Gemfibrozil Forums
Recently active Gemfibrozil forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Gemfibrozil and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.white oval 93 670 ## Gemfibrozil Gemfibrozil (gem-FI-broe-zil) is used to lower cholesterol and triglyceride (fat-like substances) levels in the blood. This may help prevent medical problems caused by such substances clogging the blood vessels. ## This tablet contains 600mgs Gemfibrozil (NDC 00093-0670 ). Inactive Ingredients: - Calcium Stearate - Silicon Dioxide - Hydroxypropyl Cellulose (Type H) - Hypromellose 2910 (15 Mpa.s) - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Polydextrose - Polyethylene Glycol 4000 - Polysorbate 80 - Starch, Corn - Titanium Dioxide Is there anything I can help with?
The directions state that Gemfibrozil should be taken a half hour before meals so it enters an empty stomach. What if it’s taken 2 or 3 hours after meals so it would also enter an empty stomach? That timing would be far more convenient for me. Any thoughts?
UpdatedMy father died in 1986 of a brain stem stroke due to Triglycerides that were well over 600. He laid in the ICU for a month with no brain activity to speak of. We took him off the ventilator and let him go. At that time I was 22 years young and my brother was 26. The doctors that oversaw my dad informed my brother and I to watch our Tri count as we aged. Sure enough, my liver produces large amounts of Tri’s on a regular basis regardless of diet. I have been on Tricor, Simvastatin and Zocor to little or no success. I am wondering if anyone can relate to my story and has been taking Gemfib. I prefer to not take any statins but I don’t think my DNA will allow me not to. I exercise with weights and cardio, eat pretty well only to have my Tri’s be over 500. My Cholesterol is...
White oval pill, just under 1/2” wide, maximum of 1/4” in center, tapers at both ends, 116 (possibly 115) on one side, other side blank. ## Greetings Al, After a bit of research I was not able to find a pill only imprinted with a 116 but I was able to find one imprinted with 115. The description you gave me paired with the 115 imprint comes up as a 600mg Gemfibrozil oral tablet. According to the National Institute of Health Gemfibrozil is used to treat very high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with pancreatitis by reducing cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood. Here are some additional details I source from the NIH on this drug. (NDC: 57664-115) Ingredients: Gemfibrozil Inactive Ingredients: - Carnauba Wax - Silicon Dioxide - Crospovidone - Hydroxypropyl Cel...
I take Lortab for chronic pain, Gemfibrozil for high cholesterol, and Bupropion for anxiety. I have gained 40 lbs. Is it safe to take Lipozene (Glucomannan) for weight loss with these? ## Hi Katie, According to the University of Maryland Medical Center ( / drug interaction tool), there are no interactions or contraindications listed between the medications you mentioned, including the addition of Lipozene (Glucomannan). However, this is not to say that no interactions exist at all, so I would still encourage you to double check with your doctor first; but hopefully this will help add some peace of mind. My best wishes to you on reaching your weight loss goals! You can do it! :D
APO/034 on 1 side....600 on the other side ## Hello, Wendy! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Apotex Corp and they list is containing 600mgs of Gemfibrozil. The FDA lists this as being used to help lower cholesterol. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, bladder pain, dark urine, sore throat and stomach pain. Is there anything else I can help with?
White oval pill big 225 on one side & I a line G what is it??? I need to know if thier is is any PCN in them??? Hopefully it's anti-biotic? ?? ## Sorry, its a cholesterol drug by the name of Gemfibrozil (600 mg). Good luck with what I'm guessing is a bad tooth? That's when I get the most desperate for antibiotics. Who can afford the dentist, really! ## Hello, Nico! How are you? This tablet contains 600mgs of Gemfibrozil, it is actually a fibrate drug that's used to help lower cholesterol. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, gallstones and GI distress. Is there anything else I can help with?
I take Gemfibrozil 600 mg in USA. I need to know name of drug to replace Gemfibrozil 600 mg. ## Actually, you may not have to switch. From what I'm finding it is available in India. The 600mg capsules are sold under the brand name Triglyd. Learn more Triglyd details here. There also another one available under the brand name Lopid. Is there anything else I can help with?
If you have been taking Gemfibrozil , one tablet a day for at least say a year. Are their any side effects when you quit taking this drug ? ## Common side effects listed for this medication are: stomach pain heartburn Some side effects can be serious. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately: muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness blurred vision The guidelines for this medication also note that: A medication similar to Gemfibrozil has caused cancer, gallbladder disease, and stomach pain leading to appendectomy. Talk to your doctor about the risks of taking this medication Other than the above side effects, I haven't seen anything regarding the possibility of withdrawal effects. To view more information about this drug, please click on the link below... Hop...
What is this? I says I/G on one side, and has 225 on the other. It is long and rounded on the ends and is white. ## Hello, I located the pill in description to be Gemfibrozil (600 mg). The following complications are treated using this drug: • Hyperlipidemia (Type III): Gemfibrozil is the drug of choice for therapy. • Hypertriglyceridemia (Type IV): Gemfibrozil, though not as effective as niacin, is better tolerated. To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you. ## Received an I G 225 pill within my prescription of Dilanthin. Came from a pharmacy outta Loris, SC Not certain if I should take it as it is a strange thing for me. Will ...
SMALL OVAL SHAPE PILL STAMMPED 991 SCORED ON OTHER SIDE ## Hello, I located the pill in description to be Gemfibrozil (600 mg). The following complications are treated using this drug: • Hyperlipidemia (Type III): Gemfibrozil is the drug of choice for therapy. • Hypertriglyceridemia (Type IV): Gemfibrozil, though not as effective as niacin, is better tolerated. To view more information about this drug, please click on the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.
found white oval pill 255 on one side I G on the other? ## IG 225 contains 600mgs of Gemfibrozil, it is most commonly used to help lower high cholesterol. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and joint/muscle aches. Read more: Are there any questions or comments?
93/670 white oval ## Located a match it's Gemfibrozil 600 mg, which is the generic name for an oral drug used to lower lipid levels. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.
the pill is white, oval shaped, numbers are 93-670 ## Located a match it's Gemfibrozil 600 mg, which is the generic name for an oral drug used to lower lipid levels. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.
White oblong pill marked 225 and a c in a square. ## white oval pill one side has a 225 the other side has a c in a square in it in the other side. ## IG 226 contains 600mgs of Gemfibrozil, the active ingredient in Lopid, used to lower lipid levels. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and joint/muscle aches. Read more: C 225 is a 250mg Nuvigil tablet, it contains the active ingredient Armodafanil and is used to treat conditions such as BiPolar disorder and Narcolepsy. Common side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, insomnia and anorexia. Read more: Are there any other questions?
oval, white and the numbers are on one side ## I located the pill in description to be Gemfibrozil (600 mg). NDC: 00093-0670 Manufacturer: Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Inactive Ingredients: calcium stearate silicon dioxide hypromellose 2910 (15 mPa.s) microcrystalline cellulose polydextrose polyethylene glycol 4000 polysorbate 80 corn starch titanium dioxide To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.
I don't know what this drug is for ## Gemfibrozil is the generic for Lopid, it is used to help lower lipid levels in the body. (IE: Cholesterol!) Common side effects can include: nausea, drowsiness, increased instances of gall stones and muscle pain. Read more here: Do you have any other questions?
Red oval pill with L454 on it ## Is there any other markings? I locate WATSON 454 it to is reddish, and oval shaped. This pill is Gemfibrozil 600 mg, which is used for reducing triglyceride levels. To learn more click on the link below... If this is not your pill, please post back with any more information so I can assist you in finding the right pill. ## L454 A red oval shaped pill about 3/4 inch long is a generic version of Excederin Tension Headache. It contains 500 mg of Acetaminphen and 65 mg of Caffeine .. It is distrubuted by Target Co ## I take those pills all the time. Tension Headache. I have a bottle of them in front of me now. Walgreens Aspirin Free TENSION HEADACHE. ## i found a red shaped ovel pill there are 4 numbers on it i can only remember the first 2 its 52.. and the ...
white pill with 93 670 on one side. what is it? ## i found this pill and im not sure exactly what it is. It is oval a little smaller than about an inch and the only markings on it are 93 670. If anyone can let me know what this is i would appreciate it. thanks ## This is Gemfibrozil 600mgs, a generic for Lopid. This is used to lower Lipid levels.