Gemtesa Side Effects? (Top voted first)


I have both stress and urge incontinence. Just started taking Gemtesa this morning. I would like to know about any experiences you have had with this drug.

4 Replies

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I took my first Gemtesa pill last night. I started getting horrible bladder pain, urinating every 15 min, and was up all night. It definitely was not a UTI. I have had UTIs all my life, approximately 6 times a year, and have never had this type of bladder pain. A UTI has a severe burning pain. No burning pain with this. I took the one 75mg pill at 8pm last night and now at 12 noon the next day the pain is less but still feels awful. Hope the manufacturer of Gemtesa reads this. I don’t advise taking this medication.

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The FDA lists the typical side effects of Gemtesa as possibly including nausea, dizziness, urinary retention, diarrhea, and dry mouth.

Ref: Medline Plus Gemtesa

Have you experienced any side effects?

Can anyone else that's taken it chime in with their experiences?

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Re: VerFree (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I had urine retention, after taking Gemtesa, which, with a prolapse, is the last thing I need. It didn't help at all with stress incontinence (i.e. sneezing, coughing, etc.) Doesn't seem worth it to me to take Gemtesa if I have retention.

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Re: Judy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Oh wow! Sorry to hear that Judy! That would positively suck!!!

I understand, though, I've had weird reactions to a lot of medications, so many that I've lost track of them all.

Has your doctor suggested an alternative for you to try?

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