Generic Norco Mallinckrodt (Top voted first)


My wife has been prescribed norco 10/325mg and has tried different mfg's due to different phamacy's brand they carry, she states that only Mallinckro works to stop the pain from two spinal fusions and a broken hip and femor. What pharmacy carries this brand, we got it when we were with kaiser and now we are with scan and cannot seem to obtain this mfg. ???? thanks Jim

3 Replies

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There is actually no way to know which generic that any given pharmacy is carrying, at any given time.

It can vary, depending on which manufacturer is offering the cheapest price, when they they need to restock their supply.

Have you tried asking the pharmacy if they can order the other in for her?


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Is there anyone out there that not only gets NO RELIEF from the Mallinkrodt m367 but gets itchy dry scalp or skin? Is there somewhere we, the public can get our prescriptions tested? We are not stupid. Even though I have been taking Norco's for many years due to many painful dx, I could still feel "some" relief after taking a dose. About 20-25 minutes I felt something. Ever since I was switched to the m367 I feel nothing. Makes me wonder what I am ingesting. It's like here take this and not having a clue as to what it is. So, can I get these pills tested without it costing an arm and leg?

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WALMART they only carry this brand for it is not popular on the streets

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