Generic Norco M367 10/325 (Page 27) (Top voted first)


It's no good. I have to take three at a time for 1 hour of pain relief. Anybody else have this problem with M367 - 10/325? Has anyone else noticed that meds from certain manufacturers do not work as well for them?

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M367 Norco-are no good! They do not ease pain, they do help with the nagging achiness, they are worthless! I have osteoarthritis in both knees. M367are as strong as baby tylenol. i can't believe Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals is allowed to put this cheap-weak-generic, non effective, crap on the market. i guess they assume we will take 4-5pills at one time, be addicted and still not get any relief. well they are wrong! Its useless medication. Mallinckrodt needs to put a pain reliever on the market that is effective. we consumers should refuse to use it and insist on something else.

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I fully testify that there is a huge difference in the M367 white oblong pills. They are definitely weak, and I feel like I'm being ripped off. There is something missing, and all the people who have felt the same way, are not "drug tolerance", or any other excuse. The sellers of this drug try to fool us! It's not fair that the FDA has given drug companies 20% room to deprive the public of the full dose intended! Shame on you!

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They are weaker. Their is not even an arguement for those who have taken both. Ive been a registered nurse for 15 years giving them out and taking and their is no comparison

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I appreciate the encouragement. These youngsters seem to think they know it all. Their young little bodies have not aged enough to really understand what real chronic pain is. All generics actually vary from prescription to prescription. Even by the same manufacturer and the same dose can vary when you get your monthly supply. Seems to me that on occasion whomever was gauging the ingredients missed something on the batch. Only when you use the exact generic by the same manufacturer can you tell that some refills just plain ole don't work. I have had to return three scripts (bottles of pain medicine) to my doctor over the last two years. Fortunately the replacement refills worked. So I know it is not in my head. I take exactly as prescribed. That itself explains why on very rare occasion, I have problems with my other medications not being effective. This is why I believe that the FDA is not monitoring the manufacturers of generic drugs. I think the manufacturers of some generics don't care because they and the pharmacies have a no refund policy for bad meds sold. In fact, we are having to pay to go back to a doctor for a replacement prescription and pay for the medicine again. It is sad that the Government (FDA) approves these generics, but do not require any follow up analyzes to make sure these manufacturers are consistently providing the public with the generic medicine in the same strength/ingredients that was originally approved.

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Beagle, Try using a different Walgreens location than you normally use, request a refill a day early with a prescription written by another Dr, at the same practice. They will basically call the Walgreen Police. You will be recited a "Red Flag" check list by the pharmacist in hand and be treated like a criminal. You will then probably be told that this Red Flag list is part of their new customer service program and tell you to take it back to your normal location to get the prescription filled. Walgreens seems to use very young low payed pharmacist that seem to watch too many detective shows. This is not fiction. This has been rumored to be a direct result of a major DEA fine a short time ago.

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I'm same way,figured my pharmacist was making them then said if I wanted yellow it would be 65 cents each plus insurance. White was only $1.10 for the whole script??

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Here in lies the problem. About 40 years ago doctor's handed out pain pills like they were candy. They got 3/4 of the population hooked on them. The DEA came down on them and said no more or we will pull your license to practice medicine. So if you're in pain like I am be prepared to stay that way cuz unless your rich you will be in pain for the rest of your life. They force us to become criminals.

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I have not been on norco for quite a while.Been given worthless Tramadol!
Dr. finally put me back on norco m367.
There is something definately wrong!I don't believe for one minute that they are full strength!

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Same here, I think 'Watson 853' are better

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I agree. It's crazy. Not happy about that at all.

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I believe the FDA is using placebos in the Watson pills. And, whatever their "filler" is, it makes me sick to my stomach. I never have reacted to pain meds like that before or since. I believe you need to have your doctor write a generic specific name, like Qualitest, with no substitutions. I guess we have to do what we coan to protect ourselves from whatever the heck is going on with the FDA. Can't wait until the next election!

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Precious-Did you say you have been taking Norco 10/325 for ALMOST a year? Wow, you have no clue. A year is well after all of the changes took place. I had been taking generic Loritab for 2 years before the change. It worked great. Never a weakness problem at all, ever. Precious, if your pain is so mild that you are completely satisfied with what you are taking and how you are taking it, you are the kind that did not need it in the first place. Loritab was the most prescribed before you started taking Norco. You would not know the difference and we all know that. Generic brands in any narcotic pain medication vary depending on how close a duplicate of the brand name was made. It is the combination of fillers and etc that determine how that medication operates in a body to relieve pain. Some additives vary in compound and that compound/fillers determine how the active ingredients are distributed in the body to relieve pain. If the combination of these fillers are not accurate to a point where the generic does not do what the brand name does, it is very noticeable to the user. If a user has real pain and that pain is blocked correctly, the generic manufacturer has done a correct duplication of the brand name medication. If not, the medication does not work to relieve real pain. Getting a euphoric feeling fades away after time (a year or so), but the blocking agents still block pain. If a person with chronic has been taking these meds for an extended period, at which YOU have not, that person has most likely experienced a noticeable difference in pain relief after the changes were required in this particular medication. Chronic pain sufferers can care less about any high or euphoric feeling. The generic brands have yet to get this reduction in Tylenol correct in their versions to match the effectiveness of what was once prescribed (Generic Loritab) before patients were force to be switched to Norco. Norco was always the weaker beforehand and was not prescribed or as effective before the change anyway. These generic companies are either trying to save money because they know the FDA can care less about checking the amounts of active ingredients in these medications now, or the generic drug manufacturer's cannot get the formula right for this forced change by Government to make their product as effective as the Loritab did before the reduction in the Tylenol. The DEA probably loves this situation because without this Norco medication being as effective on real pain as the the Loritab, it deters recreational demand and usage among people it was not intended. Both the FDA and DEA are Government agencies, and both can care less about the real chronic pain sufferer because the medication used by these sufferers was abused. "The needs of many out weigh the needs of a few". They figured out that all they had to do was require a reduction in an ingredient and the problem is solved for a couple of years. Or, until the manufacturers can get the formula right again. These equivalent generic formulas took a lot of time to formulate before, and it is most likely the Guv knew good and well it would take a lot of time for these companies to create a new formula that worked again. This is a prime example of why Government should not be able to have control of the US population by jeopardizing the healthcare of others to control bad social behavior. So Precious, please do your research and come back when you have some real experience on a topic before you post please.

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Jeff, it is true that with age comes wisdom. Well said, sir. I have a number of pain issues and if I am without my meds for a week, I can barely get out of bed, let alone have the will to go through daily functions. Precious obviously just wants to stir the pot with her superior pain-handling abilities. I, for one, hope that when she is older she doesn't experience the kind of pain you and I suffer with. She would have to eat her words. We are legitimate pain sufferers that no over-the-counter pain meds will even touch to ease the suffering. Precious needs to back off and read these posts with a grain of salt, and stop responding negatively. Do you think we are happy about needing meds? Besides the cost, the idea of taking something every day for the rest of our lives (I am 62) is hard to deal with. To the legitimate pain sufferers, do not pay any attention to negative people's rants.

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Touche', Jasmine. I have reported her post. We will see what happens.

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The person who started this thread said he takes 3 pills at once and they do nothing.
Everyone else here has been taking medication as recommended, but they have been attacked by precious.

As for free speech there are rules about being downright nasty, and trying to attack people with legitimate pain. Every web site warns about rudeness and unacceptable behavior.

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Karen, that sums them up completely. Have your doctor write for another brand, like Qualitest, that will work. It is hard to believe the M367's are on the market.

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Precious why exactly are you on this site? And why are you getting so upset? Is it because people like us complain and it makes it harder for you to get your meds? Most of us on this site have chronic problems that will never be cured so please stop judging people you do not know. No one wants to hear your bull s***. When you know what real pain is and your meds become ineffective then speak about it. May God bless your soul.

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Well said, Patty. Hopefully, Precious will be bounced from this site as she has been reported by a couple of us. God bless you, Patty.

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I agree. The pharmacies have nothing else or so they say. I still will not take more than prescribed or I will be short, and I am sure everyone is dealing with the same issues.

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Jasmine-I get the funny looks. These Dr.s do not take these medications. Over the years, there were many users that had no business being prescribed these meds. Abuse and over dosing took place regularly among these recreational users. So, Dr.s over the years have heard it all. Now that there is a legitimate reason for needy patients to complain about their medications, the Dr.s play it like the old patient abuse game. The FDA/dea knew this was going to be the domino effect with precribers, afterall the doctors do not actually take this medicine. So, it seems the guv plan was structured against anyone taking or requiring pain medication. First, up the schedule of the medicine, second, make it costly for a refill, thirdly, require manufactures to change the formula to their standard in a very short period of time. The guv knew good and well that requiring a change in the ingredient make-up would curb demand because the medicine would not be effective for chronic pain relief anymore. By the med not working correctly and requiring these meds to be treated as a higher scheduled narcotic, it would be not be worth the publics while to even take them anymore. It would be too costly if the meds worked correctly, and would be a waste of time and money if the meds did not. In the end, recreational use has probably decreased. But now, the users with the legitimate need for these medications are seeing the careless hand of the guv making their lives miserable.

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