goes and who watches who?? Who's to say that in the warehouse the authentic hydrocodone is not being switched out with blank pills that are only made of filler and tylenol? Even if there was a security guard in the warehouse who's to say he's not in on it too? Security guards are not paid well and any Tom, Dick or Harriet can be one. When there is big money to be made everyone wants a piece of the action, am I right? Think about it, a 10 mg. Hydrocodone will sell for $10.00 on the street for ONE! We're talking millions of dollars here. Who's to say there aren't dirty pharmacists too that could be switching them out? Years ago I was prescribed Oxycodone 30's and the pharmacist himself dipped 20 out of my bottle!! I counted them as soon as I got home and called right away and he didn't question me or anything just told me to come right back up and they'd be ready, so it was HIM!!! 20 of those would be $600.00 on the street. I wish I knew a chemist or a lab where I could get these Mallinkrodt junkers analyzed. Thanks to all the illegitimate pain fakers out there the most a doctor will prescribe anymore is just Hydrocodone or one of the long lasting abuse deterrent drugs. They work good if they prescribe you a high enough milligram, 10 mg. is a waste.

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Mallinckrodt is the worst junk on the market. I'm starting to think that someone within the warehouse is switching the good ones for some black market junk! I've even asked Walgreens if they could get another brand and they always say "this is all we get". Same thing at all the pharmacies. It's just weird because something isn't right. I used to be able to take one yellow, by mfr. Watson and it'd help my pain so well, but with these white M367 you could take 2, 3, 4 or even 5 and NOTHING. I wish I knew where to take them to get them tested. Not even worth getting and I swear Advil is superior to this crap when it comes to pain.

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Re: Linda (# 523) Expand Referenced Message

Same here, they either will do nothing at all or knock you out and that's not normal for Norco to do. Someone is benefiting from this operation big time. I've also heard that they are making this epidemic up since cannabis has become legal in so many states and it's putting DEA agents out of work with nothing to do, no busts to break up! They're keeping this B.S. going so these people can keep their jobs. There was an epidemic but it was probably 10 years ago and as someone mentioned they are including statistics from deaths that involved mixing alcohol with opiates and other drugs! Very strange that ALL the pharmacies are carrying this blank crap Mallinckrodt pills and nothing else. They must really think people are stupid and uneducated to not catch on to their B.S!

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Re: StLaLuLu (# 514) Expand Referenced Message

Correction: Not medicaid, medicare. I am disabled on social security disability. I actually worked for 33 years of my life and have never been on medicaid.

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Re: RANDY (# 524) Expand Referenced Message

I too find it absolutely absurd to punish older people with real pain issues because of all the young people who obtain the medications for recreational use. WHY are there so many PSA's on cigarette smoking on T.V. nearly every other commercial is about cigarettes and the harm they cause, alright, we ALL know this, but I thought there was an opiate or heroin epidemic so where are ALL the PSA's warning us about this, where are ALL the PSA's warning about the awful effects of alcohol??? I truly believe there is some kind of conspiracy theory going on, not even a theory, a conspiracy actually with flooding the market with these blank Mallinckrodt fake pills, they do nothing for pain, it's a joke. My doctor even wrote brand only on my RX, how come there is NO authentic Norco anywhere to be found? WHO is reaping the profits with these blank junk pills? Someone needs to do an indepth investigation because ALL of us are on to them, we know what we are talking about. I will never again accept a g.d. Mallinckrodt RX again. I think they're exchanging the authentic hydrocodone with these blank junks and selling the real ones on the street or to drug dealers out right. Someone is making a LOT of money for this exchange. Someone is manufacturing these blank Mallinckrodts in exchange for the real ones that actually contain medicine. They used to just make me have a real ill feeling with a slight headache and sick to my stomach w/ out helping pain at all, now they're not even doing that so they've even taken all the filler out, it's just plain chalk or something.

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Re: madashell (# 527) Expand Referenced Message

I find this so crazy, I asked my doctor to change my pharmacy so as NOT to get that worthless Mallinckrodt crap. So, started going to Walgreens and the first time I got Qualitest and they were normal regular hydrocodone that helped my pain to a degree. O.K., the last 2 times it's the damn Mallinckrodt crap and it does NOTHING for my pain. I honest to God took 2, which I never do and still did not do anything so I took 2 more, still NOTHING. There is nothing in them, I don't even think there is tylenol in them. I swear I will never accept this junk again. I will go without and wait if they can order the genuine Norco, speaking of, How come the authentic brand of NORCO is NEVER available. I even had my dr. write that on my RX and they told me at my old pharmacy that Mallinckrodt is all they had and they had to use whatever they ordered and they always order the least expensive. The authentic NORCO should be available, something is SO askew with this crap. Why is the DEA and the CDC got their noses in people's medical issues anyway, I'm beginning to think someone is getting big money by supplying pharmacies with fake pills from the black market. I know for a fact this medication is not real.

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Yes, they certainly do not work for me. I recently called five different pharmacies in five different counties and they would not order non-generic Norco. Sadly, the only one they would provide me with was the mallink..... whatever. That includes the mom and pop store. I tried asking if this was a choice the pharmacist made or were they 'limited' by the DEA. I never received an answer, hem and hawed, then started grilling me about where I lived, had I been there (at pharmacy) before. geez.

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I called Walgreens HQ and filed a complaint to them about Walgreens selling Triss and the effect it has and how junk it is compared to Watson Actavis 10/325. They took a long report and I also explained how their mangers are treating their help. I wad getting Watson and now I have to pay a big dectuctable. I complained how greedy they are and I was gonna file with the FDA. Because the triss don’t meet the requirements on the pain it uses. I told them everybody is unhappy with there move of changing to this junk that does not work. I will post the complaint on Medschat if they will let the public see how greedy Walgreens is. And they also are hurting their customers badly they are losing business as I post this. I want public to know what they are doing do not open your bag if it has triss instead of Watson. Oh by the way there is no shortage which Walgreens lies to the public just to buy cheap brand. I am still waiting a reply from HQ about this matter. They are greedy and liars. Please believe me. I am telling you the public the truth.

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I called various pharmacies today, regarding the norcos... and every single pharmacy stated "mallinckrodt" is the only manufacturer they use. period. will not order for a different brand, non-generic, etc. There appears to be a new type of counterfeit drug distribution in the US—but one that has a quite distinct distribution “channel,” so to speak. A just published article in the Annals of Emergency Medicine details the case of a northern California patient who apparently routinely purchases Norco (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) tablets on the street, in order to treat (so the patient said) chronic back pain. But on a certain day, the tablets she purchased were in fact fake drugs that contained fentanyl—a synthetic opioid analogue that is 100 times more powerful than morphine. The patient became nonresponsive and was revived by emergency medicine personnel with naloxone, the go-to antidote for opioid overdose. The emergency personnel identified the fake drug based on the discontinuity between what the patient said she had ingested and what a serum analysis revealed—the presence of fentanyl.

Norco is a brandname of Watson Pharma (now Actavis); according to the article, the fake drugs “bore the usual Watson imprint but were beige instead of white.” (The article makes reference to other instances of opioid overdosing that implicate Mallinkrodt’s hydrocodone/acetaminophen product, with pills embossed with “M367.”) China is believed to be the source of most of the fentanyl-laced knockoffs.

It has long been known that drug abusers, purchasing prescription drugs on the street, will seek out branded products on the assumption that their effects are well understood. Typically, these drugs are stolen or diverted from legitimate distribution channels, or sold by patients who received legitimate prescriptions. Less well-recognized is the ability of drug counterfeiters to introduce their products into this street market. Most cases of drug counterfeiting in recent years in the US involved drugs improperly imported and distributed through legitimate distribution channels, such as the fake Avastin that showed up in 2012; street Norco is clearly not such a case. Nor is it likely that the street drug will flow into legitimate drug distribution channels—but it is possible.

The Annals case study is but one instance of the wave of opioid overdoses and deaths that occurred in northern California in late 2015 and 2016; in one form or another, illegitimately manufactured fentanyl is now a common element of drug abuse outbreaks. In turn, fentanyl (which has FDA-approved therapeutic applications) is only one of a growing variety of synthetic opioid analogues, together with heroin, now reaching crisis levels of abuse. The Annals study makes the point that medical personnel treating overdosed patients cannot assume that the cause of the overdose was the compound indicated by the drug’s appearance.

Here is another interesting

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The claim that intractable pain sufferers are being discriminated against, is a far deviation from the truth. The truth is that CEOs @ Kaiser have colluded with their friends in U.S. Congress, to withhold strong medications, that are costing too much to all major health providers. Therefore; sending the wrong information to Congress. The new statistics that just came out; show that actual deaths from opioids mixed with other drugs, totals about 16,000; while alcohol relate deaths & severe mutilations were over 1.6 million. It is a coward act to mix alcohol & drugs deaths, as being one & the same. All of the drugs deaths were on people under 50 years of age. Young punks that want to keep increasing the amount of drugs to feel higher & higher, until they end up dead. These young punks will mix anything with anything else until they end up dead; & now CEOs at all major health providers are cowardly mixing "drug & alcohol deaths". Deaths from opioids were just over 16,000 in 2017, while alcohol related deaths & or severe mutilations surpassed 1. 6 million. There were no drug related deaths on seniors over 67 years of age & most of the 16,000 deaths were users under 50 years of age. CEOs & congress, let us, the elderly & the true chronic pain sufferers, be able to obtain strong medications, so we can try to live some kind of normal & useful life. Price can be raised to $1.00 per 10/325 so that health providers can provide such medications. Anyone that claims that he/she needs more than 5 pills per day; should be meticulously evaluated to justify that amount of pills. We need to minimize the pain, not totally kill it, because then you are just another drug user, a high cost to health providers & an obstacle in getting the drug issue resolved.

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Re: Bonelli (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I get my pain pills the same ones norco m367 from walgreens. The pills are no gòod. They make me sick, sleepy, dizzy. They need to take them off the market.

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Trudy here from Lake Worth,Tx. I used to get the yellow Watson 10/325 hydrcodone from my pharmacy and this time I got a white pill with M367 on it. And it works like crap. Anyone know where to find the yellow ones in my area of Ft. Worth?? HELP!!!??

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Yes with certain brands they don’t work for me. They used to but now no way.

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