Gastro Esophagal Reflux
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i am suffering from heart burn/ Gastro Esophagal Reflux. its so difficult to sleep at night, its as if i have a solid substance down my throat. my doctor suggested i use altosec. What mostly causes the heart burn/gastro esophagal reflux.

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Heartburn and GERD are usually caused by excess stomach acid. It could be due to your stomach just naturally over producing acid, or the excessive product could be caused by certain foods, beverages or other medications, such as NSAIDs.

Altosec contains the active ingredient Omeprazole, it is a proton pump inhibitor that can reduce the amount of acid produced by your stomach.

The best way to use it is to take it 15 to 20 minutes, before eating, so it has a chance to start working, before your stomach is producing more acid to digest your food.

It may cause some side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and flatulence.

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If your doc was smart he would have you go see a gastrointestinal doc, cause my mom's boyfriend had that prob. and he had esophegus cancer.

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