Generic Norco M367 10/325 (Page 4) (Top voted first)


It's no good. I have to take three at a time for 1 hour of pain relief. Anybody else have this problem with M367 - 10/325? Has anyone else noticed that meds from certain manufacturers do not work as well for them?

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Here is something weird... The first time i filled my scrip at Walmart, they gave me the M367. the next time they gave me the V yellow 10/325 Hydro.
Anyway, as of now my PM put me on Butrans and I still get the 10/325's so that will work just fine.

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Pharmacy says they order the generic and never know what "brand" they will get until it gets there. The acronym "FDA" has a different meaning to me, but I can't say it here for fear of being thrown off the thread. Best case scenario, ask your Dr. to add: "Qualitest only, no substitutions" to your prescription.

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I agree with everything Taylor said. I finally had to get something to replace the Norco (supposedly) M367. Six months of the side effects of those garbage pills was all my body could take. I discussed that with my Dr. and was told if I started asking questions and making demands at the pharmacy I could end up with nothing. When I did talk to the pharmacy who I have been with over six years it didn't get me anywhere. I know how to talk to people and I called more than one pharmacy. They all said they couldn't get anything different. So I was prescribed Tramadol which I was told is not as strong as Norco. Well, I have been taking it a month and I feel better than I did while on those crappy M367's. I feel like they were making me feel worse than the original reason I was prescribed them for. Don't feel high, sleepy just feel better. Hope some of what I was trying to get across did. Dealing with the fight for our right to get what we deserve and what we pay for and when all we want is some pain relief and I'm talking PAIN. It just felt like I wasn't going to get anywhere. Especially after reading the posts on this site from my fellow sufferers. Hopefully this will change some day. Because there are a lot of us.

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My doctor can write a 90-day supply and the ExpressScripts will fill 90-days. My insurance is requiring all my meds be filled by ExpressScripts. The prescription will say Qualitest substitutions so we will see how that goes. Fingers crossed.

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Siglam, the best way I can pierce the stigma that weaves the line between recreational and medicinal/legit is this:

There is nothing wrong with a chronic pain patient becoming dependent on a painkilling drug so long as that dependency doesn't morph into a euphoria-seeking addiction.

That is the lens I try to get skeptics to look through. I am also agreeing with the post you agreed with.

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Yeah i was taking the 10/325 yellow one and they worked pretty well. Now went to a different pharmacy and gave me the white ones. Does not do nothing. My wife never had to take any of these. Her back was hurt I gave her just one she says it did nothing. Waste of money

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That's not true for alot of people.

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We all here or most of us, feel your pain. That is what happens when the government decides to get involved in your life. Pain management should be a decision between you and your doctor period. Many wise older docs know that people need pain management. The addicts that have made it difficult for the ones who really need it get it on the street not from multiple physicians as they have the MAPS system if anyone tries to get opiates through different docs and pharmacies it is stopped through this software. So if we already had this in place, why do we need to make it difficult for chronic disease or cancer sufferers? I have a very small quality of life but it is thanks to opiates. I have weaned off with the intention of trying to live with severe pain and I have no quality of life. I am being evaluated by blood draws every few months by my doctor and U/A's every visit each month, I don't mind diagnostics as it shows I'm not abusing but it is too invasive. We are presumed to be abusing as opposed to being given the benefit of the doubt. Jasmine, Sandy and anyone else going through this, God bless you and good luck.

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Oh, Ronin, so sorry for your situation and pain. We are all different and experience pain at different levels. It is certainly true that the government interferes where it doesn't belong. I know of doctors who have retired because of the regulations put into place. I pray you will not suffer too much and at least have some quality of life. As I am getting older, each day is more difficult to begin and get through. Then, sleeping is an issue. I have to keep going for my kids and grandkids. I want them to remember me for the good things I've done. Please take care and thank you for sharing on this post.

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I am going to tell you WHY everyone is being treated so badly when you complain about certain brand generics. I am a former Pharmacy Tech of plus 25 years. One specific pharmacy job I had was at a private owned pharmacy in a major Nashville Tennessee hospital. I had a patient that's specific complaint was about a certain manufacturer of generic Soma. She wanted only another generic brand saying the one we were trying to dispense was not as effective for her. The pharmacist/owner told me that was ridiculous, the only real problem she had was her a addiction to the drug. In other words, it represents drug seeking behavior. Now this was a non- narcotic drug and he labeled her. So I am saying you are being treated as exhibiting drug seeking behavior to them. As a patient myself, I KNOW some are not up to par. What a shame it has come to this and you are being ridiculed for NO REASON. Why can't we make a request without bias? We all know how own responses to drugs. It's very UNFAIR!!

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Saphronia, a doctor was prescribing me Suboxone for PAIN because that is what he likes to prescribe because he fears overdoses in general. I felt like they did relieve my pain. He did switch me to Morphine after my knee surgery and I still take that for pain. I just found out that I am on some kind of pharmacy list (not blackballed) when I wanted to switch to a doctor that accepted my insurance. They told me that the only med they could prescribe for me is Suboxone. I don't know if this is true or just one doctor. But either way, I have a label now even if it is just one doctor. I have never used Suboxone to detox from drugs. I have always been able to wean myself off of them for long periods of time. So even though I have suffered with debilitating pain since 1985, I guess I am considered a drug seeker now. To tell you the truth, I do not like the effects that opiates give me but when my pain gets too bad they are good to have. It is actually the the DEA that produces many addicts because they require you to go each month to a doctor or they think you are not in pain. I only want to use them when i need them. They want you to take them every day. I hope some day they will realize this and stop this problem for true pain patients.

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To ALL that is out there complaining about their generic drugs, PLEASE start listening to the news. BIG BROTHER IS TRYING TO RID ALL OF THE OPIATES. Pretty soon you won't be complaining about the drugs you are getting, you will be complaining about getting nothing at all. I was listening to a news clip about "the opiate problem" and Donald Trump says we're going to have to do something about this. If you know of a web site or anything to support our cause. PLEASE sign up or join a petition NOW! Because it will happen just as it did with Soma. We can't put this on the back burner. We've got to act NOW!

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I called various pharmacies today, regarding the norcos... and every single pharmacy stated "mallinckrodt" is the only manufacturer they use. period. will not order for a different brand, non-generic, etc. There appears to be a new type of counterfeit drug distribution in the US—but one that has a quite distinct distribution “channel,” so to speak. A just published article in the Annals of Emergency Medicine details the case of a northern California patient who apparently routinely purchases Norco (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) tablets on the street, in order to treat (so the patient said) chronic back pain. But on a certain day, the tablets she purchased were in fact fake drugs that contained fentanyl—a synthetic opioid analogue that is 100 times more powerful than morphine. The patient became nonresponsive and was revived by emergency medicine personnel with naloxone, the go-to antidote for opioid overdose. The emergency personnel identified the fake drug based on the discontinuity between what the patient said she had ingested and what a serum analysis revealed—the presence of fentanyl.

Norco is a brandname of Watson Pharma (now Actavis); according to the article, the fake drugs “bore the usual Watson imprint but were beige instead of white.” (The article makes reference to other instances of opioid overdosing that implicate Mallinkrodt’s hydrocodone/acetaminophen product, with pills embossed with “M367.”) China is believed to be the source of most of the fentanyl-laced knockoffs.

It has long been known that drug abusers, purchasing prescription drugs on the street, will seek out branded products on the assumption that their effects are well understood. Typically, these drugs are stolen or diverted from legitimate distribution channels, or sold by patients who received legitimate prescriptions. Less well-recognized is the ability of drug counterfeiters to introduce their products into this street market. Most cases of drug counterfeiting in recent years in the US involved drugs improperly imported and distributed through legitimate distribution channels, such as the fake Avastin that showed up in 2012; street Norco is clearly not such a case. Nor is it likely that the street drug will flow into legitimate drug distribution channels—but it is possible.

The Annals case study is but one instance of the wave of opioid overdoses and deaths that occurred in northern California in late 2015 and 2016; in one form or another, illegitimately manufactured fentanyl is now a common element of drug abuse outbreaks. In turn, fentanyl (which has FDA-approved therapeutic applications) is only one of a growing variety of synthetic opioid analogues, together with heroin, now reaching crisis levels of abuse. The Annals study makes the point that medical personnel treating overdosed patients cannot assume that the cause of the overdose was the compound indicated by the drug’s appearance.

Here is another interesting

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Re: Kaydollasign (# 532) Expand Referenced Message

Agreed! I thought I was the only person who believed this. Mallinckrodt was so bad, it left me woozy, lightheaded and had zero pain relief. I found a pharmacy willing to special order AURO for me, because Mallinckrodt was their brand, also. I can't seem to convince the pharmacists that there IS a difference. I've been taking Watson since '07, and I'm still trying to overcome the shock that I no longer can get it. But AURO is tolerable for now. My pain is off the scales without it. So I'm managing.

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Re: John H (# 534) Expand Referenced Message

I was at Walgreens and now they want you to go to pain mgnt dr! Who are they to over ride your dr rx. They are playing dr now. Everyone needs to boycott Walgreens. And go somewhere else until the lazy people at the top realize what there pharmacist are doing! As long as you have a rx it is none of their business and as long as your dr gives it to you. Pissed off at Walgreens unhappy

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I just got in a car accident and was perscribed norco 10/325 and without asking me the CVS pharm switched to m367 whites. They seem to be working great.

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"For example, I can take this same tablet and it really hits me very hard, after taking just one, I have good pain relief and am pretty much tired and groggy for most of the day. "

I just got these last month when I refilled at a different drug store. Never again! They do take the pain away but it is a struggle just to stay awake for hours afterwords.

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Siglam thank you and others, we need to contact our congressmen and women to show that we are not drug addicts we have legitimate medical conditions and we demand pain relief and let them know that this system is not working. I went to the doc just a n hour ago and got my new Rx. Went to the pharmacy that had filled it the last two months, after having me switch ALL of my prescriptions there, which was ok, now they were out! They do not know when they will get them in again. What? I went to four other pharmacy's so far and again no one has them. I also keep getting sideways looks and I know there is something they are not telling us. I'm tired, in pain and frustrated.

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Feel free to copy and paste the message below to email your congressman/woman. Here is the website (below) to find who that may be. If all of us sent them a message, we might actually have a chance for change, to hear our voices, thank you:

then copy and paste the message below, or write in your own words the troubles you have had finding your medicine, being treated like an addict, etc.

Dear Sir, I have had chronic health issues for years and am currently being treated by a doctor that feels that Hydrocodone based medicines work to ease my severe pain. Unfortunately, due to other people's abuse, the DEA has changed the classification two months ago and I find myself enduring shortages and being vilified as a drug addict, going to different pharmacies in an effort to locate said medicine. I feel that there are many people like me out there but are afraid to come forward or are afraid that they don't matter. Here is a post I made on a website set up to help people locate and have questions answered about Hydrocodone medicines (i.e. Norco, Vicidin, etc.) After the drugs being re-labeled to a schedule II, they not only don't relieve the pain effectively, but they are impossible to get month to month... 'If they have changed the formula to stop abuse then that explains why we are not getting the pain relief. I am going to the doc on Monday to see what my options are about switching to a totally different medicine. I do not care about the "high", I just need effective pain relief and would again appreciate not being vilified as a "drug addict". We are all being let down by the government, the pharmacies and the medical community. In medicine, the golden rule is "Do no harm", well guess what? You are doing harm to people that are begging for your help to relieve their misery and pain!' PLEASE SIR, HELP ME TO ENSURE MY MEDICAL CARE IS BETWEEN MY DOCTOR AND MYSELF AND THAT ANY MEDICINE DEEMED ESSENTIAL TO MY CARE SHOULD BE READILY AVAILABLE AND SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, if you can assist or forward to a person that can take up this cause, it would be truly appreciated, thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you, 12-15-2014

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Hi Siglam, I have filled my Norco at 2 different pharmacy's for the last two months since this thing started without a problem. The "new" pharmacy stated that I would have to transfer all of my meds from my old one, I told them no problem, I hated to leave them, been with them for seven years, like you, a long time customer, so I moved them. I go to get my new RX filled the other day and they new pharmacy is out and they don't know when they will get more. What? I did what they told me, the pharmacist says I will look out for you, whatever that meant, and when they told me they were out, I said ok, now what am I supposed to do now?? They give you that dumb, I don't know what to tell you, but I know more than I'm telling you look. The more you show worry, they start the sideways looks. I am officially done. I went back to my pharmacy of seven years and as luck would have it, they just got their shipment and I was able to get them, thank God. I don't know how much more I can take every month, so much stress, will they have it? Will I have to find someone who does? I'm already worrying for next month, not good. I would like to send positive thoughts to everyone in hopes that the worst is over and we can get back to attempting to manage our conditions and pain and take care of ourselves and our families, I hope we can all have a wonderful holiday, as pain free as possible.

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